Weekly Doctor Round-up: Grey’s and Private Practice

Weekly Doctor Round-up: Grey’s and Private Practice

Posted by Dustin on 10.11.2008 at 10:14 pm

Let’s start with this week’s “Grey’s.” The Chief, determined to make Seattle Grace’s number 1 again, instituted new rules for all interns, residents and attending. Basically he told them all they had become lazy and self-absorbed, it wouldn’t be tolerated anymore.

The main story in this episode surrounded a pipe bursting on an upper floor, as various surgeries were being scheduled. Baily tried in vein to get The Chief to realize how serious this was, but he kept saying it was under control. He would not shut down the ER or send their patients elsewhere. His stubbornness cost him, as the leaking pipe lead to gathering water that burst into the OR’s during surgeries. I have to say, I am really not liking what they are doing to The Chief’s character at all! He’s becoming a jerk thanks to this whole hospital competition he has going on.

The usual Mer-Der drama was going on in this episode. With him moving in with Meredith, he naturally assumed the roommates would move out. They were upset, as was Meredith, who didn’t want her friends to move out. Derek made the case that they were supposed to be starting their life together, not their life together with her roommates. In the end, Derek agreed not to push her to get rid of them, they would leave things as they were for now. I’m going to have to side with Derek on this one. Sorry but when you start your life with someone, the roommates have to move out!

Other stories going on. George was finally, after all the drama, able to take his test to become a resident. Lexie remains hopelessly devoted to George and helping him, at the expense of her own career. She diagnosed a patient nobody else could and Mark Sloan wanted her to scrub in for the surgery, but she refused to help George. He told her she was pathetic! Finally Hahn was upset that Callie talked to Mark about them, that he knew what was going on with them. I can see Hahn’s paranoia over this ruining anything she and Callie could potentially have.

All in all, I wasn’t too thrilled with the episode honestly. As with the premier I found my attention span drifting. Has “Grey’s” just become boring? The never ending Mer-Der drama is enough as is. Once again we had her contemplating breaking up with Derek. Enough! Be happy together or end it, but stick with the decision for once. I hope something happens and soon to make me remember why I fell in love with this show and came back every week to it.

Over to the sister show “Private Practice.” Sam was struggling to keep the practice afloat, trying to bring in new patients, trying to reorganize how they saw their current ones. In the end, he began to realize how hard Naomi actually had it and how they had taken her for granted.

The main case in this show dealt with a couple who came in seeking help getting pregnant, only to have blood tests show they were siblings! Apparently they shared a dad and didn’t know. The couple however had been in love since Jr. High and wanted to stay together, asking for the girl to have her tubes tied. The practice had to weigh in over what was morally and ethically the right thing to do here. In the end, it turned out the guy knew all along and lied to the girl. She was crushed and thus ended the brother-sister love fest between them.

Also going on, Cooper finally told Violet that he was seeing Charlotte King. He was afraid of what she would think. He’s also afraid as he likes Charlotte and didn’t want to mess this up. My heart was breaking for Violet! Charlotte meanwhile wasn’t to thrilled that Cooper told, but he stood firm saying he wanted them to be a real couple and not this secret sex thing they had going on.

Addison called the SWAT team guy, as she liked him and wanted to try and get something started with him. Meanwhile Sam and Naomi ended the show having angry sex.

Perhaps it’s just the newness of the show and the characters, but from the drama between the docs to the storyline about the siblings in love, I was at least enthralled enough with the stories to watch. “Private Practice” is kicking “Grey’s” butt every way so far in my opinion.


Ghost Whisperer: I Know What You Did Last Summer

Ghost Whisperer: I Know What You Did Last Summer

Posted by Dustin on 10.11.2008 at 9:04 pm

The latest episode of “Ghost Whisperer” was an odd one, as it felt more like a version of J-Love’s “I Know What You Did Last Summer” movies. In the episode Melinda was reunited with old high school friends Grace, Lucas and Ryan. Oh the problem? Lucas is dead of course. Grace called Melinda and invited her to the funeral as she felt she was being haunted, and she remembered how everyone teased Melinda in school for seeing dead people.

