Brothers and Sisters: Down and Out

Brothers and Sisters: Down and Out

Posted by Dustin on 12.03.2008 at 7:41 pm

In the latest episode of “Brothers and Sisters,” Nora tried to get the whole family to help her tear down and rebuild rooms in the house, as she didn’t want to pay a contractor 60K to do it. However the job turned out to be too big for them, there was water damage and termites. In the end Nora hired someone to do the job properly, not giving up on her dream.

After a meeting with an advertising exec, Holly was impressed by Rebecca’s feedback and offered her a job at Ojai. She took it, but the rest of the family didn’t seem to share her enthusiasm. Tommy was away on a trip and wasn’t consulted. When he returned, he was furious. He had fired Kevin based on her recommendation, yet now she’s gone and hired her daughter. He also said both he and Sarah started entry level, in the warehouse, that’s how people get promoted around here. Tommy went to Saul and took him up on his offer, it was time to get Holly out.

Robert decided he and Kitty should look into a surrogate. However Trish called Kitty and asked to meet. Trish had thought long and hard about the questions Kitty was asking. She apologized for how she reacted, the truth was she hadn’t thought about them and Kitty had every right to ask them. She was at peace with her decision, she did not want to be a mother. She also wanted Kitty and Robert to have this child, if they could trust her again. Robert wasn’t thrilled, but Kitty felt it was right. In the end they agreed to adopt Trish’s baby.

Sarah and the boys sent out almost 100 letters to companies to get funding for Greenatopia and got a response from one. The person they sent to meet with them of course happened to be Graham! Sarah talked with him, he was offering up 1million dollars to start with, more down the line. However he and his company wanted 30 percent ownership, stock options, Sarah to be named CFO and the two boys basically to be pushed out. The guys felt Sarah sold them out, but she felt this was the only deal they were getting. In the end though, Sarah realized she had sold them out and turned Graham down. So it’s back to the beginning for Greenatopia.

My Thoughts
I was dissapointed in Sarah in this episode. She was way to quick to sell the boys out when this wasn’t even her company. Also the Graham ship has sailed, he needs to sail away and she needs to move on. I have a feeling she’s gunna end up hooking up with one of the boys at some point though, and the other one will be jealous.

I’m so happy that Tommy has finally had it with Holly and took Saul up on his offer. It’s time for Holly to go down, but you know she won’t go out without a fight. Something tells me this is going to be what brings Ryan into the picture. I think she’ll find out he’s a major problem child and bring him in to spite Tommy, Nora and the others.

I’m hoping Nora will get a love interest soon. I really liked her and George, Ryan’s dad. I hope we see more of him!


CBS’ Mid-Season Schedule/New Shows

CBS’ Mid-Season Schedule/New Shows

Posted by Dustin on 12.03.2008 at 12:31 pm


“Flashpoint,” Last Summer’s Top Original Scripted Series, Returns Friday, Jan. 9, 9:00-10:00 PM

“Harper’s Island,” a 13-Episode Mystery Event, Premieres Thursday, April 9, 10:00-11:00 PM and Concludes Thursday, July 2

“Game Show in My Head,” a New Game Show from Ashton Kutcher, Premieres Saturday, Jan. 3, 8:00-9:00 PM

“Survivor” Returns Thursday, Feb. 12, 8:00-9:00 PM

The 14th Edition of “The Amazing Race” Premieres Sunday, Feb. 15, 8:00-9:00 PM

CBS today announced mid-season schedule changes that include the return of the drama FLASHPOINT, the premiere of the mystery event HARPER’S ISLAND, the debut of the new game show GAME SHOW IN MY HEAD and the returns of the Network’s reality hits SURVIVOR and THE AMAZING RACE.

FLASHPOINT, last summer’s top original scripted series, premieres Friday, Jan. 9 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT).

FLASHPOINT, starring Enrico Colantoni, Hugh Dillon, Amy Jo Johnson, David Paetkau, Michael Cram, Sergio Di Zio, Ruth Marshall and Mark Taylor, depicts the emotional journey into the tough, risk-filled lives of a group of cops in the Strategic Response Unit (inspired by Toronto’s Emergency Task Force).

