Revolving Lesbians on Greys
In my last “Grey’s” post Cheryl posted a link to Ausiello which details what is really wrong with Izzie, so check it out! No, unfortunately it’s not a big shock.
In the same post a few of us were discussing what was up with Callie and Sadie. Sadie was originally touted as a bi-sexual character to cause some trouble for Callie, but it seems that has been dropped (possibly?) Kristin is reporting nothing will come of Sadie’s flirtation with Callie. However Jessica Capshaw’s character, who joins for three episodes as Dr. Arizona Robbins, brought in for a special case, WILL be kissing on Callie!
I don’t know, the actress is only on for three episodes, so it kinda seems pointless to make her a love interest of Callie’s. Maybe it will be the kiss that makes Callie realize she’s only bi-curious when it came to Hahn?