Of course the three kids had a secret. Back in high school they took a road trip to Berkley to scout out colleges. They got drunk at a party and on the way back had an encounter with an upset motorcyclist. Apparently the kids were driving too slow, he tried to go around them, but the wet road from a storm and a bend in the road caused him to skid out and he was thrown down into a ditch. They tried to save him, but he died. Because they had been drinking, they feared it would look bad. Ryan made the decision for all of them to leave the guy and continue on, which they did.

Well Lucas was ridden with guilt for years, to the point he sent the dead man’s wife and child money when he could, under the claim he was a friend of the man and owed him money. Lucas was dating Grace, but the guilt cost him her too. She began to see Ryan as the years went on. Ryan became a doctor to appease his own guilt. Lucas couldn’t deal with it and wanted to come clean finally. Ryan tried to convince him not to and prescribed some tranquilizers. Lucas however was already on meds, mixed them and died.

Lucas became an angry ghost, convinced Ryan had killed him to get Grace and keep the secret. That wasn’t the case. Ryan told Lucas not to mix his meds, Lucas’ anger just made him forget that much. In the end Lucas saw the light, pun intended, and crossed over. Ryan and Grace came clean with the cops and went to the woman’s family to tell her what happened to her husband.

My Thoughts . . .
As “Ghost Whisperer” often does, this was a stand-alone episode. There was no mention to the story with “The Watchers” initiated in the season premier, nor their warnings of death, nor the shadow mystery.

What was continued was Eli (Jamie Kennedy) helping Melinda out. Maybe it’s just that I’m partial to Payne (Jay Mohr), but I’m not warming up at all to Eli. Where as Payne came across annoying funny, Eli is just plain annoying. The idea of having Melinda have a friend with the gift is a good one, I just think it should have been someone else. Like I said, Eli just seems to annoy me. Maybe that will change as the season goes on.

I think my biggest issue with this episode was as I said in the beginning of this post, it was TOO much like “I Know What You Did Last Summer.” I pegged that the three friends had killed someone very early on, though technically they really didn’t kill him, just lied about what happened.

This episode gets a “If you missed it, you didn’t miss much” rating.


Ghost Whisperer Halloween Episode Spoilers

Ghost Whisperer Halloween Episode Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 10.10.2008 at 1:06 pm


“Bloodline” – Melinda investigates the death of a high school athlete whose ghost is following around a family that is not her own, on GHOST WHISPERER, Friday, Oct. 31 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

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Ghost Whisperer

Ugly Betty: Who’s The Daddy !?!?

Ugly Betty: Who’s The Daddy !?!?

Posted by Dustin on 10.09.2008 at 10:04 pm

This episode mostly centered on the investigation into who pushed Christina down the steps. She survived, as did the baby, and Willy used it as a media bonanza for herself. She figured the media would focus on this over her failure at Mode.

Thanks to Betty telling the cops Daniel asked her to lie about his whereabouts when he stepped out of the party, and the fact that a set of footprints matching his size and a pair of his shoes were found at the crime scene, he was arrested.

Betty then set out to solve the case basically. Mark was a suspect for his anger over being ousted by Willy last week in favor for Betty, but he didn’t do it. Claire ended up getting drunk and could have done it, she didn’t remember. However she didn’t do it. Betty had to go to security tapes to find out where Daniel was and why he wouldn’t say to defend himself.

In an awkward moment, Betty watched the tape with her dad, only to find Daniel boinking a woman on a photocopy machine! The woman was the social worker for the state who was helping Daniel fight to keep his son. He couldn’t risk that getting out, it would look bad for them both and he could lose his son. He had to have faith the real culprit would be found.

Daniel asked Betty to return a jacket to Alexis, she had borrowed it from him and he said it looked better on her. He had it cleaned as it was dirty on the bottom. That was the clue Betty needed, she realized Alexis did it. The dirt was from the stairwell, she was also a size 11 shoe just like Daniel. Alexis admitted to Betty she did it. Willy was blackmailing her, she knew things. She realized as long as the baby was around, so was Willy. Alexis didn’t mean for Daniel to go down, she never wanted that.

