Beverly Hills: Yes, I’m Still Watching

Beverly Hills: Yes, I’m Still Watching

Posted by Dustin on 10.07.2008 at 9:37 pm

I haven’t posted on 90210 in a few weeks, but I’m still watching. Of course the loss of Brenda/Shannan last week sucks, though I don’t think they used her to her fullest potential. Kelly/Jennie also left last week to go visit Dylan. Hopefully she’ll be back, but when? I was afraid the loss of them would have killed the show, but it hasn’t.

Ironically I still am not really into Annie’s character all that much. I did get into her a bit with the whole acting in the horror film opportunity, as well as her trying to be nice to that witch snorting the coke (whose name I can’t remember to save my life). Other than that, I really don’t have much interest in her boy drama at all.

Dixon and Silver are cute, but they just seem to be cute and not much else. They aren’t really going anywhere with them other than having them be cute.

Noami has fast become my favorite of the teen scene, from dealing with her parents divorce, to hiding her friends drugs this week and getting busted. Oh and what an OMG ending with her screaming at her friend on the phone for failing to get her out of trouble, not knowing her friend had OD’d!

Mr. Matthews has a new student after his bod, which he’s currently fighting. It was fairly obvious, at least to me, that she’s a narc working to bust up a drug ring at the school. I have a bad feeling when they find out who the big wig running it all it will be that rich guy Annie was interested in for a bit.

Tabitha still remains a hoot, I loved her little skinny dipping issue with the gardener! That and telling Harry to lighten up, she wants to let her freak flag fly.

Harry and his ex are finally going to go look for their son, but she’s obviously using the son in part to try and get back with Harry. That’s pretty predictable. Also Harry’s wife Debbie (Lori Laughlin) finally started getting a story last week with a job, only to have her son screw it up and be reduced back to a home body this week dispensing advice. She also had the best line of the night “No one buts the baby in the corner” in reference to Annie losing her test-baby for school.

All in all, I have enjoyed the last two episodes. While the show has been given a season the on The CW, I don’t know if it will make it to year 2 honestly.

Are you still watching? If so, what are you liking and not liking?

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Heroes: Traveling To The Future And Back

Heroes: Traveling To The Future And Back

Posted by Dustin on 10.06.2008 at 11:19 pm

Surresh continued to try to experiment to find a cure for Maya’s abilities, as well as his own. Unfortunately he couldn’t, and the abilities he had given himself were taking over. Not only is he shedding his skin, he’s secreting stick webs out of his hands. Yup, he’s turning into the fly basically.

At the Company, Hiro and Ando were stuck in a cell in level five, squabbling over Hiro’s poor treatment of Ando because of what happened in the future. They were eventually taken before Angela, who told them the formula Kaito trusted Hiro with was dangerous as it turned ordinary people into ones like them, ones with powers. Hiro swore he would find a way to get it back. Angela told him he already had the key, sending him to dig up Adam Monroe!

Elsewhere Traci met with the doctor, who clearly worked for the Company as he said as much, but he’d also forgotten a lot too, something they made happen. He said she was one of three babies, triplets, who were separated after their biological parents died. He had manipulated their DNA and gave them their abilities.

Now we are getting somewhere. Some are born with them, others were clearly experimented on and given abilities it seems.

Meanwhile Nathan moved into Washington, still seeing Linderman, but not knowing his purpose or what he was. Linderman still wanted Nathan to become president, for some unknown reason. Traci showed up to resign, then went off to kill herself. Linderman sent Nathan after her, he saved her when she jumped from a bridge. She later shared her powers with him, then they smooched.

Meanwhile Peter from the future took Peter from the present four years ahead to show him what happened. He also said it was up to Peter to save them all, he stepped on too many butterflies trying.
Many in the future have powers now, either they’ve bought them or stolen the ability. Evil Claire showed up and shot Future Peter, who told Present Peter to find Sylar and get his ability from him.

Peter went looking for Surresh to find out where Sylar might be. Surresh had become a human insect, hiding his face from Peter. He explained he was foolish and made a formula to give powers, but his didn’t work right. Peter read his mind to find where Sylar was, he was living in Claire’s old house in California.

Peter headed there as Claire searched for him. She had teamed up with the Haitian, Daphne and Knox from Level 5. They are trying to kill Peter, thinking he is to blame for everything that had happened. This part was confusing, but they seem to believe stopping Peter will set things right. Daphne is married to Parkman, and they used Molly and her powers to locate Peter.

