Heroes: Duality Thoughts

Heroes: Duality Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 12.16.2008 at 9:15 pm

Last night was the last new “Heroes” of the year and the end of “Chapter 3: Villains.” There was so much going on in this episode that I’m simply going to post thoughts on all the stories rather than try and recap everything.

Daphne, Ando and Matt came up with a plan to save Hiro. They theorized if they could get the formula and give it to Ando, he could time travel. Okay they clearly aren’t scientists, as I don’t know how they just thought Ando could get the power he wanted. Daphne shot in and out of Pinehurst with a vial for him. He ended up getting a power that acted as a supercharger for others powers. This let Daphne run fast enough to go back in time. She and Ando went back together (I was having issues with how she was dragging Ando along with her!) and they grabbed Hiro, who had just torn the formula in half. Once again I was having issues with this too. Hiro changed the future and who got the catalyst power by going there, yet the tearing up of the formula into two haves was done by him and remained in the same future? I know I shouldn’t nit pick 🙂

Sylar trapped pretty much everyone in Pinehurst, setting up “tests” for them all to show them how easy it was to become a monster. He locked HRG up with Claire’s mom Meridith, who he pumped full of adrenaline so she couldn’t control her fire. HRG was left with a gun and one bullet, off himself or Claire’s mom? Meanwhile he set Claire up to have to rescue either Angela or her dad, tick tock!

Claire saved her dad, while Meredith stayed behind in a cell trying to control her fire. Angela meanwhile revealed to Sylar she wasn’t his mother. Bummer! I liked the idea she was his mother from an affair. However she said she knew who his real parents were, and if he killed her then he’d never know (Well HRG knows too, so not true). Unfortunately for Sylar, Claire jumped him and spiked him in the neck with a glass shard.

Nathan found his dad was dead, which meant he was in charge. He went on an insane power trip, even turning on Tracy. However Peter, with the help of Flint, the Haitian and others set out to destroy the formula. They did so, save for a few vials, one which Peter used on himself at the very end to escape the blaze a dying Flint set to kill everyone, particularly Nathan. Peter flew himself and Nathan out just as the entire place blew! Meredith, at the same time lost control of her power and apparently self-combusted.

Peter has his power back, or does he? Is his lone power now to fly, or was he able to regain all his powers and flying was one he took from Nathan? We didn’t get an answer to that one. I don’t know if I like the idea that Peter only has the one power, that of flight. It would however make him and jhis brother even on the playing field, which I could see them doing to have a showdown. Nathan told Peter later if it was up to him, he would not have saved his life.

Surresh was flooded with the formula in the lab when Peter and Flint tipped the vat over, and it cured him of his abnormalities. I guess we are also to assume he’s left with a power. From the previews he clearly escaped the explosion. Left in question? Sylar, who we all know won’t be dead. Flint? My guess is dead. Meredith? I’m hoping she won’t be dead, but not sure. Tracey? Doubtful again. The Haitian? Not sure what happened to him honestly.

Claire, HRG and Angela escaped for sure. The show ended with Peter meeting with the new president and turning over a folder of all the “Heroes” that he said posed a threat and he wanted rounded up. One of them included a photo of Micah, so it looks like he’ll at least be back. Perhaps his cousin will return as well? That storyline was just dropped all together.

As I posted in the shout box, I felt the whole story with Nathan having the “Heroes” rounded up just falls a little too close to the Xmen comics. We’ll see how they carry it off, but that immediately struck me when watching the previews for the next chapter (along with rumors that the “Heroes” in transport get involved in a pane crash).

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  1. Assuming that the third twin hasn’t yet been introduced, Tracey is alive; she’s the one who picked up Mohinder as he was hitchhiking.

    So she’s definitely alive.

    Comment by Fred
    12.17.2008 at 10:32 am
  2. Mohinder according to Nathan’s file that he had got the power to activate evolution in others so Im wondering if he will be able to give powers without the formula in the next chapter. I would really love to see the return of Monica and Micah. So if Flint can’t be burned by his own fire I would take the leap to assume that Meredith, his sister, can’t be burned by her’s either so she may survive the Primeatech fire unless crushed by the building.

    Comment by Erick
    12.17.2008 at 1:57 pm
  3. If any surive I hope it’s only Meredith. I like that the bodu count was so high. Everyone kept complaining that their were to many people and now they’ve effectvly weeded out almost all knew people pushed into this season.

    Though, maybe I’m still bitter about Adam’s death and the body couldnt makes me happy.

    Either way, I’m actually looking forward to the new volume. I mentioned in the box that I thought it was pretty much impossible for them to avoid seeming to much like the x-men. Since Nathan outed them to the gov and people are per their nature scared of things different then them. I don’t really see any way for them to not be hunted back down.

    Though, this is basically season one all over on a greater scale. Nathan went from being hunted to hunting them.

    I’ll be interested to see Sylar search for his real family, and to see how well they play out this storyline. Almost all comics have dne something like this. I know all the superheroes just went through it, X-Men went through it, and Im sure i could think of many others. As long as it’s done well and not shitty like or half assed I think it should go well.

    Comment by Malorie
    12.17.2008 at 3:13 pm
  4. I’m not super excited about the new storyline. Did Nathan neglect to let them know HE was one of them too?

    I don’t get why it was so important to find the formula and rip it up. If they don’t have the catalyst anymore than what good was it anyway?

    I was also wondering how Daphne could take other people with her.

    I did find the theory that people can sort of control what powers they get interesting, it being linked to something they really wanted.

    I think it would make more sense for Peter to only be able to fly right now, but still be able to pick up other powers as he comes into contact with more people.

    Comment by Stacy
    12.18.2008 at 8:46 pm

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