In the end, Alexis confessed. Before being hauled off by the cops she told a huge secret to Claire. She saw a paternity test in Daniel’s drawer . . . Daniel is not DJ’s father . . . SHE IS!

Also going on in the episode, Hilda’s affair with the married Coach was found out by her father, who was not pleased. Also Christina’s husband is on pain meds because he’s in pain because he’s dying. It seems the money Christina spent trying to get him treatment failed, he’s going to die anyways.

My Thoughts . . .
Okay what a great twist with DJ, which I NEVER saw coming! I want to know if Daniel knows the truth? He has to I guess. I mean how was Alexis able to look at the test and realize she was the father? I’m so confused!

I also wonder with Alexis going to jail if this is how they’ll write her out for awhile? I can see Willy jumping to fill her job unfortunately. Great, once again she’ll be Daniel’s boss basically. Just peachy.

The stuff with Christina’s husband was heartbreaking. As for the married Coach, I’m still waiting for the wife to rear her ugly head and get into a cat fight with Hilda.

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Ugly Betty

Dirty Sexy Money: VP Nick

Dirty Sexy Money: VP Nick

Posted by Dustin on 10.09.2008 at 7:16 pm

In this episode, Letitia was to stand trial for Dutch’s murder. Nick recommended some big-wig lawyer to defend her, but Tripp plotted to get rid of the guy. He eventually fired him over various incidents, which Tripp himself I’m sure orchestrated in order to pressure Nick to take the case. Nick continued to say he wouldn’t, it would look too suspicious to the court.

Because Letitia was the VP of Darling Enterprises and the successor should anything happen to Tripp, the stocks tumbled and the board of directors needed Tripp to name a new VP. Tripp felt he couldn’t decide and asked Nick to do it.

At Letitia’s trial we found out, as did Jeremy, that Lucy Lui’s character is the assistant DA prosecuting Letitia! Oops! Jeremy felt used, but she swore she really likes him and this is real. However she couldn’t risk her job, so she decided to end things. Jeremy wouldn’t accept that, pushing her to still see him if this was something real.

Back to Nick’s decision, Karen decided she was qualified for the job and wanted it. She asked Simon to talk to Nick on her behalf, and boy did he ever. He told Nick they both knew Karen wasn’t ready to run this company. He simply wanted Nick, if asked by Karen, to say he did talk her up to him about the job. Simon then went back to Karen and told her that he talked to Nick for over an hour, but he doesn’t think Nick is considering her. He said Nick doesn’t take her as seriously as he does.

Nick made his recommendation to Tripp. Later at Ellen’s funeral, Lucy Lui showed up with tons of cops to arrest Letitia for violating her house arrest. Nick expected this, having a slew of reporters show up and cover it. Lucy Lui (her character is named Lola Lyons BTW) decided to drop the charges for now.

Unfortunately Brian’s temper got him in trouble with a cop, and when Nick stepped in to smooth things over, they were both arrested. In jail Brian lashed out at Nick, accusing him of most likely suggesting himself for VP of Darling Enterprises. Nick told Brian he gave his recommendation to Tripp and that he named Brian. He said Brian is the black sheep and owes the least allegiance to this family, yet he’s been the most dedicated and loyal. Brian then tried to convince Nick to take Letitia’s case, saying they know she’s innocent and they both know who really killed Dutch . . . Tripp!

Nick eventually took the case, telling Tripp it was because they were family. Lisa, who had been wanting another baby, wasn’t too thrilled. Nick felt given their current situation, another baby wasn’t a good idea anyways.

At the press conference to announce the new VP, predictably Tripp did what Tripp wanted and named Nick! Nick was stunned, but later told Lisa the more the thought about it, the more he liked the idea. He thought they were actually in a good place to have that second baby. Lisa then told him no, they weren’t!

