Brothers and Sisters: Turkey Dinner
This week’s episode was the Thanksgiving episode, albeit about 2 weeks late. All the Walker kids, except Sarah, decided to go away for the holiday but none wanted to tell Nora. They also didn’t know the others were going until the last minute, leaving Nora with almost no guests and far too much food. Honestly I can’t blame any of them for not wanting to go to Nora’s for Thanksgiving. They have enough dysfunctional family dinners as is.
Everyone’s plans to flee were put on hold when Elizabeth fell ill. The drugs she was given when she was born so prematurely effected her liver, she would need a transplant. This meant finding out who her father was, as he was the best shot. Kevin and Justin were nervous, but in the ended up being Kevin. Justin seemed upset that he wasn’t the dad actually. It was odd as neither of them ever intended to find out. I think after this Justin is going to get the baby bug, which Rebecca is not going to catch.
Kitty and Tommy had a heart to heart, as Tommy was taking this hard. Everyone in the family knew Tommy saw this as the one thing he had failed at, having a kid. Kitty felt close to him as she was in the same boat, and she knew the doubts he was having over the whole biological child and nature verses nurture. She also felt that he was probably feeling his feud with Kevin had gone on long enough as well. In the end Kevin and Tommy did finally make up, and Tommy apologized for firing him and putting business over family.
Most of this episode dealt with Elizabeth, all other ongoing stories were pushed aside. It was a good episode, but I do wonder how opening up the can of worms about Elizabeth’s father will play out. I don’t think Kevin will make any issues, but Scotty definitely seems to have a problem with it. He didn’t seem very easy, but he was also equally upset over the risks of the surgery. Justin, like I said, I think he’ll get the baby bug after this and want a kid of his own.
OK was it just me or did anyone see Kevin making out with Tommy’s wife in the preview for Jan.
12.08.2008 at 10:08 pm
I missed the previews, but I’m sure they are on youtube or I’ll have to go look.
12.08.2008 at 10:10 pm
Okay it did look like that, but I don’t know. My guess is funky editing 🙂
12.08.2008 at 10:12 pm
I definetly saw Kevin and Julia making out! It could have been a dream though? Can’t wait til Jan.!
12.09.2008 at 2:06 am
Yeah, I saw that too, and it also seemed like Tommy and Kevin were fighting over Elizabeth and being her father?
You might be right though, maybe it is Tommy having nightmares or something.
12.09.2008 at 3:23 pm