Peter went to see Sylar, who now had a son. We don’t know who his wife is though. Sylar realized this Peter was from the past, he couldn’t help him. He told him too much saying they were brothers. Peter made him paint the future so he’d see the world was going to blow up. Peter explained he was sent to get his power, to understand things. Sylar gave him his power, but with it the hunger to know more which he fought every day to control.

When Claire and her teamed showed up, a fight ensued, and Sylar’s little boy was killed. This made him go Nuclear and blow everything up! Nathan, who was now President, gave a speech about the tragedy as First Lady Traci stood by him.

Claire somehow escaped with Peter. Nathan came to see Peter, it seems Nathan is involved too! Peter read his mind to find out that Nathan really believed what he was doing was right. However he felt someone was manipulating Nathan. The hunger came over him, he began to scalp his brother when he teleported back to his own time.

Peter ended up going to see Sylar in his cell, where Sylar called him brother and saying now they were really alike, they both had the hunger.

Over in Africa, Parkman went on a spirit walk to see his future, and he saw it playing out as Peter was there. Daphne tried to run from the nuclear blast and showed up back at home, only too late. She wasn’t fast enough, the back of her was burned away by the blast! Parkman then went on a journey to find Daphne and set off to find her.

A pretty good episode, we got some good answers. Powers for some come naturally, others like Traci got them. In next week’s previews Angela admits to Nathan they gave him his powers too, so he must have been an experiment as well? Someone must have felt the formula was too dangerous, hence it was hidden.

What does unearthing Adam have to do with all this? I think perhaps the powers originated from his blood.

I hope bringing back Adam will make Hiro and Ando more relavant. This bickering between them has gotten old and fast.

I really want to know who Sylar’s wife is! We better find that one out. Any guesses? I’m coming up clueless. Maya? That would be ironic given how they met.

Finally next week it looks like we learn who the new villain is that is after the formula, and from the previews with Angela it definitely looks to be Arthur Petreli, her not so dead husband.

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ABC Spoilers For The End of October

ABC Spoilers For The End of October

Posted by Dustin on 10.06.2008 at 5:50 pm

Spoilers for the week of October 20th-26th for “Samantha Who,” “Private Practice,” “Dirty Sexy Money,” “Ugly Betty,” and “Desperate Housewives.”

(Presidential Politcs look to take out “Grey’s” yet again this week, possibly “Brothers and Sisters” as well).

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Heroes Spoilers – Dying Of The Light

Heroes Spoilers – Dying Of The Light

Posted by Dustin on 10.06.2008 at 4:55 pm

Episode spoilers for the October 20th episode “Dying of the Light” follow the jump, along with some thoughts . . .

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Lipstick Jungle: Mini-Cap, Thoughts and Spoilers

Lipstick Jungle: Mini-Cap, Thoughts and Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 10.06.2008 at 2:40 pm

In the latest episode strangely enough my least favorite character had the best story this week, Victory. Victory was dealing with Joe taking over remodeling her store, and ended up finding a contractor of her own (guest star Carlos Ponce) to take the job . . . as well as take her out. Yes she started dating him, which didn’t seem to sit too well with Joe. She also found out her assistant was homeless after the guy he was dating robbed him blind and ruined his credit. She set him up with an apartment above her store. I really liked Victory and her contractor, I thought they made a cute couple. Joe on the other hand is turning into a jealous and controlling jerk.

Nico started to really date Kirby in this episode. They ended up going to some funky clothes swapping party, and leaving to have hot sex outside, in public no less! All I could think of was, oh if she’s not on the pill she’s going to end up pregnant isn’t she? I can’t remember if it was ever addressed last season as to why she and Charles didn’t have any kids, if there was a medical issue there.

Nico also had to deal with Charles’ baby mama drama. She wanted money, a trust for the baby from Charles’ estate, she was accustom to living a certain way and didn’t want that to change. Oh no she didn’t! Yep, she did. Nico was outraged and told her to leave, also taking a restraining order out on her. I thought the woman was going to try and blackmail Nico over Kirby in order to get her money, but she didn’t (or didn’t have the time). Nico began to realize that she had given up her life for Charles when she married so young, this woman was doing the same and maybe they had more in common. Nico gave the woman a substantially larger amount of money that she was asking for, feeling she knew what it was like to be her. It looks like the baby mama drama is over?

Finally Wendy had a storyline dealing with a star of a movie she was producing about John Lennon having a brain tumor. This would be his last film. She forged some doctor’s papers to make sure he could do it, as the studio would never have let him do it because of a medical insurance issue. Will it come back to bite her in the butt? Probably! All I know is I want to see Wendy have more of a story than just dealing with the latest “Movie of the Week” drama.

Some spoilers for the October 22nd episode after the jump . . .