My Thoughts . . . .
So we had a lot of interesting developments in this episode.

First up, I think Nick only took Letitia on as a client as he realized he could most likely free her by catching his father’s real killer. I think Tripp realized this too, which is why he appointed him VP of Darling Enterprises. Will we see Tripp do a turnabout and suggest it would now be a conflict of interest to have Nick defending Letitia?

I still can’t figure out what is going on with Simon and Karen. Are they using each other? Simon is definitely scheming, but I don’t know why. Is he trying to turn Karen against Nick and her family, or simply Nick out of jealousy? Perhaps he fears she’ll never get over Nick and this is what his game plan is to help her get over him?

I don’t know if Lola is serious about Jeremy or not. Regardless, I’m not really warming up to them yet. They have been the yawner story for me so far.

Juliet was finally mentioned in this episode as being on some island, so she’s still a family member. They didn’t simply just “forget” about her like they did that one kid on “Family Matters.” Also Nick and Lisa mentioned “another” baby, so they clearly still have their little girl . . . wherever she is.

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TV Ramblings

Housewives To Be Hit By Fire In November

Housewives To Be Hit By Fire In November

Posted by Dustin on 10.09.2008 at 4:54 pm

SPOILERS AHEAD For November Sweeps!

Last year it was a tornado, this years natural disaster will be a fire.

There has been a rumor going around for awhile that someone may not survive past November Sweeps. It looks to be true!

Kristen at E! has posted the scoop that a fire will rock Wisteria Lane this November, which will start in a nightclub where a neighborhood band that Dave puts together is playing.

Is it Dave’s plan to kill his nemesis on the block? One things for sure, someone will die, possibly two people!

Any guesses as to who might kick the bucket?


Project Runway: Don’t Cry For Jerrell

Project Runway: Don’t Cry For Jerrell

Posted by Dustin on 10.09.2008 at 12:17 am

The first part of the two part season finale of “Project Runway” happened tonight. The designers were all sent home to make their collections as well as a wedding dress as their final piece. Upon returning, their challenge was to make an accompanying bride’s maid dress. They would show those two to the judges, and the final 3 would be chosen.

In the end the final three going on to fashion week are Kenley, Korto and LeAnne. Jerrell is out! However in fact the poorly guarded secret is that because of production, the final four always design a collection and always show. Usually they just edit it in a way that only shows the final three. So even though Jerrell isn’t in the running to win, he still showed at Bryant Park.

Even though I hate her attitude, I do feel like Kennely deserves to be in the end. I think she may have a very good chance of winning from the sneak peak we saw. LeAnne will give her a run for her money, though her color pallet just reminded me of the 2nd season’s winner who did her whole collection around a Tiffany box. Korto I think is a good designer, I just wasn’t feeling what little she showed. I could however be blown away.

The finale is next week!

As a side note, “Project Runway” may not be leaving for Lifetime as soon as we thought. It was expected the next season would be on Lifetime, but NBC/Bravo filed a lawsuit to try and keep the show on their network. It seems for now, it may be staying put on Bravo until the whole nasty mess is straightened out.

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Reality TV

Army Wives: Calendar Wives

Army Wives: Calendar Wives

Posted by Dustin on 10.09.2008 at 12:10 am

Roland’s overbearing mother came for a visit to see the baby and how everyone was doing. She immediately took over, telling them how to hold the baby, how to get the baby to stop fussing, how to put her to sleep. Roland was annoyed with that, as well as how she kept talking down to him about not being a doctor anymore and how Joan was the breadwinner. Ironically it was Joan who bonded with her and even understood where she was coming from. Roland’s mom was a single mom who had to work hard to support the family. Joan told Roland to just listen to her mom, maybe he could learn something from her. In the end he listened and did learn some things.

Okay I have to say, first I was annoyed with Joan for siding with the mom and apparently not defending Roland. Second, I was just annoyed with the mom. She was grandma, not mom, and she didn’t seem to get that. Yes I know there are a lot of grandma’s out there like this. However rather than try and help them out with pointers she was like “No you’re doing it wrong, here just let me do it.” I was just annoyed by Roland’s mom period.

