Brother and Sisters Spoilers for January
What follows are ABC snipits for the January 4th and 11th episodes of “Brothers and Sisters,” which is when it looks like normal ABC programing (ie non-repeats) will resume.
What follows are ABC snipits for the January 4th and 11th episodes of “Brothers and Sisters,” which is when it looks like normal ABC programing (ie non-repeats) will resume.
So I have two weeks of thoughts to post on “Lipstick Jungle.” I’m going to forgo any big recaps and just go with my thoughts with a bit of recap to preface.
Kirby and Nico continued to disagree over the baby, with Kirby putting his foot down saying he and his priorities, as well as his job, basically came first. On one hand I can’t blame him as this wasn’t what he had signed on for. I guess he and Nico never had the kids discussion, did they or didn’t they want them. On the other hand, they’ve been making Kirby all about Kirby the past few episodes as well, so it was no shock to see how he was acting. It’s almost as if they want us to not like him.
Nico wanted to adopt Charlie, but Megan’s parents came to take Charlie and Megan back home with them. Nico faced losing the baby. She and Kirby later broke up as neither were happy anymore. I just feel like they wanted to break them up to pave way for Nico and her boss to have a fling, which has also been a long time coming. He’s been interested in her all season, now that she’s free, he’s going to go after her. I don’t know if I like the idea of these two together at all honestly. Nico meanwhile began hormone treatments to harvest her eggs.
Victory had to do a shoot involving a nude model for a campaign for her clothing, unaware that SHE was to be the model until after she approved. Kirby was called in to be the photographer in order to calm her nerves. There were some great scenes of her freaking out and downing shots to get through it, but once she got comfortable she gave it her all. Baring herself for the shoot gave her the courage to confront Joe and tell him what she was feeling, to thank him for all he’d done for her, and to say she would have said yes. They kissed then did the wild thing. It seems like these two are back together, with Victory planning to propose to Joe this time. I just can’t help but think he’s not going to say yes though, I don’t know why. It just seems nothing is going right for the ladies lately.
Finally Wendy had to agree to be partners with this creepy producer, who Cassidy gave her script to first, but he ignored it for months. He had the pull in the industry and a studio ready to produce it, Wendy didn’t at the moment. Wendy agreed to work with him, rather than sell out to him. This annoyed Shane, who kept dropping snarky comments about how “nobody was paying him to just stay at home and not work.”
Shane got a job offer to go on tour with Natasha Beddingfield for four months and wanted to take it. Wendy had issues with him being away for so long, which led to serious fights. Shane started slinging the insults, such as why couldn’t she let it be his turn now, and she liked it better when she was taking care of him. Their son overheard them fighting, which causes problems for him at school.
I have to say, I HATE that they did this to Shane and Wendy. Just like Kirby and Nico, it seemed these issues just suddenly appeared. More than that, they just suddenly turned Shane into a jerk. How soon he forgets he has a job and these connections because of Wendy! In the end he did what he wanted to do, accepting the job to go on tour for 4 months. Hello, has he forgotten Wendy is friends with that guy that would love to bop her? He’s just walking away when his marriage is in trouble? I can already see him being on the road and his manager putting the moves on him, which maybe is what he wants.
We’ll have to wait till January to find out what happens next, as that is when “Lipstick” (and pretty much every other show) returns.
Last night’s “Dirty Sexy Money” seemed a tad slow to me, up until the end which was really good. First a quick recap then some thoughts.
Andrea continued to get worse, and she made Brian face the fact that she was dying. He ran into his old Bishop, who reminded him that his 5 month retreat to make his decision about his future with the church was about up. Brian went to the church and demanded God basically prove himself, prove why he should come back by saving Andrea. When he returned to the hospital he learned Andrea had taken a miraculous turn for the better. Brian decided not only to go back to the church, but to aim for the top job . . . the Bishop’s!
Jeremy had a talk with his mom and Karen about Nola and her actions lately. They said it sounds like she’s seeing someone else and he should move on. He spied on her only to find out she was meeting with Simon. He confronted her, demanding answers. She couldn’t tell him the truth, so he threatened to tell Patrick. She finally said that Simon was holding her little brother, so she was meeting with him from time to time, she couldn’t say more. Jeremy promised to help her, trying to go to Nick, but only tipping Simon off. Simon wasn’t happy with Nola at all, basically giving her a last warning to keep her mouth shut.
Patrick’s official swearing in to the senate was this week, and he planned to invite Carmelita and reveal her to all. Tripp and Nick thought this was a bad idea, but Patrick schemed to do it anyways.
