Grey’s Gets Two New Doctors

Grey’s Gets Two New Doctors

Posted by Dustin on 10.04.2008 at 11:41 am

In November “Grey’s” will add two new docs. Mary McDonnell (BSG) will play a surgeon coming to perform a procedure. Melissa George (Alias) will play a new intern that causes problems between Erica and Callie. McDonnell is only expected to be a multiple episode guest spot, while George could become a regular.

Source: All Headline News Service

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Grey's Anatomy

Daniel Is In, Which Means Willamina You’re Out!

Daniel Is In, Which Means Willamina You’re Out!

Posted by Dustin on 10.03.2008 at 11:10 pm

In the latest episode, Willamina began to realize she needed help at “Mode,” and set out to steal Betty away from Daniel. When Betty saw the opportunity to return to the job she loved, she was conflicted, and she and Daniel fought. She thought he wasn’t happy at “Player” either, but he claimed he was. He said it with such joy too, how could you not believe him.

Betty went to work for Willy, which had Mark seeing red . . . especially when Willy wanted Betty to inject her with Botox.

We got a hilarious fantasy of Betty as Willy, running around screaming and firing everyone. However it was a wake-up call for her, she did not want to end up that person.

Mark ended up engineering Daniel’s return to “Mode.” It seemed he had been hiding a ton of letters people had written in praising the magazine under Daniel. He allowed Betty to find them, knowing she’d take them to Daniel to snap him out of it and give up “Player” and fight to get back to “Mode.”

Willy threw a big party basically for herself and for the relaunch of “Mode.” It was stormed by Alexis and Daniel. As it turns out, Willy’s relaunch spent a lot of money and was the lowest selling magazine in months. She demoted Willy back to creative director and Daniel back to editor-in-chief. Woohoo! Claire had an especially great scene with Willy telling her never to try and threaten her family again, and to remember she is only here because of the baby. Loves Claire! I also hope we will be seeing more of Alexis too, as it was rumored she’s be recurring after the first 2 episodes this season.

Also going on, Hilda finally had to tell Betty that Coach Diaz had a wife, after Betty saw photos of him kissing another woman on his cell phone (which Amanda stole for fun). Betty told Hilda this was wrong, but she claimed it was complicated. No surprise that later in the show when she called the Coach, he was with his wife. Is he lying to her about how over he and the wife really are? He’s starting to look sleazy!

Daniel got some bad news about his son, the son’s maternal grandparents were fighting for custody of him. Daniel didn’t know what to do, he wanted to do what was best for the kid and what the kid wanted. The boy said he wanted to stay with Daniel, which is what Daniel wanted. This story is starting to bore me unfortunately. I think I’m more annoyed than bored, because of the inability for Daniel and his kid to be able to communicate cause of the language barrier.

Finally the show ended with a huge shock! Christina found out her sick husband was in fact using her, and using himself. He was still a junkie and was using her money she got from Willy for the baby to buy drugs. She was done with him. Poor Christina! Later someone pushed her down a flight of stairs. Uh oh, this isn’t good for the baby. Next week should be good, as it becomes a mystery as to who pushed her. Love that. I don’t know who it could be at this point. I’m sure Claire will look guilty, but I wonder if it might be Mark?

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Ugly Betty

Steven Weber A Desperate Husband?

Steven Weber A Desperate Husband?

Posted by Dustin on 10.03.2008 at 12:51 pm

Hot on the heels of reporting on Julie (Andrea Bowen’s) return to “Housewives,” Ausiello added a second bombshell, Steven Weber is joining too! Seem’s he found a new gig on Sunday nights on ABC, just an hour earlier (he was last on “Brothers and Sisters.”)

Steven will play Julie’s much older professor she’s now dating. If you remember back five years, well last year, Julie went off to college early because she was given a summer internship. Susan reluctantly let her, though felt something funny about the professor who offered it to her.

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Desperate Housewives

The Money Hasn’t Changed, It’s Just Gotten Dirtier and Sexier!

The Money Hasn’t Changed, It’s Just Gotten Dirtier and Sexier!

Posted by Dustin on 10.02.2008 at 3:39 pm

The premier of “Dirty Sexy Money” was last night and wow did they ever ramp up the sleaze on the show. Word was they were going to, as it just wasn’t dirty or sexy enough last season.

The show picked up several months where last season left of, long long ago. Fortunately there were some recaps, in a way, to remind us what had happened.

This show centered around a party the Darlings were throwing for Nick, but troubled abound of course. Jeremy Darling was still stalking Lisa, and she got drunk and kissed him. Nick saw and ran to Karen Darling, who unfortunately claims she’s finally thinking about another man . . . Simon Elder.

Simon told Karen he loved her, and she said “Thanks, I think your neat too!” OMG! Hilarious! Karen continued spying on Simon for her dad, but at the end of the show said to Simon how she didn’t want to be used by him or her dad in their little war . . . as she was feeling something for him and wanted to explore that. When Karen left, Simon made a call saying “We Got Her!” Seems like Simon has been playing Karen, but has Karen played Simon? She stole this little trinket from his house he claimed was one of the first things he bought in this country, it was only worth anything in value to him. She gave that to her dad. So is Karen playing him . . . or is there a bug in the trinket? I think the later, as I think Simon wanted her to take it.

