True Blood: Hello Uncle!

True Blood: Hello Uncle!

Posted by Dustin on 10.15.2008 at 11:13 pm

The latest “True Blood,” episode dealt with the aftermath of Adelle’s death. Everyone came over to Sookie’s place with the traditional foods. Lafayette had the best lines when he talked about “white people and their damn jello molds” and also saying the food was not cooked with love, so it had bad juju. Tara of course was great when she told everyone to basically get the Efff out, time to go, Sookie needed her rest!

Jason made a scene showing up and slapping Sookie, saying it should have been her that was killed, not Gram. Tara was disgusted, throwing him out saying she didn’t know him anymore. Bill however made a very similar statement to the police, that he didn’t think it was the grandmother who was the target.

At the funeral Sookie lost it as she was speaking. She kept hearing everyone’s voices, they were all saying it was her fault her grandmother was dead. She told them all to “Shut the Eff Up!” I loved it! I love when she throws back at people after hearing their thoughts.

Speaking of people’s thoughts, we were introduced to a new character, Uncle Bertram. He showed up in a wheel chair at the funeral, he was Adelle’s sister. Jason invited him thinking he had a right to be there, Sookie however said he hadn’t been part of their family in years. His thoughts were read and he said something along the lines of “I never meant to hurt you.” There is a back story there that I want to know what it is. Will there be a battle over the will in the future?

Another new supernatural twist was added with Tara’s mother. She showed up at the funeral and was fairly coherent and nice. She told Tara that the reason she drank is because she had a demon in her. She said the demon is the one who has controlled her for so long, said and done all the terrible things. She drank to quiet the demon, but it was time to get it out. She wanted money for an exorcism, but Tara thought she was full of it. However at the end of the show, Tara went to her mother’s side. Very interesting! Is it a lie, or real? Given what the show is dealing with, she could very well have a demon. Of course the bottle could just be the demon too. I am interested in this story, and that they are giving Tara more to do than just be Sookie’s friend.

Jason worked to get off the V, while Tara tried to move on with Sam. Sam, deciding he didn’t want to wait around for Sookie, attempted to do the same with Tara. However Tara got weireded out, stopping them from making love, and running of to help her mom.

The show ended with Sookie finally making love to Bill and allowing him to bite her! OMG! I can’t believe she let him do that. Wow, things are getting hot with this show.

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True Blood

Army Wives: Casino Night and Stuff

Army Wives: Casino Night and Stuff

Posted by Dustin on 10.14.2008 at 9:42 pm

Roland’s mother was still around for this episode, but was getting ready to head back home to her job. Joan and Roland hadn’t started looking for a nanny, she suggested they start now. Joan of course had an insane list of qualifications, and they all hated everyone who applied for the job. They asked her to stay, but she said she had her own job, which she liked. In the end Roland decided to leave his job to stay home with their daughter. Joan was thankful and Roland’s mother was proud of him.

Denise befriended the wife of an injured soldier (guest star Rumer Willis) at the hospital. Her husband was probably going to be blind and for sure was going to be discharged. She had no idea what hey would do, she didn’t work and now he wouldn’t be able to either. There were plans for her to go back to school, but later on. Denise got the idea to set up a program to help army wives in the these situations. There were programs to help wounded soldiers transition, but not for the wives. Michael approved the program, and he finally apologized to Denise for the way he treated her. He admitted her marriage to Frank was not an army issue, and he loved them both no matter what happened.

Emmalyn continued with her pen-pal program, only to learn her pen-pal Logan was coming home. She wanted to meet him, hoping he want to meet her. He did, and when they met, they hugged. This was seen by Jennifer Conners (the bitch wife) who used it to make trouble. She told Claudia Joy how she saw Emmalynn with her soldier boyfriend, but Claudia Joy said they were just pen pals. Jennifer pointed out they shared a serious hug. This of course got Michael a bit upset, threatening to court marshall this guy if he was out of line with his daughter. Claudia Joy thought they were just kids. Michael said she was a minor, he was an enlisted adult, this was illegal.

Jennifer also found out Claudia Joy was planning a Casino Night fundraiser. She suggested they have a minimum table buy in, but Claudia Joy felt that would discourage people from playing or having fun. Jennifer had done this before, assuring Claudia Joy people would play and they’d raise more money. Claudia Joy agreed, but said bingo would remain open to anyone.