Meanwhile Ellen’s brother Chase returned and the Darlings schemed to have him put away for 72 hours psych observation. He was hauled off as Nick was trying to calm him down, which infuriated Chase and made him feel that Nick was worse than the Darlings and that he had set him up.
Karen decided to make nice with Nick and headed to his apartment. She was taken hostage by Chase, who escaped his police escort and took a gun and uniform! He knocked Karen out and then went to the swearing in. Karen came too long enough to call Nick and try and warn him.
Nick figured out something was wrong, just as Tripp got news that Chase escaped. Nick realized he was here, they had to shut things down. Chase was in the crowd dressed as a cop and opened fired as the show came to a close. Jeremy was knocked down, hitting his head. Nick tried to tackle Chase, but Chase shot and hit someone . . . . but who?
My Thoughts
Brian got his miracle he demanded God give him. It was a very disturbing yet sad scene with Brian in the church. I realized Brian was angry though and lashing out as he was facing losing Andrea. The “miracle,” whether of medicine or God brought him back to the church, but now he’s going for the top job it seems. I’ve honestly been enjoying him more working and being part of the Darlings. Before he felt so off and disconnected, which obviously was the point. Hopefully that won’t happen this time.
Frankly I know it’s stereotyping and type casting, but I’m so ready for Lucy Lui to pull some Charlie’s Angel Kung Foo moves and kick Simon Elder’s ass to kingdom come! He’s still sitting way to pretty frankly and needs to be knocked some more pegs. I want to see Lucy/Nola save herself and her brother, not have Jeremy or Nick do it.
Finally who was shot at the swearing in? I don’t know why but I’m getting a bad feeling it was Carmelita. Patrick was ready to reveal her, so she’s gotta go basically or his career will be toast.
Marc Cherry had been pretty clear in previous comments that he did not intend for “Desperate Housewives” to go past 7 seasons, which would wrap the show up in about 2 years (we’re on season 5).
However The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Cherry is in talks with ABC to extend the show to nine seasons now. No deal has been struck yet.
Apparently a source told “The London Paper” that Mischa Barton (The O.C.) is close to signing a deal that would have her guest starring on five episodes of “Ugly Betty.”
Good idea? Bad idea? I’m not sure I’m leaning either way until I know more. I could definitely see her coming in via Amanda, or possibly as Grant’s long lost daughter.
Source: Contact Music
Ausiello is reporting that John Glover, who played Lex Luthor’s dad on “Smallville,” is coming to “Heroes” as . . . Sylar’s father !?!?
Something tells me daddy could be worse than Sylar, and perhaps the whole “redemption” storyline hasn’t been dropped.
(Meant to add this a few days ago, sorry!)
Rumors began circulating first that TR Knight (George O’Malley) had walked off the set and wasn’t attending table reads for the show (what with his 2 lines per episode lately?). ABC quickly denied that and said he was still on set and attending the reads.
However Ausiello is reporting that TR wants to move on to new things and has asked to be written out, and it seems the show is going to give him what he wants.
Shocking? Not really considering his character has had almost nothing to do since the whole George and Izzie storyline fizzled. Will other actors however follow and try and jump ship?
I had started this post and forgot to finish it! It was for last week’s “DSM.”
The week befores episode was supposed to be the Thanksgiving episode, but it was bumped for the Barbra WaWa special, and ABC just decided not to air it or even (as of yet) put it on It was supposedly a filler episode, which I guess makes sense since it seems based on this past week’s episode we missed no huge storyline developments.
Patrick decided to hire Jeremy to be part of his campaign team. Basically he was just the office gopher, as he had no real experience in politics (or anything!). Nola hated this and wanted him fired. This was an over-used plot in these situations. Patrick lost a big investing candidate for his energy bill, because of Tripp, but Jeremy knew the guys son and scored the guy for Patrick (and saved his job). There was no surprise here, as I said this has been done before.
Tripp asked Nick to set up a lunch date with Ren, but Ren wasn’t interested in Tripp that way. When Nick invited her to Karen’s wedding, Tripp was not happy. He sabotaged Nick and Ren by telling Letitia how he had let himself have feelings for Ren and he was sorry, she was the only woman for him. Letitia then kicked Ren out, thinking she was scheming to steal her husband. What Tripp couldn’t have, neither could Nick! Letitia played right into Tripp’s game to get rid of Ren and hurt a relationship for her and Nick. Honestly though, Nick hasn’t even signed the divorce papers . . . this is the last thing he needs. Plus I think we all know he’ll probably end up with Karen.
