Desperate Housewives: I Can See Clearly Now
This week’s episode was a good one, with yet more curve balls thrown at us regarding Dave. Can the show not make up their mind as to what he’s angry about?
First up, MJ was having issues with Katherine and his dad dating. Katherine was positive Susan was badmouthing her, but she wasn’t. However MJ was picking up on her attitude and acting out. Feeling guilty, Susan tried to show MJ she liked Katherine and it would be okay. However at the bowling alley while teaching Katherine how to bowl, MJ saw Susan and Mike bonding over how much MJ was growing up. He then threw his bowling ball down on her foot! Later Mike and Susan had a talk, as MJ blurted out that mommy said she and daddy were getting back together. Susan explained he was upset, he wasn’t sleeping, so she said it could happen. She didn’t think he’d remember it. Mike said they had moved on, how could she say that? Susan said perhaps the problem with them trying to move on was that they never really said it was over and they might never get back together. She asked Mike if he ever thought about it? That there could be a chance? He said he couldn’t talk about this and walked out.
Carlos had his operation and slowly began regaining his site. However Gabby panicked as she had sold a baseball signed by Lou Gehrig for money and replaced it with an unsigned ball, never expecting Carlos to see it again. Carlos was furious and wanted it back, it was one of the few things he told her not to sell. Gabby had to dance on the table of the guy she sold it to in order to get it back. However Carlos, being able to see more and more, saw Gabby’s closet of designer clothes were gone. She had sold them and her shoes, and he felt foolish. He sold the baseball she got back and bought her a new fancy dress to apologize, realizing how much she had sacrificed to keep them afloat.
Bree and Orson learned Andrew was seeing Orson’s doctor when she saw a photo of them on his desk. Bree decided she had to have the man over for dinner to meet him. To try and make it more gay friendly, she invited Bob and Lee as well. At dinner it was announced that Andrew and the guy were going to get married. Unfortunately for Bree, Bob and Lee had seen the doctor before . . . in a gay porno! Bree then went and rented it to confront Andrew with it, but he already knew. The doctor called it his biggest mistake, and he did it to pay medical school bills. Bree wanted Andrew to know as she thought he was lying to him, she wanted to protect him. Andrew felt touched, as she cared enough to meddle in his love life . . . and to rent gay porn for him!
Thanks to Dave’s testimony, Porter was arrested for burning down the club. In order to bail him out, Lynette had to mortgage the restaurant . . . which she didn’t tell Tom about. It seems she used their emergency fund to pay Anne to leave town! Anne’s husband confronted Porter, warning him that he was basically going to kill him one of these days, so watch out. Porter got scared and fled, leaving his twin Parker to go to the hearing. Lynette realized if the court knew Porter skipped bail, they’d lose the restaurant, so she told Parker to get in there and pretend to be his brother.
Finally Dave started losing it even more so in this episode, seeing his dead wife and child. Yes is seems we are back to square one and his vendetta is not only against Mike, but for the car accident which killed the woman and her child and lead to Mike and Susan’s problems. He went to their graves at the end and promised he’d be with them soon, but first Mike had to pay. He said he was going to make Mike know what it felt like to lose what he had lost . . .
My Thoughts . . .
It seems like Mike and Susan fans got thrown a bone in this episode. Susan finally confronted Mike about the fact they never really had closure and ended things. Mike seemed like he couldn’t talk about it . . . he didn’t want to say that it was really over. He just walked out on Susan. So there is hope, and clearly the tragedy to come with Dave will probably help them heal.
So it seems Dave is the husband and father of the woman and child killed in the car accident Mike and Susan were involved in. Now I don’t know what was up with the whole “my brother died in prison” unless that was just a red herring. It looks like it was so they weren’t seen as going with the obvious since episode 1 of this season. I’m a little disappointed, but like I said, if it brings everything full circle and helps Susan and Mike get closure over the accident and back together . . . bring it on! Dave clearly plans to try and kill Susan and MJ from his comments, and Mike will have to save them. Of course knowing this show, Jackson probably will be the one to save them and Susan will think he’s the man she belongs with.
Bree and Andrew’s story was pretty amusing. Bree has also come a long long way. As I’m writing this the episode where Andrew came out to his parents was on and Bree arranged a dinner with the reverend from their church to try and save Andrew’s soul.
Finally with Porter running off and skipping town, I have a bad feeling his brother will end up taking the fall and be ordered back to jail. Will Lynette let this happen in order to save the restaurant, or fess up? Something tells me Porter will end up running to find Anne.