Swingtown To Swing Back?
Most of us had all but probably written “Swingtown” off as canceled, but the truth is CBS hasn’t made a decision about it yet. Not only that, all the actors are still under contract until next month when a decision is to be made.
The creator himself, Mike Kelley, commented over at All Things Swing which is a livejournal community site dedicated to the show. This is what he posted on a post that the fate of the show had yet to be decided . . .
Great reporting! I can confirm all this information, and add one more bit. CBS will have to make a decision on whether or not the show returns by the end of December as that is when the option on the actors runs out. In the meantime, all of our sets still stand, and CBS/P just agreed to continue paying to color Molly’s hair “Susan red” for the next few months. May seem like a small thing, but if they had refused, that would have been the proverbial “canary in the cole mine” as Molly would have restored her natural hair color, and had been unable to return to Susan’s color for a year without permanently damaging her hair. I think our biggest shot at renewal will come right after the Golden Globe nominations are released in December. If we get a few high profile nods for the actors, our chances improve dramatically as CBS has precious few awards to show for all their primetime efforts. Thanks for all your support out there, and if you are a member of the Hollywood Foreign Press, please vote early, and vote often! Yes we can! Best, Mike Kelley
I have to say, with “Lipstick” gone and a few others probably getting the axe soon, a renewal of “Swingtown” would make me so happy!
I gotta say…this is a bright light….I really hope it does come back!! It is a GREAT show. We have to find out what happens next. When the season ended there were too many questions left unanswered. I hope we get a chance to see what happens to our favorite charachters!!!!
11.14.2008 at 2:13 pm
I also would love this show back!
11.14.2008 at 3:44 pm
I have my fingers crossed. I love this show!
11.14.2008 at 5:29 pm
I hope so. I love this show!
11.14.2008 at 7:20 pm
My spider sense tells me it will be renewed for a second season to air next summer. Unlike the other networks, CBS is doing well in the ratings and has a bit more wiggle room to fund executive and fan favorites. I don’t watch a lot of TV, but I try to watch quality when I do. I’m not trying to sound like a snob, but I have better things to do if a show doesn’t entertain me. Swingtown had me thoroughly entertained every episode and seems to have attracted an amazingly diverse audience, and quite surprisingly, couples that watch it together. I just hope they don’t broadcast it on Friday nights, because they lose a lot of fans who party on Friday. Any night, but Friday.
11.20.2008 at 11:21 pm
Would love to see this show be renewed. It has some great actors & great story lines and really deserves a second season.
11.25.2008 at 5:11 am