Brothers and Sisters: Turkey Dinner
Posted by Dustin on 12.08.2008 at 8:35 pm
This week’s episode was the Thanksgiving episode, albeit about 2 weeks late. All the Walker kids, except Sarah, decided to go away for the holiday but none wanted to tell Nora. They also didn’t know the others were going until the last minute, leaving Nora with almost no guests and far too much food. Honestly I can’t blame any of them for not wanting to go to Nora’s for Thanksgiving. They have enough dysfunctional family dinners as is.
Everyone’s plans to flee were put on hold when Elizabeth fell ill. The drugs she was given when she was born so prematurely effected her liver, she would need a transplant. This meant finding out who her father was, as he was the best shot. Kevin and Justin were nervous, but in the ended up being Kevin. Justin seemed upset that he wasn’t the dad actually. It was odd as neither of them ever intended to find out. I think after this Justin is going to get the baby bug, which Rebecca is not going to catch.
Kitty and Tommy had a heart to heart, as Tommy was taking this hard. Everyone in the family knew Tommy saw this as the one thing he had failed at, having a kid. Kitty felt close to him as she was in the same boat, and she knew the doubts he was having over the whole biological child and nature verses nurture. She also felt that he was probably feeling his feud with Kevin had gone on long enough as well. In the end Kevin and Tommy did finally make up, and Tommy apologized for firing him and putting business over family.
Most of this episode dealt with Elizabeth, all other ongoing stories were pushed aside. It was a good episode, but I do wonder how opening up the can of worms about Elizabeth’s father will play out. I don’t think Kevin will make any issues, but Scotty definitely seems to have a problem with it. He didn’t seem very easy, but he was also equally upset over the risks of the surgery. Justin, like I said, I think he’ll get the baby bug after this and want a kid of his own.
Ghost Whisperer: Wishing On A Wishing Well
Posted by Dustin on 12.06.2008 at 3:58 pm
It seems last night was one of those “filler” episodes. After pushing the story with Jim’s death and return for the past few episodes, it looks like we are back to the fillers. We probably won’t see much progress made until February sweeps is my guess. Plus most of the episodes for the rest of the month are repeats due to the holidays.
Sam began to remember more of his life as Jim, but he didn’t realize that is what he was remember. He remembered being shot, but didn’t know that was what it was. He thought it was a car backfiring, followed by pain in his right side for some reason. He also remembered how to cook Melinda’s favorite breakfast. Melinda didn’t push him or tell him what he was remembering. She’s still worried he could never fully remember, but it was Delia telling her that he would and he did all this to come back to her.
The majority of the episode concentrated on the ghost of a little girl who fell down an old well, which everyone in town thought granted wishes. She went missing over 10 years ago and Melinda was the one to find her down there, as well as help her and her brother get closure over the accident.
It was not a terrible episode, but like I said, mostly filler. I’m not expecting too much development on the Sam/Jim front for awhile.
Revolving Lesbians on Greys
Posted by Dustin on 12.06.2008 at 1:20 pm
In my last “Grey’s” post Cheryl posted a link to Ausiello which details what is really wrong with Izzie, so check it out! No, unfortunately it’s not a big shock.
In the same post a few of us were discussing what was up with Callie and Sadie. Sadie was originally touted as a bi-sexual character to cause some trouble for Callie, but it seems that has been dropped (possibly?) Kristin is reporting nothing will come of Sadie’s flirtation with Callie. However Jessica Capshaw’s character, who joins for three episodes as Dr. Arizona Robbins, brought in for a special case, WILL be kissing on Callie!
I don’t know, the actress is only on for three episodes, so it kinda seems pointless to make her a love interest of Callie’s. Maybe it will be the kiss that makes Callie realize she’s only bi-curious when it came to Hahn?
Grey’s: Alex Is The Winner!
Posted by Dustin on 12.05.2008 at 12:15 am
So I was trying to finish online Christmas shopping tonight, and thus was only half-heatedly paying attention to “Grey’s.” Sadly it’s a pretty easy thing to do for me nowadays, zone out when the show is on. Here are some thoughts on tonight’s episode (from what I remember).
