Private Practice: Good Time Guys and Gals

Private Practice: Good Time Guys and Gals

Posted by Dustin on 01.31.2009 at 4:10 pm

Private Practice this past week was heavily focused on relationships. Even the major case of the show had to do with a pregnant woman having a stroke, who was in a messy divorce with her husband. The other was a woman trying to get pregnant using her dead daughter’s fertilized embryos, but in life they had major mother-daughter issues.

Addison was a bit miffed her brother Archer took a job at Pacific Wellness. Yes it seems he’s taking Wyatt’s place, who was no where to be seen this weekend. She wanted him to go, she didn’t like how she reverted to a teen when he was around. She felt he was working too close to her, as well as doing her best friend. In the end though, she lightened up and realized it might not be bad having him around. I would actually love it if the show gave Grant Show a role personally.

Archer and Naomi were getting it on, but Naomi was a bit worried. Archer was dating around and refered to himself as “A Goodtime Guy.” She was afraid all she was was “A Goodtime Gal.” Addison warned her that women who get involved with her brother get hurt. In the end, Archer seemed to put his playboy status on the side and decided to see how things went with Naomi, who he called “A Keeper.” I think these two are actually pretty cute together.

Probably the best part of this episode was Sam and Noami, who were trying to become friends and give each other sex advice. Poor Sam was uncomfortable at first, as his new girlfriend was making him wait. It was a neat role reversal where the wife was going out and having the fun in the bed while the husband was being forced to wait on a real relationship. Sam was also suffering asthma attacks (when he got too worked up) and he had one the night he and his girlfriend were going to do it for the first time. She called 911 for help! Poor Sam, how embarrassing for him. Later Pete gave him some herbs to mix into a tea to help him, which it did.

Cooper and Charlotte continued to have issues. Cooper tried to apologize and explain, but Charlotte was still holding a grudge it seemed. Meanwhile Violet learned that neither Sheldon nor Pete wanted kids, and she felt stuck. She didn’t know what to do. In the end Pete decided to move in with her to help her. Of course as he was packing to leave his place, Charlotte came over to apologize and suggest she move in like he wanted to months ago. He told her he was moving in with Violet! Oh brother! That’s where the show unfortunately ended, so we have to wait till next week to see the fall-out.

I feel like the show is jerking us around a bit with Violet and Cooper. Who are they going to end up with? Pete/Sheldon and Charlotte or each other? I get that Cooper is moving in as a friend, but who knows where this could lead. They once tried to get it on with each other, and Cooper was in love with Violet for a long time.




  1. Coop keeps breaking Charlotte’s heart. (Yes, she does have one, believe it or not!) Her reaction was terrible to watch as Cooper told her he was moving in with Violet. I am really liking Charlotte now – even though I hated her in the beginning. I like how the show is playing on her Southern background, like with the fried apple fritters and Big Daddy.

    As for Violet, I just love her! But she is frustrating me at the moment. She needs to tell Pete about the baby. I could care less about creepy Sheldon…she doesn’t need to tell him anything. If we ever see him again, it will be too soon.

    Should be interesting to see Addy and Co. interact with Derek and the rest of the GA crew next week.

    Comment by JS 26
    01.31.2009 at 9:21 pm
  2. I agree. Sheldon needs to go. (I keep thinking of that part from When Harry Met Sally.) Pete and Violet would be awesome together.

    However, I still profess to be a Violet/Cooper fan. They seem like those friends who end up together. They know each other so well and just lean on one another — always there to support when needed, even if it’s sitting in a closet.

    I like Charlotte better now that they’re making her human, but the girl is a wreck. And wouldn’t it be really awkward to have the wife of one physician be the head of the rival office?? That could only lead to trouble for Cooper.

    Anyway, back to Violet. In the spoilers it sounded like Pete said he didn’t want kids. I don’t think that was true. He sounded more like he was rationalizing the fact that he didn’t have them. After his encounter w/ the dying patient, I think he’d be ready for daddy duties.

    I’m not sure how I feel about this big cross-over event. Seems like grasping at straws to build up fan base. What happened to Addison moving on, not looking back?

    Comment by k8
    02.04.2009 at 1:52 pm

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