Grey’s: Alex Is The Winner!

Grey’s: Alex Is The Winner!

Posted by Dustin on 12.05.2008 at 12:15 am

So I was trying to finish online Christmas shopping tonight, and thus was only half-heatedly paying attention to “Grey’s.” Sadly it’s a pretty easy thing to do for me nowadays, zone out when the show is on. Here are some thoughts on tonight’s episode (from what I remember).

This whole ghost of Denny thing is in fact getting silly at this point. I have a feeling this is a ratings booster that will eventually backfire as they drag it on too long. Fortunately George seemed to realize something is wrong with Izzie tonight. It’s about time George got a story, I just think it sucks it he has to be a part of this story!

Yang had to choose who got the solo surgery and she picked Alex, as he was the only one who could dissasociate his personal feelings from his work. Meredith thought Yang was punishing her, but Yang told her she was the one making all of this personal. Yang then blew up at everyone saying it wasn’t just her interns in the wrong, and she didn’t feel anyone should get the solo surgery if she couldn’t have it. On that account I do have to agree with Christina.

I am absolutely loving Virginia Dixxon and hope there is a way they can keep her around, at least on a recurring basis. I probably shouldn’t get my hopes up though, as this show has one too many doctors on it as is.

It was bound to happen, Lexie and Mark got it on near the end of the show. Mark is risking his friendship with Derrek and Meredith at this point. This is gunna blow up and probably get ugly. Callie is still a sex factor too, and then there is George the object of Lexie’s unrequited love. Yes, this could become very messy.

Baily worked with Mark and was eager to learn from him, which he thought was patronizing. I have a feeling Baily’s going to pick a new specialty and end up having to retrain, becoming a resident/intern again. I don’t think I’d like that, I like Bailey in charge!




  1. Here’s the spoiler link!

    Comment by Cheryl
    12.05.2008 at 10:30 am
  2. I just read that article thismorning 🙂

    Comment by Dustin
    12.05.2008 at 10:34 am
  3. I thought they were gonna drop the Calli lesbian story line?

    Comment by Erick
    12.05.2008 at 12:41 pm
  4. Everyone said they were. Then they had the whole Sadie thing introduced with her flirting. Who knows at this point LOL. I think this was filmed and in the can before the hoopla with Brookes firing and the outrage. Shonda even made a comment about Callie being a lesbian so that was not the reason that erica was droped. It was an odd comment as callie was more bi than anything.

    Comment by Dustin
    12.05.2008 at 12:50 pm
  5. What I don’t understand – didn’t anyone wonder where Brooke/Erica was when they were shooting these shows? Was she just “gone” to report everything like she threatened to do in her last episode? Also, I agree with Dustin, I don’t understand why Shonda made that comment since it was fairly obvious they were making Callie bi – she didn’t seem nearly as happy about the whole lesbian thing as Erica was anyway!

    Comment by Cheryl
    12.05.2008 at 4:45 pm

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