This whole ghost of Denny thing is in fact getting silly at this point. I have a feeling this is a ratings booster that will eventually backfire as they drag it on too long. Fortunately George seemed to realize something is wrong with Izzie tonight. It’s about time George got a story, I just think it sucks it he has to be a part of this story!
Yang had to choose who got the solo surgery and she picked Alex, as he was the only one who could dissasociate his personal feelings from his work. Meredith thought Yang was punishing her, but Yang told her she was the one making all of this personal. Yang then blew up at everyone saying it wasn’t just her interns in the wrong, and she didn’t feel anyone should get the solo surgery if she couldn’t have it. On that account I do have to agree with Christina.
I am absolutely loving Virginia Dixxon and hope there is a way they can keep her around, at least on a recurring basis. I probably shouldn’t get my hopes up though, as this show has one too many doctors on it as is.
It was bound to happen, Lexie and Mark got it on near the end of the show. Mark is risking his friendship with Derrek and Meredith at this point. This is gunna blow up and probably get ugly. Callie is still a sex factor too, and then there is George the object of Lexie’s unrequited love. Yes, this could become very messy.
Baily worked with Mark and was eager to learn from him, which he thought was patronizing. I have a feeling Baily’s going to pick a new specialty and end up having to retrain, becoming a resident/intern again. I don’t think I’d like that, I like Bailey in charge!
Private Practice: New Doctors In The House
Posted by Dustin on 12.04.2008 at 7:57 pm
On last night’s “Private Practice” two of the main stories dealt with babies, saving and terminating them. In on case Addison was forced to work with Charlotte, who she was less than pleased with because of her decision to open her own private practice above them. A woman was in a coma and was pregnant, but the baby needed to be delivered by C-section. The father insisted on a regular birth, as he heard it could bring her out of her coma. The parents began a legal battle, as the man and woman were not married. In the end the woman died, but the baby lived. It was a pretty tragic story all around.
In another story, Pete’s girlfriend Meg began working temporarily at the practice. She ran a volunteer outreach program, and her first case was a woman wanting an abortion. This stirred up mixed feelings among the doctors, mostly Naomi and some of the men. Naomi was against abortions and she felt given the practice has been so built around being a fertility clinic, it was a conflict. Addison and Violet however were fine with it. It was an interesting show in which both sides were given their say, as well as Dell coming to terms with his guilt that he wanted his old girlfriend to have an abortion but she wouldn’t. Plus Addison had the best line of the show when all hell erupted in the conference room. She told everyone in the room that didn’t have a vagina to leave so the ones with them could discuss!
For me though the best story was Violet’s. Her patient with the terminal yet verbally abusive wife he wanted to leave (but didn’t when he found out she was dying) ended up shooting the wife and killing her. He claimed she wanted him to end her suffering, but Violet wasn’t so sure. In the end he admitted that he had ended his own suffering and abuse at her hand . . . well mouth. That made it murder and off to jail he went. I loved that the show finally gave Violet a meaty storyline and had her interacting with everyone from Addison’s SWAT guy to the new psychiatrist Charlotte hired for her practice (played by Brian Benben). I absolutely love that actor (character’s name was Sheldon something) so I HOPE they keep him on as recurring and Violet bumps into him more. Their interactions were great!
Brian Fuller To Return To Heroes!
Posted by Dustin on 12.04.2008 at 12:16 pm
Brian Fuller left “Heroes” after the first season to develop “Pushing Daisies” for ABC. SciFiWire/Hollywood Reporter are saying Fuller is very close to a 2 year deal with NBC that would bring him back to “Heroes” as well as give him the ability to start new projects on the network.
Closure for fans of Dirty Sexy Money
Posted by Dustin on 12.04.2008 at 12:13 pm
TV Guide is reporting that the final episode of “Dirty Sexy Money” will reveal who killed Dutch, so fans won’t be hanging. However it’s unknown if the final episodes will be on or a DVD release.
“The Ex-List,” which was quickly canceled by CBS, is doing a similar thing on DVD. The whole 13 episode season was finished and will be put out on DVD. By the end of the episodes Bella finds her one true love.