FLASHPOINT is produced by Pink Sky Entertainment in association with CBS Paramount Network Television. Bill Mustos and Anne Marie La Traverse are executive producers.

HARPER’S ISLAND, a 13-episode mystery event, premieres Thursday, April 9 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) and concludes Thursday, July 2 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT). HARPER’S ISLAND is about a group of family and friends who travel to a secluded island for a destination wedding. They’ve come to laugh… to love… and, though they don’t know it… to die. As the wedding festivities begin, friendships are tested and secrets exposed as a murderer claims victims, one by one, transforming the wedding week of fun and celebration into a terrifying struggle for survival. In every episode, someone is killed and every person is a suspect, from the wedding party to the island locals. By the end of the 13 episodes, all questions will be answered, the killer will be revealed and only a few will survive.

Jon Turteltaub (“Jericho”) and Jeffrey Bell (“Alias,” “Angel,” “The X-Files”) are executive producers for CBS Paramount Network Television in association with Junction Entertainment. Karim Zreik (“Jericho”), Dan Shotz (“Jericho”) and Tyler Bensinger (“Cold Case”) are co-executive producers and Ari Schlossberg (“Hide and Seek”) is co-executive producer and creator.

GAME SHOW IN MY HEAD, a hidden camera game show from Ashton Kutcher, premieres Saturday, Jan. 3 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT). Ordinary people must perform extraordinary tasks on an unsuspecting public to win up to $50,000. Under the watchful eye of host Joe Rogan, each contestant performs five outrageous, embarrassing and hilarious tasks worth $5,000 each. In a no-holds-barred bonus round, each contestant has the chance to double their money up to $50,000.

GAME SHOW IN MY HEAD is from fox21, produced by Hat Trick Productions and Katalyst Films. Executive producers are Jimmy Mulville & Leon Wilde and Ashton Kutcher, Jason Goldberg, Karey Burke and Michael Binkow.

The 18th edition of SURVIVOR premieres Thursday, Feb. 12 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) while THE AMAZING RACE returns with its 14th edition on Sunday, Feb. 15 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT).

Saturday, Effective Jan. 3
8:00-8:30 PM GAME SHOW IN MY HEAD (Premiere)
8:30-9:00 PM GAME SHOW IN MY HEAD (Premiere)
10:00-11:00 PM 48 HOURS MYSTERY

Friday, Effective Jan. 9
9:00-10:00 PM FLASHPOINT (Premiere)
10:00-11:00 PM NUMB3RS

Thursday, Effective Feb. 12
8:00-9:00 PM SURVIVOR 18 (Premiere)
9:00-10:00 PM CSI
10:00-11:00 PM ELEVENTH HOUR

Sunday, Effective Feb. 15
7:00-8:00 PM 60 MINUTES
8:00-9:00 PM THE AMAZING RACE 14 (Premiere)
9:00-10:00 PM COLD CASE
10:00-11:00 PM THE UNIT

Thursday, Effective April 9
8:00-9:00 PM SURVIVOR
9:00-10:00 PM CSI
10:00-11:00 PM HARPER’S ISLAND (Series Debut)


Ghost Whisperer: December 19th Spoilers

Ghost Whisperer: December 19th Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 12.03.2008 at 12:29 pm

Official CBS spoilers for the episode “Ball and Chain” follow. Note, Ghost Whisperer will air 2 episodes on the 26th of December, both are repeats.

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Ghost Whisperer

Not Looking Good Swingtowners!

Not Looking Good Swingtowners!

Posted by Dustin on 12.03.2008 at 12:01 pm

The Hollywood reporter reported a story, which got picked up by various sites, that Jack Davenport has been picked up for a new pilot for ABC called “Flash Forward.” The show is about the people of the world blacking out for 2 minutes, all the while experiencing visions of the future.