At casino night everything was a hit, Jennifer’s suggestions worked. The proceeds in part went to Denise’s new program and to help the one wife pay tuition to go back to school. Jennifer also had a talk with Emmalynn, about her pen pal. She told her a story about a former love she had when younger, how he was older, how her mom hated it, and how he tragically died. Basically she encouraged Emmalynn to be with her guy. Emmalynn called Logan and they met at the park, holding hands and walking off together.

Pam and Chase were dealing with their angry son, whose birthday was coming up. Chase agreed to a party, whatever he wanted. However he was called off on a mission, and the son wanted no party. Roxy convinced Pam to plan one anyways and sneak it up on him, which she did at the pool. Fortunately Chase returned home just in time for the pool party.

Finally Trevor was fearing he may be discharged from the army. If that happened he wanted to move to Wyoming and start over. Roxy pointed out she had the bar, a job here, all their friends were here. Trevor felt so was the army, and he didn’t want to be here if he couldn’t be a part of that. He also reminded her how they always expected him to be transferred at some point. Roxy called Betty up to ask her what she thought. Betty told her to do it, sell her half of the bar and walk away. Betty said had she not spent her life in that bar maybe she would have had a man and been happy. Betty pretended she was at some resort, but in reality she was in the hospital. It seems the cancer was back, though she didn’t tell Roxy.

Roxy went to tell Trevor she’d move, but he decided they didn’t have to. After talking to his sponsor, he realized he can still serve the army, but as a civilian. They they went for the check-up to get the news on whether Trevor would be discharged.

My thoughts . . .
All in all I thought this episode was good, but it didn’t push the story forward too much.

The whole Roland/Joan/Roland’s mom story was boring in my opinion. I don’t have anything to add to it.

It seems they are setting Pam and Chase up for some serious marital issues because of Chase’s job. That’s been coming for awhile in my opinion.

Trevor actually annoyed me for most of this episode. If he was discharged all he could think about was himself and what was best for him, not Roxy or the kids. Fortunately he came to his senses, but only because he realized he could work as a civilian and still be part of the army. So basically they could stay, because it worked out for Trevor. Not too impressed!

I am beginning to wonder if they really are going to discharge Trevor and go along with this story, to have one of the army wives become a non-army wife. It would be interesting.

It also looks like they plan to kill Betty off. My guess is the season finale. I love Betty, I don’t want to see her go! However I honestly expected her to die at the end of last season.

Denise’s story also didn’t seem to serve much of a purpose other than some kind of educational awareness for the public. Next week Mac, the guy who gave her the bike, returns. Oh boy! Not what Denise needs right now honestly! I can see this causing issues for her and Frank for sure.

Finally Jennifer Conners, wow is this one a piece of work. She just seems to enjoy making Claudia Joy’s life difficult. What the heck did CJ ever do to her? I can’t figure out what her game or plan is, unless she wants to take over the FRG. It has to be bigger, I wonder if she plans to try and get her husband promoted somehow?

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Death Comes To Heroes

Death Comes To Heroes

Posted by Dustin on 10.14.2008 at 12:22 pm

Kristen at E! has spoiled some upcoming deaths on “Heroes.” While she doesn’t outright name who, the clues she gives make it obvious. The deaths, and another tidbit, after the jump . . .

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Heroes: Between Good And Evil

Heroes: Between Good And Evil

Posted by Dustin on 10.13.2008 at 11:01 pm

This episode picked up where last week left off, with Peter attacking Sylar (breaking his neck) then almost splitting open his mother’s head. Sylar regenerated himself in time to stop Peter, who was then placed into a medical coma for the time being.

Later Nathan and Traci arrived to see Angela wanting answers. Angela finally explained who Zimmerman was, a doctor who developed synthetic powers for the company. She said they gave them to Traci and her sisters Nikki and Barbara (okay what happened to Jessica?), and she said they also gave Nathan his powers. Nathan was furious with his mother. She explained how the formula had been lost, she had to get it back.

Later Angela used her power to see the future. She saw Nathan, Traci, even Peter were dead. She then came face to face with a man and was stunned. He said she could see the future, he couldn’t have that. He said she would wake up unable to even move. When Angela woke up, she was literally frozen at her desk unable to move!

Suresh was continuing his transformation into the fly, I mean an insane spider creature. He was kidnapping people to experiment on them, and sticking them up into cocoons in his webs. Maya found out what was going on as the episode came to an end and began to use her power on him.