NBC Midseason Dates – Medium February 2nd
Posted by Dustin on 12.04.2008 at 12:05 pm
“Super Bowl XLIII” on February 1 — Followed by an Hour-long Original Episode of “The Office” — Will Serve as Launching Platform for Returning Series, Including New Volume of “Heroes” and a Special “3-D” Episode of “Chuck” both on February 2
New Lineup Showcases Premiere of New Drama “Kings” with Two-hour Event on March 19 in Addition to the Returns of “Medium” (February 2) and Two-hour “Celebrity Apprentice” (March 1), as well as Original Episodes of “Heroes” (February 2), “Chuck” (February 2) and “Life” (February 4)
Two-hour Series Finale of “ER” Slated for March 12
NBC Offers Original Movie Event “XIII” on February 8 and 15
UNIVERSAL CITY, Calif. – December 3, 2008 – NBC unveiled today a wide spectrum of its post-January mid-season schedule that features the series premieres of the new drama “Kings” (March 19) with a two-hour event, plus the season debuts of “Medium” (February 2) and a two-hour “Celebrity Apprentice” (March 1) — as well as original episode returns for “Chuck” (returning with a special “3-D” episode February 2), “Heroes” (which begins “Fugitives,” a new volume on February 2) and “Life” (February 4) — and the movie event “XIII” (February 8 & 15). All the series and movie events will be given a huge promotional boost during “Super Bowl XLIII” on February 1.
Immediately following “Super Bowl XLIII” on February 1, NBC will broadcast an original, hour-long episode of “The Office” (10:30-11:30 p.m. ET; simultaneously to all time zones). Noteworthy announcements regarding this special episode are forthcoming.
In addition, NBC has scheduled the two-hour series finale of “ER” for Thursday, March 12 (9-11 p.m. ET).
The original movie event “XIII,” starring Val Kilmer and Stephen Dorff, will air on Sunday, February 8 and 15 (9-11 p.m. ET both nights).
Premieres for additional mid-season shows — “The Untitled Amy Poehler Project” and “The Philanthropist” – will be announced at a future date.
The announcements were made by Ben Silverman, Co-Chairman, NBC Entertainment and Universal Media Studios.
“February and March are going to be exciting months on NBC and the Super Bowl is just the beginning,” said Silverman. “The biggest event on television will provide the perfect promotional platform as we launch some of the most eagerly anticipated new and returning shows on any schedule.”
Beginning February 2, Monday nights will feature original episodes of “Chuck” (8-9 p.m. ET), the latest volume of “Heroes” (9-10 p.m. ET) and the return of “Medium” (10-11 p.m. ET).
The new post-January mid-season additions to NBC’s program schedule grid follows (all times ET); new series are capitalized except for “ER”:
MONDAYS (beginning February 2)
8-9 p.m. — “Chuck” (returns with “3-D” episode)
9-10 p.m. — “Heroes” (new volume “Fugitives” begins)
10-11 p.m. –”Medium”
8-9 p.m. — “Knight Rider” (season finale February 25; new show beginning March 4 to be announced soon)
9-10 p.m. – “Life” (beginning February 4)
THURSDAY (March 12)
9-11 p.m. – “ER” Series Finale
9-11 p.m. – “KINGS” (two-hour series premiere March 19)
10-11 p.m. – “KINGS” (regular day and time beginning March 26)
SUNDAYS (February 8 and 15)
9-11 p.m. — “XIII” (original movie event)
SUNDAYS (beginning March 1)
9-11 p.m. — “Celebrity Apprentice” (special two-hour episodes)
6:15-10:30 p.m. – “SUPER BOWL XLIII” (February 1)
10:30-11:30 p.m. (ET) – “The Office” (February 1; broadcast simultaneous to all time zones)
9-11 p.m. – “XIII” (February 8 and 15)
From executive producer Michael Green (NBC’s “Heroes”) comes “Kings,” a riveting new drama about a modern-day monarchy. “Kings” is a contemporary retelling of the timeless tale of David and Goliath. This series is an epic story of greed and power, war and romance, forbidden loves and secret alliances — and a young hero who rises to power in a modern-day kingdom. King Silas Benjamin (Ian McShane, “Deadwood”) is the well-entrenched king of Gilboa, with its capital in Shiloh, a clean new city that is unspoiled by time or litter. Silas must deal with the tensions rising between Gilboa and neighboring nation Gath. When several prisoners of war are taken, a young soldier, David Shepard (Chris Egan, “Eragon”), defies orders and crosses enemy lines to save them. Unknown to David, the soldier he saves is Jack Benjamin (Sebastian Stan, “The Covenant”), the son of the king. From that day forth, David’s life will never be the same.
