Heroes: Trapped In Space And Time
Wow was this ever an awesome episode. Let’s get right into what happened then some thoughts on this amazing episode.
First up, Sylar not only killed Elle, but then set her ablaze. Yeah unless there is a time traveling thing to save her at some point, Elle is toast. Sylar then went after a woman whose power was determining if people were lying. He killed her and then her entire office, returning to his killer roots. A tad gory even for this show.
Hiro and Claire went to the past, each with their own missions. Claire watched Kaito give herself as a baby to Noah, and later heard Kaito tell his sick wife he wanted to put the catalyst in the baby. The wife wanted to put it into Hiro. Claire realized she had to keep herself safe and not become the catalyst.
Hiro meanwhile realized his mother’s power was healing, and she might be able to heal him and his memories. When he was able to talk to her alone, he told her who he was and how he couldn’t remember anything past being 10 years old. She healed him and they had a bonding moment. Hiro’s mother was to die that day, and now she was able to see her son grow up and know how his life turned out, something she never expected to be able to do. Hiro convinced his mother to give him the catalyst. She shot this glowing light into his body and then died.
Unfortunately as Claire and Hiro met back up to return to their own time, Arthur arrived (this confused me till I remembered he stole Peter’s powers, he had Hiro’s ability too). Arthur then took the catalyst from Hiro, as well as his power, and threw him off the roof they were on! He then told Claire to tell Angela that he had won and sent her back to her time.
Daphne, Matt and Ando pursued Isaac’s lost sketches to find out what happens to Hiro, only to learn that he is lost in the past. They theorized that perhaps someone with similar time traveling powers could save him.
Nathan defected to the Pinehurst team, but seemed to have his own plan and wouldn’t be pushed around by his father, knowing his dad needed his face to pull this off. Arthur returned with the catalyst and shot the light out of him and into a vat of the formula. They tested it on a soldier, who became super strong.
Meanwhile Angela sent Peter and the Haitian to kill Arthur. They confronted him and Peter shot at him while the Haitian stripped his powers. However Sylar showed up and froze the bullet right before it was to hit Aurthur. Sylar then used his new found powers to learn Arthur had lied, he wasn’t his father. He told Peter that Peter wasn’t a killer, but that he was. He let the bullet fly and Arthur was dead!
My Thoughts
So it seems Sylar is back to being bad and here to stay that way. I think they probably realized the redemption of Sylar wasn’t a hit with the fans. This would also seem to nix the peaceful and happy Sylar we saw with a child in the future all together. Then again, the whole point of all this is to change that future.
I loved the scenes with Hiro and his mom, they were really touching. However the whole thing with the catalyst being some light Hiro’s mom shot out of herself and into someone else was silly. About as silly as Arthur stealing it and shooting it into that vat of liquid. That was lost on me and not making much sense. I was expecting the person with it in them to be killed or have it extracted, like it was a cell or part of their DNA. This light thing I wasn’t following.
I think that Peter will get his powers pack somehow and will end up saving Hiro as well as the future.
I’m not getting what is up with Nathan. He used to be one of my favorite characters, but now he’s just annoying. How many times can he be played by a sucker by others seeking to use him? I really hope he has some plan up his sleeve and he’s not just being an idiot again.
Finally with Arthur not being Sylar’s father, it’s obvious he’s going for Angela next. I think she will turn out to be his mother though, via an affair as I’ve always thought.
ahh, I was so confused about Arthur too…now I almost get it. How did he know where to go though and when?
12.10.2008 at 2:45 am
I think Arthur has Isaac’s ability I think I remember him being white eyed drawing once in his office….
12.10.2008 at 8:37 am
oh yeah, didn’t he take the spirit walker’s powers? Sheesh, this show is getting hard for me to keep up with.
Also, is anyone else wondering if Arthur is really dead? They always say, “One bullet in the BACK of the head.” But he was shot from the front.
And where exactly does the catalyst go now? Is it just gone?
12.10.2008 at 1:27 pm
Doesn’t matter where the catalyst has gone. He’s already used it for the formula. That’s all it was needed for.
12.10.2008 at 2:19 pm
And can I just say that the scene with Sylar in the elevator was great.
12.10.2008 at 4:41 pm
I got the impression Peter might have gotten his powers back when Arthur was shot. When Peter stood over him a light was eminating from Arthur’s body, maybe transfer of powers back to Peter?
12.11.2008 at 9:59 pm
No, I think that was just the catalyst escaping.
12.12.2008 at 3:30 am