Jack played Bruce, Susan’s husband on “Swingtown.” With the actor going to a new pilot, it could mean our hopes for a groovy summer in 2009 could be dashed.

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Heroes: Eclipse Part 2

Heroes: Eclipse Part 2

Posted by Dustin on 12.02.2008 at 6:32 pm

So last night’s episode was the second part of the eclipse two-parter. I have to say it was MUCH better than the first, though not without some issues.

Claire found herself in big trouble at the hospital, as did her mom who was being questioned by the staff and police. It seemed her powers kept her from ever being sick, and without them, her entire immune system was under attack. Claire died, but as the eclipse ended, she returned to life.

HRG hunted down Elle and Sylar. He shot Elle in the leg and ended up slitting Sylar’s throat! Of course just like Claire, he was revived when the eclipse ended . . . and he was pissed! He attacked HRG, while Elle held the mom hostage. Claire agreed to go with them to save her parents. HRG warned Sylar he was being used, the Petrellis lied to him and he was not their son. He had read his file, and Elle did too and could tell him the truth.

Hiro and Ando spent most of the episode at the comic book shop trying to get Hiro’s memory back and help him figure out what he had to do. He read through all the “9th Wonder” comics and realized he had to save the cheerleader again. He zapped himself to where she was, put Elle and Sylar on a beach somewhere, and then took Claire to the past to see his father giving Claire to her dad.

Sylar meanwhile told Elle he realized they wouldn’t work, and with his powers back, he knew what he had to do and who he was . . . he couldn’t change and neither could she. He then began to take her head off!

Matt learned Daphne was Cerebral Palsy and could only start walking on her own a year ago with the eclipse. When this eclipse ended, she got her abilities back along with everyone else. Matt told her she had been dealt a lot of stuff, that is why she acted the way she did . . . however he knew she was a good person.

Down in Haiti, the Haitian’s brother captured the boys, but the Haitian came to help them. Peter created a diversion while Nathan tried to escape with him as they needed him to help their side and defeat their father. In the end, with everyone’s powers back, the Haitian did some mental mind exploding thing on his brother to kill him.

Finally Surresh turned back into a monster as the Eclipse ended and he ended up breaking out of Pinehurt and escaping from Aurthur and his men. He then went to find Maya, who returned at the end of this episode.

My thoughts . .
So yet again I found myself frustrated with the Sylar storyline. Last week I complained they couldn’t decide what side to put him on, now they’ve taken away the Petrellis as his parents it seems. I think someone in the writers room has a serious case of no idea what to do about Sylar!

So if Angela and Aurthur aren’t his mommy and daddy, assuming HRG was telling the truth, then who is? I used to think he was Adam’s kid by Angela, which they could still pull off I guess. The thought crossed my mind that he could also be HRG’s kid, though would HRG do what he did to Sylar to his own son?

The fate of Elle seems to be up in the air at the moment. I can’t see them killing her off for real, but who knows on this show!

I’m having a hard time figuring out why Hiro took Claire to see his dad giving her to her dad. One thing struck me, Hiro’s dad told HRG not to get too attached. Hmmm, it’s almost as if he knew one day Claire would die or need to be sacrificed? I wonder if it has to do with the formula?

I was waiting, or hoping, that with the eclipse Peter would get his powers back. Powerless Peter is starting to suck. Though if Peter got his back, would Maya get hers back too? Speaking of Maya, I can’t believe she’s back! She’s one character I wouldn’t have mind never seeing again.

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Heroes: Duality Spoilers

Heroes: Duality Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 12.01.2008 at 1:36 pm

Official NBC spoilers for the December 15th episode of “Heroes” follow . . .

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Desperate Housewives: After The Fire

Desperate Housewives: After The Fire

Posted by Dustin on 12.01.2008 at 1:12 pm

The latest episode detailed the aftermath of the fire. Carlos, after being given a CT scan, learned he might get his vision back. It seems a small bone fragment was placing pressure on an optic nerve, and removing it could restore his vision. While Carlos was overjoyed at the idea of seeing his little girls, Gabby wasn’t thrilled he might see she lost her looks. She had a month to get in shape, and tried her best, but then the surgery was moved up to next week. She and Carlos had a heart to heart in which she was honest about her looks. He told her a touching story about how it was really her personality and laugh that made him decide to propose, as he wanted to hear that laugh every day of the life. She told him she realized she wanted to spend every day with him just then, up until now it was pretty touch and go!

