Heroes: Eclipse Part 2
So last night’s episode was the second part of the eclipse two-parter. I have to say it was MUCH better than the first, though not without some issues.
Claire found herself in big trouble at the hospital, as did her mom who was being questioned by the staff and police. It seemed her powers kept her from ever being sick, and without them, her entire immune system was under attack. Claire died, but as the eclipse ended, she returned to life.
HRG hunted down Elle and Sylar. He shot Elle in the leg and ended up slitting Sylar’s throat! Of course just like Claire, he was revived when the eclipse ended . . . and he was pissed! He attacked HRG, while Elle held the mom hostage. Claire agreed to go with them to save her parents. HRG warned Sylar he was being used, the Petrellis lied to him and he was not their son. He had read his file, and Elle did too and could tell him the truth.
Hiro and Ando spent most of the episode at the comic book shop trying to get Hiro’s memory back and help him figure out what he had to do. He read through all the “9th Wonder” comics and realized he had to save the cheerleader again. He zapped himself to where she was, put Elle and Sylar on a beach somewhere, and then took Claire to the past to see his father giving Claire to her dad.
Sylar meanwhile told Elle he realized they wouldn’t work, and with his powers back, he knew what he had to do and who he was . . . he couldn’t change and neither could she. He then began to take her head off!
Matt learned Daphne was Cerebral Palsy and could only start walking on her own a year ago with the eclipse. When this eclipse ended, she got her abilities back along with everyone else. Matt told her she had been dealt a lot of stuff, that is why she acted the way she did . . . however he knew she was a good person.
Down in Haiti, the Haitian’s brother captured the boys, but the Haitian came to help them. Peter created a diversion while Nathan tried to escape with him as they needed him to help their side and defeat their father. In the end, with everyone’s powers back, the Haitian did some mental mind exploding thing on his brother to kill him.
Finally Surresh turned back into a monster as the Eclipse ended and he ended up breaking out of Pinehurt and escaping from Aurthur and his men. He then went to find Maya, who returned at the end of this episode.
My thoughts . .
So yet again I found myself frustrated with the Sylar storyline. Last week I complained they couldn’t decide what side to put him on, now they’ve taken away the Petrellis as his parents it seems. I think someone in the writers room has a serious case of no idea what to do about Sylar!
So if Angela and Aurthur aren’t his mommy and daddy, assuming HRG was telling the truth, then who is? I used to think he was Adam’s kid by Angela, which they could still pull off I guess. The thought crossed my mind that he could also be HRG’s kid, though would HRG do what he did to Sylar to his own son?
The fate of Elle seems to be up in the air at the moment. I can’t see them killing her off for real, but who knows on this show!
I’m having a hard time figuring out why Hiro took Claire to see his dad giving her to her dad. One thing struck me, Hiro’s dad told HRG not to get too attached. Hmmm, it’s almost as if he knew one day Claire would die or need to be sacrificed? I wonder if it has to do with the formula?
I was waiting, or hoping, that with the eclipse Peter would get his powers back. Powerless Peter is starting to suck. Though if Peter got his back, would Maya get hers back too? Speaking of Maya, I can’t believe she’s back! She’s one character I wouldn’t have mind never seeing again.
Oh I hope Elle isn’t dead. At the end of the scene it did seem that something happened to Syler so maybe he stopped or someone stopped him. I mean doesn’t this kinda make Hiro a killer in a way he did drop her off in the middle of no where with a killer and then leave.
12.02.2008 at 7:59 pm
I don’t want Elle dead either, but wasn’t her character only suppose to be on for a short time?
I was bummed Peter didn’t get his powers back too. How is he going to get them back?
12.02.2008 at 10:36 pm
Ausiello is saying she’s dead and staying dead
12.03.2008 at 11:56 am
That’s too bad. I was really liking her character, but now it makes us all hate Sylar again.
12.03.2008 at 1:47 pm
I just dont get why they would choose to make him a villain when they had the chance to start him down a road to good, espically when he is playing Spock in the new star trek
12.03.2008 at 2:56 pm
Plus why did they have him take her head off like the others. They depict him as a character that is driven to do what he does because of the power, yet he had Elle’s power already so what point was there to take a look inside?
12.03.2008 at 2:58 pm
I’m with Erick, why bother killing her that way, why bother killing her at all? He has her power, he could have ditched her it wouldnt have much mattered either way. I think it was also mentioned why bother giving his life to save her if he was only going to turn around and kill her?
That episode while fun to watch, removed all point from the past episodes he’s been in.
12.03.2008 at 3:26 pm
With regards to Sylar, you can argue (probably unsuccessfully) that although he obtained her power through sympathy, he did not seem to have good control of it. Maybe by looking at how her brain was set up, he could fix his slightly-faulty power, and thus be more advanced than he previously was.
12.03.2008 at 5:13 pm
I think the whole point of Sylar killing Elle is to show us his (further) decent into evil. He was starting to look like a good guy (and he might return to being good in the future, like we saw), but I think TPTB need him on Arthur’s side (the evil side I assume) to balance out the numbers of “good” vs. “evil”.
One question: did Arthur (or Angela) “see” that this was going to happen to Elle?
Oh, just had a thought… Elle was pretty mentally unstable, so maybe when Sylar took her powers in a previous episode, he also took on her instability.
12.03.2008 at 7:48 pm
I definitely think that atleast Sylar and Peter are brothers, they both have the same powers in a round about way. Peter absorbs others powers (well he use to until Arthur took them) and Sylar takes powers but he can also absorb them if he wanted to. Also, I am confused as to why Nathan suddenly jumped to daddy’s side. It almost seemed like he was brainwashed or something. I wonder if more happened to him while he was held captive than what we saw, since the Haitian’s brother said they knew who he was.
12.03.2008 at 10:16 pm