Dirty Sexy Money: The Break Up

Dirty Sexy Money: The Break Up

Posted by Dustin on 11.20.2008 at 7:43 pm

In this episode Letitia, driving around celebrating her freedom, hits a bicyclist! While she checked out as fine, the family brought her home to recover, in hopes of keeping her from suing. The last thing Letitia needs is to end up in court again. The bicyclist, a cute young blond named Ren, caught Tripp’s eye and Letitia took notice. The ironic part was, Ren seemed taken with Nick! So it’s like Dutch all over for Tripp, the woman he loves loves Nick.

Nick and Lisa tried to work things out, but some misunderstandings with Nick meeting Karen (to tell her it was over and he had to make things work with Lisa) as well as her seeing the conversation between Nick and Karen that Simon had recorded (in which she told Nick she’d be with him if he said the word) were too much for Lisa. She and Karen had a great cat fight though, one a long time coming. Nick and Lisa both agreed though that it was over. Is anyone shocked at all?

Lisa, for all her high and mightiness in her kiss off speech to Nick, jumped in the sack with Jeremy that night. She said it was only about the sex, just so he was clear, as she didn’t want to be alone. I have to say, I’m not feeling for Lisa that much really, as she is going to end up married to someone in the Darling family (or knocked up by one!).

Brian and (the woman whose name I always forget!) argued over whether she should have some experimental cancer treatment that could save her. She preferred to die with dignity and die living rather than on drugs. However she couldn’t tell their son, and after a disaster of a dinner party she told Brian she had to live because she couldn’t leave her son with him and this family. Too funny! I really love these two together, and Brian is quickly becoming my favorite on the show because of his snarky insults.

Finally Simon has clearly become a villain and it seems one with no redeeming qualities. It became clear in this episode he didn’t love Karen, he told Nick as much during a confrontation when he said he could have her back when he was done with her. Later he blackmailed Nola to continue working with Patrick. She was fed up and didn’t want to do this anymore, but Simon is apparently holding her little brother somewhere and that’s what he’s using to get her to do his dirty work. He has her convincing Patrick to be on some environmental committee so he can get some biofuel technology passed.




  1. Futon Critic says this show is cancelled as of next week. I’d be sad but I haven’t even watched the last few episodes.

    Comment by Beth
    11.20.2008 at 10:26 pm
  2. DSM IMO has been getting better since the beginning of the season and I really hate to see it go.

    Comment by Sha
    11.21.2008 at 6:30 pm
  3. I LOVE THIS SHOW! And I am so upset about the cancellation, especially considering they are not giving the show a proper ending. We don’t know what will happen with Nick and Karen. We don’t know Simon’s complete scheme. We don’t know who killed Dutch. Was it Tripp? Will he try to kill Nick now? Is Dutch even really dead? SO MANY QUESTIONS LEFT UNANSWERED.

    ABC should be forced to host a forum to give us answers to all of our questions.

    Comment by JS 26
    11.23.2008 at 2:30 pm

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