Claire’s birth mom Meredith headed out to look for Claire after she and Claire’s mom figured out she was planning to go after villians. Claire tracked down some guy who could make vortex’s appear and suck things, including people, into them. He however explained he only killed one person, it was a mistake, he didn’t understand his powers then. For that he was locked up and lost everything, including his family. Claire understood and was going to let him go, until her dad and Sylar showed up. HRG wanted the man to use his power to kill Sylar, saying he’d let him go. Claire told her dad not to do this, the man refused saying he wasn’t a killer. He sucked himself into a vortex!

Claire was furious at her dad not only for what he did, but for working with Sylar. He explained everything he was doing was to keep her safe. Sylar tried to play mind games, saying he was trying to change, but that her father would never see the human side of any of them. Claire stood by her dad and returned home, only to learn Meredith had gone looking for her.

Meredith was stuck with a villain called “The Puppet Master,” whose ability allows him to control people like puppets and make them do what he wants.

Linderman began appearing to Daphne in this episode. Apparently he’s been giving her orders. He now has her recruiting people for their team.

Meanwhile, Hiro and Ando released Adam. He was not happy, but agreed to help them so Hiro wouldn’t put him back. Hiro explained about the formula. Adam told them they should have destroyed it, and he suspected Angela was the thief. When he learned she is the one trying to get it back, he had no clue. He did have ideas how to find out. He took them to a bar where people with powers are recruited for jobs. However Adam slept with the bartenders wife, and when he went to slug Adam, Hiro was knocked out. Adam then escaped, of course.

Daphne and Knox soon showed up to recruit Hiro, but he had to prove himself. Knox asked Hiro to kill Ando, as he had no powers and was of no use. Daphne did not like this, but Hiro did it! He stabbed Ando in the gut with a sword.

Daphne reported back to Linderman that Hiro was on board. Her next assignment was to bring in Parkman. She knew something was up with Linderman, unlike others, she couldn’t sneak up on him. She found out he was a ghost or a hollagram or something. He said not to worry what he was, she had her orders. After she sped off we finally learned the truth . . .

Linderman is apparently dead. Matt Parkman’s dad has been using Linderman’s image, implanting it in Daphne and Nathan’s heads, to get them to do what he needs them to. But that’s not all, he’s working for someone . . . Aurthur Petreli! Yes it looks like Daddy Petreli is alive and calling the shots. He’s assembling an army of villians per say. He also appears to be in dire health. He’s in a bed, hooked to machines, he can’t even breath on his own. He talks through telepathy.

My Thoughts
So I wasn’t shocked the bad guy was Angela’s husband. I began to suspect it a few episodes ago, and last week’s “previews” confirmed it for me. What I was shocked about was the big Linderman reveal. OMG, that was great! I always wondered what happened to Parkman’s dad. Looks like there will be a showdown between these two eventually. I am a little dissapointed that Linderman isn’t really around. I guess he’s dead after all.

Suresh’s storyline is boring me to no end. I really hope it is going somewhere good. Otherwise . . . snooze city!

Hiro and Ando’s storyline finally got out of snooze city in this episode. First Adam is gone, that’s just great! I’m sure that of course means he’ll be back at some point in the future. As for Ando, I suspected that Hiro would kill Ando, but later go back and save him. Of course if he does that then there is no reason he can’t just go back and keep the formula from being stolen in the first place! Hiro had previously said he would never go back into the past again after the Japan stuff.

Daphne showed in this episode she had a heart, she didn’t like seeing Ando killed and she didn’t consider herself a killer. With her going off to find Parkman, this looks to be the beginning of their love story. I think Daphne might be the one in the end to save them all somehow.

Angela mentioned Traci’s sisters Nikki and Barbara, but not Jessica. I’m totally lost on this one. Did they just forget her name? Are we supposed to believe Jessica was just a split personality (ignoring the fact she had a grave?). Are we going to meet this Barbara person at some point?

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Lipstick Jungle – Chapter 12 Spoilers

Lipstick Jungle – Chapter 12 Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 10.13.2008 at 5:52 pm

Official spoilers for “Chapter 12: Scary Scary Night” airing October 29th follow . . .

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Heroes Spoilers – Eris Quod Sum

Heroes Spoilers – Eris Quod Sum

Posted by Dustin on 10.13.2008 at 5:51 pm

Official NBC spoilers for the October 27th episode of “Heroes” follows.