Lisa went to the wedding with Jeremy to try and make Nick jealous. Too bad she’s so boring that her plan didn’t work! Nick and Lisa both realized it was over, it wasn’t going to work, but they seemed civil about it. I still expect Lisa to end up with a Jeremy Darling in the oven.
Tripp agreed to sell his shares in Darling Enterprises to Simon to call off the wedding, which he did. Karen was left jilted at the alter. However rather than waste everything, Brian proposed to Andrea and they married. Andrea is apparently dying, the radical drugs didn’t work. Their son knew his mom was sick and was afraid she was dying, but Brian said she wouldn’t die. Brian still won’t give up on Andrea. These two are my favorites on the show, so I would like to see them get a happily ever after in the end.
Tripp pulled a fast one on Simon in a move I never saw coming. I eventually figured it out, but loved it! When Tripp lost controlling share, basically all his associates and the people he had deals and contracts with walked. Darling Enterprises tanked, the company went belly up in hours! Tripp then offered to buy back the stocks from Simon, but he wouldn’t give up that easily. Tripp and Simon in the end became partners, each owning 50 percent. Oh you know it’s now going to be a battle between them to kill the other!
Frankly this was one of the best shows of the series, if not THE best show. I’m so miffed that ABC canceled it so early. Note to NBC: perhaps you should pick up some of these shows since the ones you usually develop deserve to be canceled?
Wow was this ever an awesome episode. Let’s get right into what happened then some thoughts on this amazing episode.
First up, Sylar not only killed Elle, but then set her ablaze. Yeah unless there is a time traveling thing to save her at some point, Elle is toast. Sylar then went after a woman whose power was determining if people were lying. He killed her and then her entire office, returning to his killer roots. A tad gory even for this show.
Hiro and Claire went to the past, each with their own missions. Claire watched Kaito give herself as a baby to Noah, and later heard Kaito tell his sick wife he wanted to put the catalyst in the baby. The wife wanted to put it into Hiro. Claire realized she had to keep herself safe and not become the catalyst.
Hiro meanwhile realized his mother’s power was healing, and she might be able to heal him and his memories. When he was able to talk to her alone, he told her who he was and how he couldn’t remember anything past being 10 years old. She healed him and they had a bonding moment. Hiro’s mother was to die that day, and now she was able to see her son grow up and know how his life turned out, something she never expected to be able to do. Hiro convinced his mother to give him the catalyst. She shot this glowing light into his body and then died.
Unfortunately as Claire and Hiro met back up to return to their own time, Arthur arrived (this confused me till I remembered he stole Peter’s powers, he had Hiro’s ability too). Arthur then took the catalyst from Hiro, as well as his power, and threw him off the roof they were on! He then told Claire to tell Angela that he had won and sent her back to her time.
Daphne, Matt and Ando pursued Isaac’s lost sketches to find out what happens to Hiro, only to learn that he is lost in the past. They theorized that perhaps someone with similar time traveling powers could save him.
Nathan defected to the Pinehurst team, but seemed to have his own plan and wouldn’t be pushed around by his father, knowing his dad needed his face to pull this off. Arthur returned with the catalyst and shot the light out of him and into a vat of the formula. They tested it on a soldier, who became super strong.
Meanwhile Angela sent Peter and the Haitian to kill Arthur. They confronted him and Peter shot at him while the Haitian stripped his powers. However Sylar showed up and froze the bullet right before it was to hit Aurthur. Sylar then used his new found powers to learn Arthur had lied, he wasn’t his father. He told Peter that Peter wasn’t a killer, but that he was. He let the bullet fly and Arthur was dead!
My Thoughts
So it seems Sylar is back to being bad and here to stay that way. I think they probably realized the redemption of Sylar wasn’t a hit with the fans. This would also seem to nix the peaceful and happy Sylar we saw with a child in the future all together. Then again, the whole point of all this is to change that future.
I loved the scenes with Hiro and his mom, they were really touching. However the whole thing with the catalyst being some light Hiro’s mom shot out of herself and into someone else was silly. About as silly as Arthur stealing it and shooting it into that vat of liquid. That was lost on me and not making much sense. I was expecting the person with it in them to be killed or have it extracted, like it was a cell or part of their DNA. This light thing I wasn’t following.
I think that Peter will get his powers pack somehow and will end up saving Hiro as well as the future.
I’m not getting what is up with Nathan. He used to be one of my favorite characters, but now he’s just annoying. How many times can he be played by a sucker by others seeking to use him? I really hope he has some plan up his sleeve and he’s not just being an idiot again.
