Private Practice: New Doctors In The House
On last night’s “Private Practice” two of the main stories dealt with babies, saving and terminating them. In on case Addison was forced to work with Charlotte, who she was less than pleased with because of her decision to open her own private practice above them. A woman was in a coma and was pregnant, but the baby needed to be delivered by C-section. The father insisted on a regular birth, as he heard it could bring her out of her coma. The parents began a legal battle, as the man and woman were not married. In the end the woman died, but the baby lived. It was a pretty tragic story all around.
In another story, Pete’s girlfriend Meg began working temporarily at the practice. She ran a volunteer outreach program, and her first case was a woman wanting an abortion. This stirred up mixed feelings among the doctors, mostly Naomi and some of the men. Naomi was against abortions and she felt given the practice has been so built around being a fertility clinic, it was a conflict. Addison and Violet however were fine with it. It was an interesting show in which both sides were given their say, as well as Dell coming to terms with his guilt that he wanted his old girlfriend to have an abortion but she wouldn’t. Plus Addison had the best line of the show when all hell erupted in the conference room. She told everyone in the room that didn’t have a vagina to leave so the ones with them could discuss!
For me though the best story was Violet’s. Her patient with the terminal yet verbally abusive wife he wanted to leave (but didn’t when he found out she was dying) ended up shooting the wife and killing her. He claimed she wanted him to end her suffering, but Violet wasn’t so sure. In the end he admitted that he had ended his own suffering and abuse at her hand . . . well mouth. That made it murder and off to jail he went. I loved that the show finally gave Violet a meaty storyline and had her interacting with everyone from Addison’s SWAT guy to the new psychiatrist Charlotte hired for her practice (played by Brian Benben). I absolutely love that actor (character’s name was Sheldon something) so I HOPE they keep him on as recurring and Violet bumps into him more. Their interactions were great!
Love this show!!! I am enjoying it this season so much more than Grey’s!!
12.05.2008 at 3:28 pm
One thing I also found interesting was when Addison and Violet both told Naomi that they themselves have had abortions. Was this addressed when Addison first went to Naomi to get pregnant and later found out that she wasn’t going to be able to concieve?
12.05.2008 at 9:40 pm
Hmmm, nope I don’t think so. Sloppy writing? I doubt we’ll ever hear of it again, though who knows. I just remember Naomi telling Addison 99% of her eggs weren’t viable.
12.05.2008 at 9:48 pm
That can happen though. You can get pregnant then have an aborotion then have your body messed up. Lots of times its the aborotion that causes it.
12.08.2008 at 7:05 pm
First time commenting but had to add. The abortion was addressed on Grey’s. The baby was Marks which is why she aborted it. Then she wanted to get pregnant and was told she couldn’t which is why she took it so hard. Because she had a baby and got rid of it and now she wanted one and couldn’t have one.
12.09.2008 at 10:02 am
Okay now that story I do remmeber!
12.09.2008 at 12:25 pm