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ABC Spoilers – End of October – Early November

ABC Spoilers – End of October – Early November

Posted by Dustin on 10.13.2008 at 5:47 pm

Weekly official ABC spoiler roundup for “Brothers and Sisters,” (several B&S updates) “Desperate Housewives,” “Ugly Betty,” (several updates) “Grey’s Anatomy,” (several updates) “Private Practice,” “Samantha Who” and “Dirty Sexy Money.” Read on for the spoilers.

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Brothers and Sisters: Quitting Jobs

Brothers and Sisters: Quitting Jobs

Posted by Dustin on 10.13.2008 at 12:37 pm

In this episode Saul and Sarah were fuming after a meeting with Holly and Tommy. Tommy proposed some new ideas for the company. He wanted them to buy up more land for the vineyard to expand it, as well as abandon the name Ojai for something new.

Sarah planned to go on the offense, to come up with her own plan to counter Tommy’s. Before she could do anything, Saul announced his resignation! He said he felt the company was changing, he didn’t belong here anymore. Holly thought this was a tactic, but he said no. Sarah chased Saul down, but he felt he was too old and already devoted too much of his life to William and this company. He couldn’t do it anymore.

Saul went to see Nora about his decision to quit. He’s afraid Sarah is angry, that he abandoned her. He knows Ojai is in trouble and he’s the reason, so she should be mad at him. Nora said he made a mistake, to stop blaming himself. Saul talked about wanting to retire, to find a life. She said he needed to meet someone. He coyly made a statement about maybe he already had.

Nora had a talk with Sarah about Saul quitting. She wanted Sarah to apologize to Saul for being hard on him, think what he’s going through. She also said Tommy’s plan does sound reasonable, Saul told her about it. Sarah talked about how hard it was working there, working for Holly. Nora thinks Sarah isn’t angry at Saul, she’s angry at herself for not quitting. Sarah felt in this job market, with two kids, she can’t quit. Nora said Sarah had to make her own decision, but to stop blaming Saul for making his.

The company board held the meeting to discuss Tommy’s idea. Nora admitted she didn’t like re-branding the company and losing the name Ojai. The other members agreed, the name came with a sense of trust. Saul’s leaving also left them uneasy. Sarah stepped up and said if William was here doing this, they’d believe in him. She said William trained Tommy, Tommy has the same ambition and vision William did, so trust him.

The board voted to approve Tommy’s plan. Tommy thanked Sarah for what she said. Sarah then told Tommy she too was leaving. She felt this place didn’t feel like their company anymore, it just felt like a job. She said her mind was made up and he couldn’t change it.

Sarah went to see her mom to tell her that she quit. Nora told her she’d be okay, that she was incredible in that board room. She said Holly nor Tommy could have turned it around, she does have a gift.

The next day Holly told Tommy she was sorry about Sarah and Saul leaving. Tommy made a decision, while they would go ahead with the plan, they would not re-brand, they would keep the name Ojai.

Onto other siblings . . . Justin was working at an army recruiting station, but wasn’t very good at relating to the kids coming in and getting them to enlist. Later a guy showed up that Justin served in Iraq with. Justin apparently saved this guys life, he wanted to thank him for it. He insisted Justin come over for dinner and meet his family. When Rebecca learned Justin was to have dinner with another soldier, she insisted on coming with him. Justin didn’t want her too, but she wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Justin and Rebecca arrived at the house, which turned out to be a party in his honor. Justin was uncomfortable, and Rebecca was shocked to learn Justin had saved this guys life in Iraq. When she pushed to hear the story, Justin got upset and stormed off, right to a bar.

Justin returned home to find Rebecca waiting. He didn’t drink, but he was upset. He told Rebecca that while he saved that guy, his friend Charlie died 20 feet away. He felt he was a loser, he can’t even convince kids coming in to enlist to sign up, because he doesn’t think they know what they are getting into. He said he was messed up, that’s why he still lives at home. He then stormed off to his room.

The next day Nora gave Justin a talking to, telling him how good, honest and brave he is. He’s afraid to share the other side of him, the one that saw Iraq with Rebecca, as she might leave him.

Finally to yet another sibling, Kevin. Kevin had a big meeting with some athletic shoe company CEO. He was taking him out to dinner, to impress him, to get him to sign with the firm. Kevin’s boss however felt, knowing this guy, Kevin might want to leave Scotty at home. His boss told Kevin if he landed this client, he’d be next in line for partner.

Kevin went to see Kitty, but she was in New York in this episode trying to get her book published. Robert talked with Kevin and gave him some advice. He suggested Kevin play the game till he made partner. Once he was partner he could not be told again to leave Scotty at home.