Over to Patrick, whose wife had become a full fledged alchie. She was furious that Patrick wanted Carmelita over her. When he was in the shower, she came and started attacking him with a fire poker, shattering the shower door. She made the comment that she had taken care of Carmelita and he’d never see her again . . . right before she slipped and killed herself. OMG OMG OMG! I was stunned they killed his wife, and now Carmelita is being held lord knows where. This will allow Simon to come in and play hero to Patrick I bet.

Brian’s ex ran off with his kid back to Brazil in this show, even though Trip was supposed to have taken care of things. Brian’s storyline didn’t interest me too much, there wasn’t much to it really. I did love the comment he made to his dad about how he quit being a priest because he was sick of hearing people whine about their problems, yet working for him that’s all he’s getting. He also said so far the only fun this job has been was when he got to take over a factory and fire a lot of people. Good lord this man is messed up.

Jeremy went to drown his sorrows at a bar, meeting Lucy Lui’s character, who got him drunk and had sex with him in his limo.

All of this happened and led up to Nick’s birthday party. Patrick and Trip had reconciled because Trip helped take care of the mess with his dead wife, who was sent to the summer house which mysteriously burned down as Patrick was at the Patrick. Patrick also claimed to be sailing in the Hamptons with Brian the past two days. Nick and Lisa made up at the party just in time for the cops to storm it and arrest . . . Letitia for the murder of Dutch! Did she do it? No, but I think one of the Darlings did . . or thinks they did. I still maintain Dutch faked his death.

Strangely missing was Juliet Darling. She’s said to only have some bit parts, and the spoiler/rumors are she’s become involved with a Hoippy Cult. Also gone was Nick and Lisa’s little girl. I’m not sure what has happened to her. Finally Brian’s wife and two little girls were not mentioned. She was considering leaving Brian at the end of last year.

All in all, two thumbs up! I really love this show, loved it last season too. I hope it does well enough to stick around.


Private Practice Season 2 Premier

Private Practice Season 2 Premier

Posted by Dustin on 10.01.2008 at 10:30 pm

So I just finished the “Private Practice” season premier. Here are some initial thoughts . . .

Noami has gotten the practice into serious and deep debt, which she told Addison about, but wanted her to keep secret. The problem of course was Sam, who knew something was up. He was convinced Naomi’s problem was him, that she didn’t want him back.

Naomi’s other guy Dell had it with her and decided to quit. No worries here, he’s not leaving the show.

Cooper is still dating the Charlotte, the Chief of Staff at the hospital, but not telling Violet or anyone. She doesn’t want to be part of their “incestuous” practice, but he wants something more. In the end she finally came around after he ended things. Frankly I wished she hadn’t, as I so want Cooper with Violet! Clearly they are the Mer Der of this show and we will be tortured waiting for them to happen, or driven to loath them in the end . . .

Addison is still being wooed by the cop from last season, while avoiding the temptations of Pete. These two are the other Mer Der of the show, or maybe the Addison and McSteamy? Frankly in this case I’d rather see Addison with the cop!

The end of the show had a meeting of the doctors in which Sam announced because they were under billing, not seeing enough patients and allowed Naomi to do all the grunt work; they were broke! He said he was taking over immediately. Whoa! Noami was stunned, big time. I can see this sending her right into Dell’s loving arms honestly in order to spite Sam. This was the moment of the whole show.

All in all, better than “Grey’s” premier and this was 1 hour compared to 2!


Lipstick Jungle Added

Lipstick Jungle Added

Posted by Dustin on 10.01.2008 at 11:45 am

With “Cashmere Mafia” canceled I plan to fill the void with “Jungle.” To be quiet honest I expected “Mafia” to be the one to survive. With “Jungle” up against ABC’s “Private Practice” and “Dirty Sexy Money,” well I am worried about how long it will survive this season to be honest.

Anyway, the premier centered around Nico and her affair with Kirby, which her husband Charles had known about all along. Charles had been cheating for years with a grad student, who he knocked up and planned to run away with . . . suing Nico for alimony and trying to build a case against her! That bas. . . . . Charles ended up dying on the operating table though, leaving Nico free to pursue what she wants in life.

Victory hired a new assistant Dahlia to help her get away from Joe. They spent time looking for a new store for Victory, but everything on the blocks she looked for was owned by . . . Joe! She had to suck it up and agree to be a tenant in one of his buildings.

Finally Wendy, well she was dealing with her teenage daughter sneaking into clubs with a fake ID, as well as a visit from her overbearing mother (played by Mary Tyler Moore). Her mom was facing the prospect of having to go back to work, which scared her to death.

The real story of this whole episode was the Nico and Charles bombshells. I loved how at first they made you think Charles in fact had been faithful to Nico and didn’t know about her and Kirby . . . only for her to find out he was plotting to leave her all along.

The Wendy storyline, even with Mary Tyler Moore guest starring, just didn’t grab me. Victory’s storyline has been my least favorite of all the girls to be honest. Here is hoping they spice that one up.

Some spoilers for upcoming episodes after the jump . . .

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Julie Back On Housewives!

Julie Back On Housewives!

Posted by Dustin on 10.01.2008 at 11:19 am

Ausiello is reporting that Andrea Bowen will return to “Desperate Housewives” later this season with a big surprise for her mom, having to do with her boyfriend.

First let me say that I’m thrilled they realized the HORENDOUS MISTAKE they made in axing her last season and with the five year jump. Yay Julie!

As for her surprise? Why am I getting a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach she’s going to return with Zack, Mike’s psychotic son who hasn’t been seen for a long time.
