TR Knight To Leave Grey’s?

TR Knight To Leave Grey’s?

Posted by Dustin on 12.11.2008 at 12:15 pm

(Meant to add this a few days ago, sorry!)

Rumors began circulating first that TR Knight (George O’Malley) had walked off the set and wasn’t attending table reads for the show (what with his 2 lines per episode lately?). ABC quickly denied that and said he was still on set and attending the reads.

However Ausiello is reporting that TR wants to move on to new things and has asked to be written out, and it seems the show is going to give him what he wants.

Shocking? Not really considering his character has had almost nothing to do since the whole George and Izzie storyline fizzled. Will other actors however follow and try and jump ship?




  1. Sad Day!!

    Comment by Renee
    12.11.2008 at 12:33 pm
  2. I honestly can’t blame him. I mean what has he been doing on the show lately, nothing. While it will be sad to see Grey’s without him, he deserves better than what they have given him.

    Comment by Anonymous
    12.11.2008 at 1:14 pm
  3. I agree that his storyline sucks right now. But he needs to be thankful for what he is involved in. Grey’s is still a highly rated show and he is still a loved character by the people who watch it. I mean what else is he going to do?? Look at Mischa Barton, she wanted to leave the O.C to do better things. Look what happened to her, she does NOTHING. I think it’s a bad move…on both parties.

    Comment by ChiCubsGirl
    12.12.2008 at 9:29 pm

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