Also starring are Susanna Thompson (“Once & Again”), Allison Miller (“Lucy’s Piano”), Wes Studi (“Comanche Moon,” “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee”), Eamonn Walker (“Oz”) and Dylan Baker (“Spiderman 2”). The series is from Universal Media Studios. “Kings” is executive-produced by Green, Erwin Stoff (“I Am Legend”) and Francis Lawrence (“I Am Legend”), who also directed the pilot.
“XIII” is a high-stakes cat-and-mouse thriller starring Val Kilmer (“The Doors”), Stephen Dorff (“World Trade Center”), Stephen McHattie (“Watchmen”) and Jessalyn Gilsig (NBC’s “Heroes”). The adrenaline-charged miniseries begins dramatically as the first female U.S. president is shot dead by a sniper during her Veterans Day speech. Three months later, a wounded man is found tattered in a forest with no memory of his identity. The only clue is a tattoo on his neck — “XIII.” Could his lightning-fast reflexes and killer instincts betray him as the presidential assassin that the U.S. is desperately searching for? Submerged in a far-reaching conspiracy, which threatens to overthrow the entire government, XIII’s identity becomes the key to unraveling a complex and dangerous secret that will shock and excite. From the first bullet, this gripping action-thriller will leave audiences gasping for more. Ted Atherton (“Max Payne”), John Bourgeois (“Burn Up”), Greg Bryk (“ReGenesis”), Lucinda Davis (“Wargames: The Dead Code”), and Caterina Murino (“Casino Royale”) also star. “XIII” is an official Canada/France co-production, developed and produced by Prodigy Pictures and Cipango in association with Power. Prodigy Pictures’ Jay Firestone, Cipango’s Edouard Vesinne and Thomas Anargyros and Power’s Justin Bodle will serve as executive producers. Directed by Duane Clark (“CSI,” “Meadowlands), “XIII” is written by David Wolkove (“La Femme Nikita,” “Relic Hunter”) and Philippe Lyon (“The Trail,” “Alive”).
“The Celebrity Apprentice” and host Donald Trump will return with two-hour episodes and a dynamic cast of brilliant celebrity business minds. Last season saw Piers Morgan defeat Trace Adkins to become the first Celebrity Apprentice. This season, 16 new celebrities will be vying for the coveted title, using all their business savvy as they fight for causes close to their hearts. Celebrities will be subjected to long hours, grueling mental challenges, personality clashes, and intense scrutiny — all without the help of their regular support system of agents, managers, and personal assistants. Ultimately, they will face the judgment of Donald Trump and his advisors in the boardroom, which will include his children (and colleagues), Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.
A Serial Killer For Grey’s
Posted by Dustin on 12.04.2008 at 12:00 pm
TVGuide is reporting that Eric Stoltz will appear in multiple episodes as a serial killer in need of medical attention.
Eric has meanwhile been directing many of the more recent episodes. You may have spotted his name in the credits. Yes, it’s the same man who normally is in front of the camera.
Posted by Dustin on 12.03.2008 at 7:45 pm
ABC News’ “Primetime: What Would You Do?” Returns Tuesday, January 6 at 10:00 p.m.
Three new dramas will be joining the ABC lineup: “Castle” on Monday, March 9 at 10:00 p.m.; “Cupid” on Tuesday, March 24 at 10:00 p.m.; and “The Unusuals” on Wednesday, April 8 at 10:00 p.m. In addition, ABC News’ “Primetime: What Would You Do?” will return on Tuesday, January 6 at 10:00 p.m. (all times ET).