Kevin discussed the situation with Scotty. Scotty was more unhappy with Kevin’s boss than Kevin. He wanted Kevin to do what he needed to, but also be who he is and be happy.

Kevin went to dinner and schmoozed the client. He returned home feeling like crap. The client and his wife assumed Kevin was married to a women and he played along. Kevin felt he went back into the closet and it was a dark place. He decided tomorrow he would tell his boss he would not do it anymore.

The next morning though before he could say anything, his boss told Kevin he landed the deal and was going to tell the partners in the meeting how great he did. Kevin just bit his lip . . .

Finally near the end of the episode, Kitty returned home. She had four publishers after her book, it was a virtual bidding war! She then had to face quitting as Robert’s communication director.

Saul, Kevin and Sarah all toasted to jobs they hate, but also to Ojai and their memories there.

Finally Justin went to see Rebecca to talk. Justin told her about his friend who died, a friend he knew. He would rather have saved Charlie over that other guy, which makes him feel awful. She said it makes him human. Justin then began to open up and talk to Rebecca about his friend and Iraq.

My Thoughts . . .
So far I think this was the best episode of the season yet. Hmmm, odd that Kitty finally took the back seat in this episode too. Hmm . . . .

I think what I loved about this episode the most was the drama at Ojai. Tommy coming up with his new plan, which Holly no doubt had a say in, was just too much. Saul finally up and quit. After saving Tommy and Holly’s asses, at a board meeting, so did Sarah. I’m not sure why she even felt the need to save Tommy’s ass to be honest. Just because he was her brother? He’s sure treated her and Kevin like crap! She did it and then she walked too.

Tommy and Holly are in for a big ride I think. The board saw how important Saul was and were afraid when he left. With Sarah gone, ouch. I mean Holly basically had her doing everything there. I was at least happy Tommy found where he misplaced his man-parts and stood up to Holly at the end, saying they wouldn’t change the name Ojai.

It seems they are finally doing something with Saul’s character when he hinted to Nora that maybe he just had met someone.

Over to Justin’s drama, it was intriguing, but I don’t have much to comment on. It showed that the whole Justin-Rebecca romance wasn’t just some fairytale, there were issues, and they would be handled.

Finally to Kevin, who had to go back into the closet at work. I thought this was a very good episode dealing with the whole “it’s okay if you’re gay, just not in public” issue many people actually deal with in their lives, whether to save their job or some other issue. I was very disappointed that Kevin kept biting his lip and going back into the closet. I was secretly hoping that Kevin would out himself and the firm would lose the client, not because Kevin was gay, but because his boss felt that Kevin needed to hide that fact.

Back to Kitty, well it looks like she’s an author, and the previews for next week have Robert offering Kevin her old job as his communications director. Oh that should be really interesting!


Desperate Housewives: Hot Dogs and Guitars

Desperate Housewives: Hot Dogs and Guitars

Posted by Dustin on 10.13.2008 at 12:23 pm

In the latest episode, Danielle returned to Wisteria Lane with her new lawyer husband Leo and 6 year old Benjy. Danielle had become somewhat of a hippy in her style of dress, which Bree called “ethnic.” She also sprung on her mom that they had all become vegetarians, and she was homeschooling Benjy. Bree was just about to burst, wondering what happens when Benjy becomes smarter than her C average could handle? The biggest bomb was that they had converted to Judaism, so mark down his bar mitzvah now!

It was all just too much for Bree to handle. When she took Benjy to the park, she took along photos of Danielle as a kid, including ones of her scarfing down hot dogs. She got Benjy to eat one, which he loved. He said it was like tofu, only better. Oh would she be sorry!

Meanwhile, Susan’s son MJ was being beaten up on the playground, but he wouldn’t say by who. He would only talk to Mike, and wanted his daddy to teach him how to fight. Susan didn’t like this at all, until she found out the bully was Gabby’s daughter Juanita. Then she was all for fighting, but Mike wouldn’t teach him to hit a girl.

Susan confronted Gabby about Juanita. Gabby said she would talk to Juanita, and she wouldn’t tell anyone that MJ was being beaten up by a girl. Susan took offense, and made a comment about the size of Juanita. That upset Gabby, who called MJ a wimp and maybe he should grow a pair! Yup, the war between the friends over their kids was on.