Orson, as a consequence of getting his nose broken, began snoring insanely loud. She wanted him to get an operation, but he refused out of fear he’d die on the table. She then refused to sleep in the same room with him. Desperate, he claimed he read chamomile tea lessened snoring. He made a batch, but drugged Bree’s so she’d fall so asleep his snoring wouldn’t wake her. This caused her to be late and loopy for a book appearance the next morning. Bree used this to get Orson to agree to the surgery. At the end we found out a juicy tidbit, the doctor doing the surgery is Andrew’s new boyfriend and they just moved in together.

Porter became a suspect in the fire for threatening Anne’s husband. Lynette asked him point blank if he did it, he said no. She wanted them to be honest with each other from now on, but she had lied to him about Anne. He was trying to call her, but she had left the hospital and wasn’t returning his calls. She said she didn’t know where she was. However she had paid Anne a lot of money and taken her to the bus station to leave town. She told Anne that when the baby came, she and Tom would do what the could to help her, but to contact them and not Porter. Anne gave her a smile and said “Oh Lynette, there is no baby, there never was!”

Susan finally learned that Mike and Katherine were dating. She didn’t know what to think, and she was upset Bree knew and didn’t tell her. Bree thought Katherine should have told her and finally told Susan that her problem was she never wanted to divorce Mike. Bree said she loved him still and was upset she let her marriage fail, but she never had closure. Bree said she had to decide to tell Mike the truth, or let him move on. In the end Susan decided to let him move on, giving Katherine her blessing.

Finally Dave went through most of the episode having serious guilt over all the people he killed in the fire. The death toll was up to seven. Mike called him a hero for saving him, but he got upset that people kept saying he was a hero. Mike asked what he could do to repay him? Dave said just be his friend, he hadn’t had a really good friend since his brother died. Later Dave went to the police and lied to them, saying he saw Porter coming out of a back room before the show. The police knew this is where the fire started, and Dave learned from Edie that Porter was a suspect.

My Thoughts
So I was sure that something would happen this season to get Gabby back into supermodel shape. However after this last episode, and Carlos’ talk with her, I’m thinking perhaps they won’t do that. I actually want to see her back to her diva self to be honest. Also what happened to Virginia? Is she out of their story? I’m still waiting for her to croak and never having changed her will.

I think it’s obvious Susan is not over Mike and is going to cause big problems for him and Katherine, thereby ruining her relationship with Jackson. Maybe Katherine will realize Mike still loves Susan too, and she and Jackson will have a drunken night together commiserating?

Andrew’s new story was a big surprise and welcomed one. They haven’t done much with him at all, so it’s nice to see him getting a story. It looks like the gay neighbors and being pulled in next week, telling Bree they think Andrew’s boyfriend used to do porn! Oh I bet he did it to put himself through school. I am picturing a scene of Bree renting a porn and watching it!

Lynette gets on my nerves more and more each episode. I know she’s looking out for her kid, but they are making her out to be a terrible mother, getting worse every week. Porter is going to find out she lied to him and it won’t be pretty. Speaking of lies, is Anne lying about the baby? The way she told Lynette it seemed like the whole thing was a scam, that she used Porter to get the money and run. She was trying a few weeks ago to convince him to get money together and leave with her. Hmmmm. Then again she could be pregnant. I could see a baby getting dumped on the doorstep in a few months. I mean the woman left her one teenage son with her abusive ex-husband, so I could see her dumping Porter’s kid off on their doorstep too.

Finally Dave is just one sick evil man! I can’t believe he set Porter up to take the fall for his crime. He clearly won’t be around after this season. He’s going to have to get his just desserts in some way or form.