Wildly famous mystery novelist Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion, “Desperate Housewives”), who is bored with his own success, learns that a real-world copycat killer has started staging murder scenes depicted in his novels. Rick is soon questioned by NYPD Detective Kate Beckett (Stana Katic, “The Spirit”), a very bright, aggressive detective who keeps her investigations under tight rein. Rick and Kate’s styles instantly clash, yet sparks begin to fly, leading both to danger and a hint of romance as Castle steps in to help find the killer. And once that case is solved, he and Beckett build upon their new relationship as they look to solve strange homicides in New York – as much fun as one can have with death & murder. Castle is kept grounded by his Broadway diva mother, Martha Rodgers (Susan Sullivan, “Dharma and Greg”) and quick-witted teenage daughter Alexis (Molly Quinn, “Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story”).
Also starring in the series are Ruben Santiago-Hudson (“Law & Order”) as NYPD Captain Roy Montgomery, Tamala Jones (“Daddy Day Camp”) as Medical Examiner Lanie Parish, Jon Huertas (“Generation Kill”) as NYPD Detective Tony Esposito and Seamus Dever (“Army Wives”) as NYPD Detective Kevin Ryan.
“Castle” is produced by ABC Studios. Andrew Marlowe serves as executive producer/creator along with executive producers Armyan Bernstein, Barry Schindel, Rob Bowman and Laurie Zaks.
“Cupid” is a romantic dramedy about Trevor Pierce (Bobby Cannavale, “Will & Grace”), a larger than life character who may or may not be the Roman god of love, Cupid, sent to earth to bring 100 couples together before he is allowed to return to Mt. Olympus. As fate would have it, Trevor is under the care of psychiatrist and self-help author Dr. Claire McCrae (Sarah Paulson, “The Spirit,” “Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip”), who is also dedicated to helping lonely hearts find their soul mates. When it comes to true love, Claire believes it’s all about friendship and compatibility, but for Trevor, heat and passion conquer all. Only time will tell who will win the battle for love.
“Cupid” stars Bobby Cannavale as Trevor, Sarah Paulson as Claire, Rick Gomez as Felix and Camille Guaty as Lita.
“Cupid” is produced by ABC Studios. Rob Thomas serves as executive producer/creator along with executive producers Jennifer Gwartz, Danielle Stokdyk, Dan Etheridge and Diane Ruggerio.
“The Unusuals”
In “The Unusuals,” it helps if a cop has a twisted sense of humor, because every moment could be your last. Just ask Casey Shraeger (Amber Tamblyn, “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants”), who started her day as an NYPD vice detective before unexpectedly being transferred to the homicide division. She quickly realizes that, not only does everyone in her new department have a distinct sense of humor, but also their own dirty little secrets.
The series stars Amber Tamblyn as Detective Casey Shraeger, Jeremy Renner as Detective Jason Walsh, Harold Perrineau as Detective Leo Banks, Josh Close as Detective Henry Cole, Monique Gabriela Curnen as Detective Allison Beaumont, Kai Lennox as Detective Eddie Alvarez, with Terry Kinney as Sergeant Harvey Brown and Adam Goldberg as Detective Eric Delahoy.
Created by Noah Hawley, “The Unusuals” is executive-produced by Hawley, Robert DeLaurentis and Peter O’Fallon, with Peter Tolan as an executive consultant on the series, which is produced by 26 Keys, Inc. in association with Sony Pictures Television for ABC.
“Primetime: What Would You Do?”
Suppose you witnessed a stranger slip a suspicious powder into his date’s drink – would you tell his date? What if you saw a deli cashier exhibit racial discrimination to a customer trying to place an order – how would you respond? Using hidden cameras, “Primetime: What Would You Do?” sets up everyday scenarios and then captures people’s reactions. Whether they’re compelled to act or mind their own business, John Qui–ones reports on their split-second – and often surprising – decision-making process.
Often people speculate on how they might act in a difficult situation, but this series looks at how they actually do in the face of everyday dilemmas that test their character and values. According to a 2008 Columbia Journalism Review essay, “Primetime: What Would You Do?” is “the flip side of reality TV… rather than show how people act in manufactured situations when they know they’re being watched, they show us how people act when they don’t.”