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Brothers and Sisters: The Tell All

Brothers and Sisters: The Tell All

Posted by Dustin on 10.06.2008 at 2:25 pm

The latest episode of “Brothers and Sisters” centered around a book Kitty wrote about life in politics and the American family. When her mother and siblings found out about the book, they weren’t pleased with the pictures she painted of them.

This of course happened right before a big dinner Kitty was putting together to impress a social worker who was coming to evaluate Robert and Kitty as parents. The family was it’s normal dysfunctional self (how Kitty could think a family dinner would work is beyond me). Everyone was upset over what Kitty had said about them, and the social worker obviously felt the tension. She eventually left, leaving Kitty feeling like they made a bad impression. Everyone blew up at Kitty, but Robert defended her. Kitty pointed out they probably didn’t bother to read the book, only what was said about them. She used them all as examples of various voter profiles around the nation.

Feeling bad, Nora finally sat down and read the whole book, feeling it was in fact amazing. She and Kitty made up. Nora simply felt Kitty didn’t value her as anything but the mom who cooks and cleans. Nora began to realize she was trapped in her own kitchen and maybe it was time to get out more. Robert also read and loved the book, but told Kitty that should she publish it, she would have to resign from his team.

Also going on in this episode, Justin was stressed out at the thought of sleeping with Rebecca. He wanted to, but he also didn’t want to ruin this relationship. Rebecca had the same feelings about him, they decided to take it slow.

On the Rebecca front, her mother Holly decided to try and buy her back, offering her the 2 million dollar trust fund she was supposed to get when she was 25 right now. Rebecca didn’t want the money, feeling it wasn’t hers it was William’s, and if she took it she was no better than her mom. She gave it back to Nora, who offered to hold it for Rebecca just in case.

Nora made the decision not to look for Ryan. She didn’t want Ryan to go through what Rebecca had this past year, she didn’t think it was fair. Unfortunately Holly “Harpy” isn’t so nice. She has become obsessed with William’s other mistress and his child and got a friend to do some digging to find the boy.

All in all I thought the episode was good, but this season seems to be off to a slow start. The family drama is definitely there, but I feel like there needs to be more drama. We are building up to the introduction of Ryan, which should be good. Also next week it looks like both Saul and Sarah quit Ojai, which I can’t wait to see. Holly and Tommy really won’t know what hit them. I really want to see Holly crash and burn at this point.

I liked that Rebecca gave the money back to Nora, but feel like more should be done. With Nora talking about wanting to find something to do, I think Nora and Rebecca should use the money to form a business of sorts. Maybe a new Walker family company? Saul’s coming out of the closet at the end of last season also hasn’t had much going on. It would be nice to see them doing something with that storyline.


True Blood: RIP Gram!

True Blood: RIP Gram!

Posted by Dustin on 10.06.2008 at 1:15 am

Oh man, this latest episode of “True Blood.” I was afraid it was coming . . .

The episode mostly surrounded Bill appearing to talk to the grandma’s civil war group. He talked about fighting in the war and those he fought with. The mayor had found a photo of Bill and his family in the archives, which brought tears to his eyes . . . of blood! Yup, vampires cry blood it seems. He didn’t want to talk about it, only to say he was unable to return home as his mortal life was ended in the war.

Sam took Sookie to the meeting, as they were both going and she was headed to it alone. They then went for coffee afterwards, where Sam finally began to tell Sookie how he felt about her. She talked about how he was different, she can’t really read him like others. She said instead of images or sentences of thought, she mostly gets waves of emotion with him and funny sounds. Hmmmmm . . . He so is a dog, and not in the way men can be dogs. He is a real shape shifting dog, I’m convinced. Of course I’d equally be as happy if they pulled something else not as predictable.

When Sam moved a little too fast with some kisses, and Sookie brought up she had kissed Bill and just couldn’t move on to kissing him, well that didn’t fly with Sam. He got upset that she even kissed a vampire. It set her off and she stormed off on Sam.

Bill was questioned by the sheriff and that detective about the two murders. Bill let them know that it wasn’t a vampire killing these women, as a fresh corpse full of blood is too much for any vampire to resist. They would have drained all the blood from the women. A very interesting twist! So it’s a human doing the killings it would seem. One with a hatred of vampires and anyone who gets involved with them? Yeah, I’m thinking it’s looking bad for Sam at this point.

Bill remembered how he was turned as a vampire. It was after the south surrendered. He was running to try and avoid capture and get home. He was starving, he stopped at house for food as well as directions. A woman was there, who cooked him a meal and then turned him to be a companion for her. He was forced to say goodbye to his family after seeing them on the front porch, not even knowing he was there. This was heartbreaking. I hope we get to find out more about what happened to his family. We know the last of the Compton’s recently died, that’s why Bill moved back home and into the house again. But could a family member still be out there somewhere? Also what happened to this woman vampire? She’s got to be out there too I’m sure.