When Susan saw Juanita picking on MJ again, she stepped in. She told Juanita it wasn’t nice to push, but Juanita didn’t get it. She pushed Juanita down to see how she liked it, but quickly apologized and said it was to teach her a lesson. Gabby however saw it as Susan body slamming her kid. She and Susan ended up getting into a huge fight as Edie drove by saying “And they call me white trash!”

Also in this episode Gabby and Carlos had to deal with selling their sports car and bought Andrew’s plain old boring car. Of course it turned out to be a lemon, which infuriated Gabby. She wanted him to pay for the repairs, but he wouldn’t. He finally did when she threatened to ram his new car, pointing out she didn’t have insurance.

Later Susan apologized to Gabby, and they got drunk together. Susan had been feeling self conscience about raising a boy, she felt she didn’t know much about boys. Gabby admitted she has felt like such a victim that she was relieved Juanita wasn’t one, ignoring her being a bully.

Elsewhere in the neighborhood, Karen and Katherine were searching for dirt on Dave, but not coming up with anything on the net. Dave Williams was a common name, they needed more info. Also Katherine was partial to him, she thought he was nice! Katherine and Karen met with Edie for lunch, basically to grill her about Dave’s past. She didn’t know much, which Karen pointed out was odd as he was her husband.

Over to Tom and Lynette. Dave befriended Tom this week, he was getting rid of old stuff in his garage. He didn’t want to part with his guitar. Dave happened to play drums, they talked about getting a band together with Mike and Orson. Lynette really started hating this, no surprise there!

Penny the missing daughter finally returned this week. She was playing in the garage and almost knocked over Tom’s bass guitar. This gave Lynette and idea, and she left the guitar in the driveway for Tom to run over. He of course blamed Penny for playing in the garage! Lynette thought the band was disbanded, until Dave dropped by with a new guitar for Tom. Lynette couldn’t accept it, but Dave insisted. He then put the idea in her mind how Tom wasn’t very happy seeing so much of his old life gone, he would need this to remain happy in his marriage. Creepy!

Everyone soon got together as Bree cooked dinner for Dave and Edie. As everyone was getting to know Leo, Karen turned the opportunity to Dave to find out where he went to college. He didn’t want to answer, but Edie pushed. He claimed he never went to college, it’s something he’s ashamed of.

Later at dinner Benjy got sick and barfed up the hot dogs. When you don’t eat meat and suddenly start, it comes out one way or the other and it’s never pretty! Daniel was furious and said they were leaving. Orson was furious with Bree and blamed her for ruining this, as well as losing Benjy when he was in prison. He thought Bree should have fought harder for Benjy. She said she begged, and there was nothing she could do. She didn’t want to hear it from Orson.

Back at their house, Dave was upset at Edie for pushing tonight. She said it was all Karen’s fault, over lunch she was grilling her about his past, she realized she really didn’t know much about him. Dave said he understood. He said Karen reminds him of his grandmother when the dementia began to hit, she was paranoid, thought people were breaking into her house, taking her things. He said it would be terrible if that is what was happening to Karen.

My Thoughts . . .
All in all a very good episode, setting things up to come.

The garage band seemed pointless now, but it sets up something big in November, which I posted some spoilers on in another post. I have to say I wasn’t surprised Lynette hated the idea of the band, she seems to hate everything poor Tom does. It was good to see Penny back, but man does Lynette love to use and punish her kids. Poor Penny getting blamed for Tom running over his guitar!

I’m pretty much over Gabby and Carlos’ money troubles. They keep trying to make it out to be some kind of comedy of errors with them, at this point it’s just becoming an error. They need a real storyline, not to just be the comic relief.

I loved Bree’s reaction to Danielle this week, and especially her giving Benjy the hot dogs. I knew what was going to happen with that one. Orson however clearly still has some serious pent up anger inside him, and it’s going to explode and it won’t be pretty. Dave isn’t the only psycho on the block.

Katherine seems to have taken a liking to neighbor Dave. As Karen pointed out, her taste in men sucks! Karen unfortunately has Dave realizing she’s a snoop and a problem to be taken care of. When he mentioned his grandma going crazy and thinking people were breaking into his house, I had a bad feeling. I see her house about to be burglarized, yet nobody believing her. He’s going to set her up somehow to look crazy, that’s for sure.


Army Wives Spoilers Up Till The Finale

Army Wives Spoilers Up Till The Finale

Posted by Dustin on 10.12.2008 at 11:59 am

Spoilers for the next four episodes of “Army Wives” follow, up to the season finale on November 2nd.

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