Finally with Arthur not being Sylar’s father, it’s obvious he’s going for Angela next. I think she will turn out to be his mother though, via an affair as I’ve always thought.
This week’s episode was a good one, with yet more curve balls thrown at us regarding Dave. Can the show not make up their mind as to what he’s angry about?
First up, MJ was having issues with Katherine and his dad dating. Katherine was positive Susan was badmouthing her, but she wasn’t. However MJ was picking up on her attitude and acting out. Feeling guilty, Susan tried to show MJ she liked Katherine and it would be okay. However at the bowling alley while teaching Katherine how to bowl, MJ saw Susan and Mike bonding over how much MJ was growing up. He then threw his bowling ball down on her foot! Later Mike and Susan had a talk, as MJ blurted out that mommy said she and daddy were getting back together. Susan explained he was upset, he wasn’t sleeping, so she said it could happen. She didn’t think he’d remember it. Mike said they had moved on, how could she say that? Susan said perhaps the problem with them trying to move on was that they never really said it was over and they might never get back together. She asked Mike if he ever thought about it? That there could be a chance? He said he couldn’t talk about this and walked out.
Carlos had his operation and slowly began regaining his site. However Gabby panicked as she had sold a baseball signed by Lou Gehrig for money and replaced it with an unsigned ball, never expecting Carlos to see it again. Carlos was furious and wanted it back, it was one of the few things he told her not to sell. Gabby had to dance on the table of the guy she sold it to in order to get it back. However Carlos, being able to see more and more, saw Gabby’s closet of designer clothes were gone. She had sold them and her shoes, and he felt foolish. He sold the baseball she got back and bought her a new fancy dress to apologize, realizing how much she had sacrificed to keep them afloat.
Bree and Orson learned Andrew was seeing Orson’s doctor when she saw a photo of them on his desk. Bree decided she had to have the man over for dinner to meet him. To try and make it more gay friendly, she invited Bob and Lee as well. At dinner it was announced that Andrew and the guy were going to get married. Unfortunately for Bree, Bob and Lee had seen the doctor before . . . in a gay porno! Bree then went and rented it to confront Andrew with it, but he already knew. The doctor called it his biggest mistake, and he did it to pay medical school bills. Bree wanted Andrew to know as she thought he was lying to him, she wanted to protect him. Andrew felt touched, as she cared enough to meddle in his love life . . . and to rent gay porn for him!
Thanks to Dave’s testimony, Porter was arrested for burning down the club. In order to bail him out, Lynette had to mortgage the restaurant . . . which she didn’t tell Tom about. It seems she used their emergency fund to pay Anne to leave town! Anne’s husband confronted Porter, warning him that he was basically going to kill him one of these days, so watch out. Porter got scared and fled, leaving his twin Parker to go to the hearing. Lynette realized if the court knew Porter skipped bail, they’d lose the restaurant, so she told Parker to get in there and pretend to be his brother.
Finally Dave started losing it even more so in this episode, seeing his dead wife and child. Yes is seems we are back to square one and his vendetta is not only against Mike, but for the car accident which killed the woman and her child and lead to Mike and Susan’s problems. He went to their graves at the end and promised he’d be with them soon, but first Mike had to pay. He said he was going to make Mike know what it felt like to lose what he had lost . . .
My Thoughts . . .
It seems like Mike and Susan fans got thrown a bone in this episode. Susan finally confronted Mike about the fact they never really had closure and ended things. Mike seemed like he couldn’t talk about it . . . he didn’t want to say that it was really over. He just walked out on Susan. So there is hope, and clearly the tragedy to come with Dave will probably help them heal.
So it seems Dave is the husband and father of the woman and child killed in the car accident Mike and Susan were involved in. Now I don’t know what was up with the whole “my brother died in prison” unless that was just a red herring. It looks like it was so they weren’t seen as going with the obvious since episode 1 of this season. I’m a little disappointed, but like I said, if it brings everything full circle and helps Susan and Mike get closure over the accident and back together . . . bring it on! Dave clearly plans to try and kill Susan and MJ from his comments, and Mike will have to save them. Of course knowing this show, Jackson probably will be the one to save them and Susan will think he’s the man she belongs with.
Bree and Andrew’s story was pretty amusing. Bree has also come a long long way. As I’m writing this the episode where Andrew came out to his parents was on and Bree arranged a dinner with the reverend from their church to try and save Andrew’s soul.
Finally with Porter running off and skipping town, I have a bad feeling his brother will end up taking the fall and be ordered back to jail. Will Lynette let this happen in order to save the restaurant, or fess up? Something tells me Porter will end up running to find Anne.