Emmalynn was writing to a pen-pal in this episode, someone in the army. It was a program Claudia Joy apparently started and encouraged her to get into. Yes, you can so see were this is going and it’s not going to be good. She’s going to fall for her older army pen-pal.

Trevor began attending his rehab meetings and told Roxy that she should probably seek counseling as well, it was recommended. She felt she could deal with this, she was fine. However when some guys were getting drunk and innapropriate in her bar, she flipped and yelled at them to get out. She realized she did need help and started going to Alanon. She realized she had a pattern of dating addicts, which goes back to her mom. However Trevor wasn’t an addict when she met him, so she felt they’d make it through this. I really hope Trevor and Roxy make it! I think they will, one break-up on the horizon is enough for the show.

Speaking of army marriages breaking up, Michael learned about Denise’s indiscretion with Getty, and he was not happy. He gave Denise the cold shoulder. She found out from Claudia Joy that Michael knew, so she tried to talk with him. He wasn’t too pleased, saying Frank was over there in Iraq and this is not what he needed to be thinking about or dealing with. I believe he also made a comment very similar to Frank’s something about what her duty and obligations were. Grrr!

Now on one hand I can understand where Michael is coming from, he’s thinking about Frank, his safety and well being. He’s thinking about what is best for his soldiers. On the other hand . . . Frank is and has always been a jerk. Crap happens, and we can’t schedule when a relationship or a marriage blows up to suit the schedule of someone else. It’s called life. I felt like all the blame for this was being put on Denise, when Frank was just as guilty for the problems.

Also going on, Denise decided to make a list of things she wanted to do. She opened her own checking account for the first time. She planned to redecorate the house. She also went and got a tattoo.

Finally Evan Conner’s (Joan’s maternity replacement) wife Jennifer showed up, and boy did she make an entrance. Pushy, opinionated and scheming! This is what the show has been missing this season, the bitchy Army Wife.

Claudia Joy and the FRG were looking for fundraising ideas and Jennifer suggested a calendar. She said when SHE was PRESIDENT of her old FRG, they did a pin-up calendar for the men to take with them. Claudia Joy liked the idea, but would rather do “life shots” around the base rather than a sexy calendar. Everyone voted and the majority went that way.

The calender was shot, and later the wives learned Jennifer went and hired the photographer to do her calendar as well! The wives were not happy . . . and the game is on.

I really think bringing in the bitch Army Wife is needed to spice things up. However I’m just a little concerned that this seems a lot like last season’s story with Claudia Joy and the General’s wife. It seems Jennifer is gunning to take Claudia Joy down. I just hope it’s not too similar to last season.

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Army Wives

Crazy Dave’s Vendetta On Housewives!

Crazy Dave’s Vendetta On Housewives!

Posted by Dustin on 10.08.2008 at 7:33 pm

Okay so Matt at TV Guide posted a tid bit about who Dave is angry at on Wisteria Lane. If you don’t want to know, don’t read on!

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Ab Fab Remake . . . Worst . Idea . EVER

Ab Fab Remake . . . Worst . Idea . EVER

Posted by Dustin on 10.08.2008 at 6:28 pm

Yes, Fox is planning to remake the British hit comedy “Absolutely Fabulous,” which will put Edina and Patsy in LA, along with Edina’s daughter Saffy.

If you’ve never seen the original, well you can usual find it on late at night on BBC America. The show is about two 40something women desperately trying to regain their lost youth while drinking heavily in every episode, which always gets them into trouble. Basically it’s “I Love Lucy” but without the husbands, a bit of filth and a heavy dose of Vitavegavitamin.

Christine Zander, a former SNL writer is penning it and Jennifer Saunders, one of the creators and the actress who played Edina is an executive producer. No word on who will play the title roles in the show.

Even with Saunders on board, I have to say this is probably one of the worst ideas to come a long in a long time.

Source: NY Daily News