Also going on Lafeyette got Jason hooked on V. He showed him how to do it right, how it would open his eyes up to the world. Lafayette also told Jason that Tara loved him. Jason had “seen the light” and realized Tara was the one for him. She knew he was high though when he professed his love and wanted him to come see her when he was sober. However he screwed it up, by screwing some bimbo behind the bar and getting caught by Tara. He was so high he didn’t even care. I would have liked to have seen them try and be a couple too. I think this will ruin any chance of that. Then again, Tara has still loved him threw all his other “screw ups.”

The show ended with Sookie taking a cab home, after storming off on Sam. There, in the kitchen, she found her grandma dead! Noooooooo! I loved her so much, but that’s why I was afraid this would happen. She was the only one who wasn’t in some way screwed up on this show, so she had to die I guess.

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True Blood

Desperate Housewives: Motherly Love

Desperate Housewives: Motherly Love

Posted by Dustin on 10.05.2008 at 11:42 pm

Lynette was worried about Porter this week, who had an old friend busted for dealing drugs. To try and find out if he was hanging out with the kid, she made a fake Myspace/Facebook knock-off profile. Unfortunately she pretended to be a girl, who Porter fell for! Ewwwwww! In trying to send him a “Dear John” letter she made things worse, exposing herself as she signed it mom! Oh yes, she did. This story was sick and twisted, yet hilarious. Tom had the real zingers like she should put in the letter she needs to move on to dating other offspring.

So now while I rarely care what the people on the show wear, I have to comment on this. We’ve moved 5 years forward in the future, yet Porter is dressing 25 years in the past as if he was staring in some John Hughs teenage flick. I sersiouly could not look at him without thinking of “Pretty in Pink.”

Once again, I have yet to see a mention of Penny. Also when did the twins become the oldest? I always thought the nerdy son was the oldest, but he seems younger than the twins now. Actually he didn’t seem to look that much older than before he was aged 5 years.

Susan’s secret love affair with Jackson was out of the bag when Jackson met Mike. Mike felt he needed to get to know Jackson, since he’d be around M.J.. Susan was nervous, but he and Mike hit it off. She wasn’t so sure how much she wanted them hanging out though, especially when Mike told Jackson a sex tip, that Susan likes her ears nibbled. In the end though, Susan decided if they could all be friends, well it was a good thing.

We learned a smidge more about Mike and Susan’s break up and the post accident time. It seems Susan became the mean and nasty one, driving Mike away. Ugh! I just really hate this and want Mike and Susan back, even though she and Jackson are cute. Jackson can go paint Katherine’s house, cause she seems in desperate need of a part this season.

Gabby is still missing her old life and her old money. She got Carlos to take a job as a masseuse at the country club because it meant more money. He had been working privately out of their home. The problem? It made them “staff” to many people and got them dis-invited to an important social event. Gabby decided to try and sneak in with Carlos hoping she could just be seen and then invited to more parties. Of course they got busted. Carlos tried to convince her that they hadn’t lost anything, that those rich snobs were miserable just like he used to be. He said he was so happy now, he just wished she could be too. Carlos did make one mention that as he rubs down those old rich folk, they tell him their troubles. Why oh why do I see Gabby using some inside info from Carlos down the road?

Bree continued her cooking career, she’s known as Bree VanDeKamp, which annoys Orson to no end. That and that she seems to never acknowledge him publicly. He feels it’s because she’s ashamed her served time. We learned in order for Bree to take him back, he went to jail for running Mike over. Well after catering a party and being out late, Bree came home to find Orson waiting for his dinner. She had promised to make him a pot roast. However it was late, but he didn’t care. He gave her this insane look and off she went to the kitchen to cook, in tears.

At first I felt for Orson, as he was being neglected I thought by Bree and her career. However by the end of the show, I was on Bree’s side. Orson always was a psychotic character since being introduced on this show, I don’t think he’s actually changed. He was and still is nuts!

And speaking of psychotic, the new resident nut Dave was at it again in this episode. Dave got upset when Edie took offense that Karen McCluskey made a joke about Edie’s boobs. Karen felt it was how she and Edie always talked to one another, they always insulted one another in good fun. Dave wasn’t getting an apology from her, so he kidnapped Karen’s cat and held it hostage until she apologized. Now that last part was never proven, but when she finally told Edie she was sorry, the cat came back. Karen knew it was Dave, and headed to Katherine’s house to use her computer to find out more about him . . .

Dave is totally nuts, maybe he and Orson should form a club? I was so afraid that he was going to kill the cat and Karen would find it dead, so I’m glad she got him back alive.

All in all, a great episode!


Ghost Whisperer: The Fire-starter

Ghost Whisperer: The Fire-starter

Posted by Dustin on 10.04.2008 at 5:47 pm

“Ghost Whisperer” returned this week for season 4, adding Jamie Kennedy into the mix and saying goodbye to Jay Mohr, who has a new show “Gary Unmarried.”

Four Months have passed since the whole “Spooky Shadow Incident” that ended last season. Jim and Melinda are still trying to get pregnant, but it hasn’t happened yet. Jim assures Melinda they’ll keep at it. CLearly though something is not right, hence the conversation.

Jim got a call that one of the buildings at the university had caught fire. He rushed down to help, Melinda rushed down worried about Rick Payne. Rick was fine, and she was upset he didn’t call her to let her know. Then she watched as Jim worked on a psych professor named Eli, who left his body but was saved. She also saw an odd woman hanging around, a ghost? She was African American, yet dressed in almost this flowing white Greco-Roman robe.

Eli, having a near death experience, found himself with the ability to hear ghosts. Melinda helped him out with his new found ability. She told him the only way to stop them from pestering them was to help them cross over. Eli had a specific spirit attached to him, a woman named Fiona. Fiona was a patient with a checkered past, having set fire to a foster home she lived in as a kid. However she did so to say herself and her other foster siblings, to get them out of the house where the parents were abusive.

As Melinda dug, Fiona grew angry. Long story short, it turned out that Fiona didn’t start the fire, she was covering for her foster brother who did. He was mentally unstable, and when Fiona started seeing Eli for help, he grew jealous. He set the fire at the office building to scare Eli like he did their foster father years ago, but he ended up killing Fiona who was also there.

Rick and Eli figured this out together, that it was Fiona’s brother Christopher who was the fire starter. They were having a chat and Eli mentioned how amazing Melinda was. Rick said the most amazing person he’s met in a long time, actually ever. Hmmm, once again they bring up his interest in Melinda. I was convinced last season Rick had fallen for her, it seems he has. Rick was packing up this episode as he’s off on sabbatical, which is how they’re righting him out for the time being. It leaves the door open should Jay’s new show “Gary Unmarried” flops.

As Rick and Eli figured out what was going on, so did Melinda who was at the town archives. Yes that place again! Fiona showed up and started a fire to try and protect her brother, but she didn’t realize he had followed Melinda there. They were trapped. Melinda remembered the underground tunnels, but she couldn’t get to them as shelves were bolted to the door. The woman ghostly figure showed back up and made the shelves fall down so Melinda could save her and the brother Christopher. The woman now had more people standing behind her. Melinda asked if they were ghosts, if they needed her help. The woman explained they were watchers, they watched her and others like her do what they do. She warned Melinda what she was doing was not without cost, that in touching death she might be transferring it to those she touched as well.

The brother Christopher ended up being arrested, but Eli promised Fiona he would do all he could to help him. He also admitted to Fiona that he was in love with her, which he couldn’t tell her because it would have cost him his job as her doctor. She loved him too and that is why she was at his office that night, as he had called claiming they couldn’t see each other anymore as he could no longer help her. She wanted him to admit his feelings. This allowed her to go into the light.

The show ended with Melinda saying goodbye to Payne as he left. She wanted him to be careful, and admitted that she cared about him a lot. Hmmmm, this had me completely baffled. It was almost as if Melinda was admitting she loved him too? I don’t know if that is what was going on or if she was just being a friend. She called him one of her best friends. She was also worried about not only the “Shadow Prophecy” but what the weird ghost lady warned her, worried that Payne could be in danger. Then she looked over at Jim, who she was out to dinner with . . . .

The next paragraph has big time spoiler talk and speculation . . . . continue reading on for it . . . .

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Misty May Off “Dancing” Due To Injury

Misty May Off “Dancing” Due To Injury

Posted by Dustin on 10.04.2008 at 3:10 pm

Olympic gold medalist Misty May-Treaner has been forced to drop out of “Dancing With The Stars” due to an injury, which will require surgery. Her partner on the show was Maksim Chmerkovskiy.


Side Note: Normally I blog about “Dancing With The Stars” but haven’t yet this season, as I’ve yet to be able to see a whole show. With it always being two hours on Monday and Tuesday nights, it conflicts with other shows I watch and I only have so many TVs and Tivos. I am keeping up, once it’s down to an hour after more people go home it will be easier.

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