Brothers and Sisters: Holly’s Little Bitch

Brothers and Sisters: Holly’s Little Bitch

Posted by Dustin on 10.20.2008 at 3:33 pm

Again, this is lacking in recap and mostly my thoughts because I was sick this weekend. Additionally I was not as focused during parts of the episode, so I missed a lot I’m afraid. I need to try and re-watch this one.

In this episode Nora was trying to start up her charity organization (the idea which she got last season), but needed space and money to buy what she needed. She decided to have a garage sale, as well as sell off a lot of William’s old stuff that was hanging around. Justin was worried about his mom doing this, thinking she’d regret it. In the end, sure enough, she was shocked after it was all gone. The one thing I was proud of was Nora venting to Justin about her hurt over William and what he did. That she would no longer sit around and wonder what she didn’t give William that Holly did, because in the end he cheated on Holly too. She told Justin that William was a cheat and that was his problem, she couldn’t do anything about it. Nora clearly still has a lot of hurt and anger, but she’s letting it go. Now she needs a man! I still miss the contractor from the first season.

Kitty officially resigned as Robert’s communications director, and Robert put up a fit when it came to hiring her replacement. No one she came up with was good enough. Robert’s resentment towards her was clearly coming out. He put up the public “I’m proud of you” face about her book and decision, but clearly privately he wasn’t pleased. In the end Kitty made the suggestion they hire Kevin. Oh boy, I don’t think that’s going to last very long at all!

Tommy and Sarah remained upset with each other. Tommy felt he had done everything he could to save this company, and Sarah needed to get over that. She in turn knew she messed up, but she felt Tommy still resented the fact that dad didn’t leave him in charge. She had the line of the show when she told Tommy to wake up and realize he was nothing but “Holly’s little bitch!” So very true, and so sad that Tommy has yet to see Holly’s played him for a fool. Is Tommy really running the company? It looks like Holly is if you ask me! Also I’m really getting tired of both Tommy and Sarah blaming Sarah for what happened to Ojai. Saul was the one who sunk the company, Sarah nixed the deal that cost them everything. Saul went behind her back and approved it. I wish Sarah would stop blaming herself for what happened.

Finally Holly manipulated Rebecca into coming in to see her. She hired Rebecca through her temp agency to do work at Ojai. Holly said she would not give up on fixing their relationship. I thought it was a pretty sneaky and underhanded thing Holly did. Unfortunately for her, it looks like it will bite her in the butt. While filing at Ojai, Rebecca came across the folder on Ryan Laugherty that Holly had a guy put together for her. Oh yes, Rebecca knows what he mom is up to and you know she’s going to go straight to Nora with it. I can’t wait for another Nora and Holly smackdown!


Desperate Housewives: Let’s Talk About Sex Baby

Desperate Housewives: Let’s Talk About Sex Baby

Posted by Dustin on 10.20.2008 at 3:10 pm

I’m as usual behind with write-ups (with two shows from last week still to do). I was hit with illness this weekend, so I’m double behind. Because of this I’m forgoing any kind of recaps and simply posting my thoughts on all the latest shows in an effort to get caught up. My thoughts should serve as a mini-cap as to the general stories that went on in the episodes.

Yet again, Gabby and Carlos provided the funny in this episode in dealing with Juanita. She caught them having sex and they had to explain the birds-n-bees to her, which she then went and told all her friends about. I feel like I keep making the same comments about these two week after week, let’s give them a real story! It looks like in November they are going to get some kind of story dealing with Carlos’ job at the club. Finally, as I’m tired of these two simply being the Lucy and Ricky of the show.

Dave and Tom continued with their band, and Dave became all out obsessed with getting Mike in their band. He lived too far away though, so he planned to buy Mary Alice’s old house and rent it to Mike cheap. This provided Mike closeness to MJ and would allow him to be in the band. Unfortunately it is looking more and more like Dave’s grudge is against Susan and Mike, and everyone who thought his wife and child were in that accident was right. I have to say if this is what it turns out to be, I’ll be disappointed. Once again no mystery, the show went with the obvious. The only plus I can see is that it might lead to Susan and Mike reconciling. Also I have to say, there is something a little creepy about Mike moving into the house of the people who killed his girlfriend and stole his kid.

Bree’s book was being published this week, and she was named “Business Woman Of The Year” by the city. This had many people jealous all around. One such person was Lynette, who envied Bree’s success. She tried to jump on board by revving up Bree’s advertising campaign, which she felt was stale and boring. Bree however liked the campaign and turned Lynette down. This got her upset, and of course she made a drunken fool of herself at Bree’s celebratory dinner. I love Lynette, but this was one of those times it’s just painful to watch her make an ass out of herself, which she tends to do often and very well. In the end Lynette apologized and admitted she was jealous to Bree.

Another person jealous was Orson, who had lost his job for lying about being a felon, and was lying to Bree about losing his job. He was trying to find a new one, but nobody would hire him. He asked Bree if he could come to work for her, which Katherine did not like at all. Bree turned him down, thinking it would be best if they not work together. Orson basically threw a fit and started sleeping in the guest bedroom. In the end Bree agreed to hire him, after a speech by Lynette that they all just wanted to taste a little bit of her success. I have to say while we were clearly supposed to feel bad for Orson, I really didn’t. I felt he threw a tantrum when Bree wouldn’t hire him. I think Katherine made a good point, they were partners and built this business together. Bree’s already shut Katherine out from her success, now she just wants to bring in the hubby? I don’t think so! I’m also hoping next week with the “what we missed in the five year jump” we’ll get some explanation as to the tension between Katherine and Bree.


ABC Spoiler Round-Up: More November Spoilers

ABC Spoiler Round-Up: More November Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 10.20.2008 at 2:15 pm

Official spoiler listings for “Brothers and Sisters” (multiple updates), “Desperate Housewives” (mulitple updates), “Samantha Who,” “Private Practice,” “Dirty Sexy Money,” “Ugly Betty” (mulitple updates) and “Grey’s Anatomy.”

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Brothers and Sisters, Desperate Housewives, Dirty Sexy Money, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Samantha Who, True Blood, Ugly Betty

Ghost Whisperer: November Spoilers

Ghost Whisperer: November Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 10.20.2008 at 11:54 am

Official spoilers for November 7th’s show “Imaginary Friends and Enemies” follows . . .

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Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer: Ghost In The Machine

Ghost Whisperer: Ghost In The Machine

Posted by Dustin on 10.18.2008 at 9:12 pm

In the latest episode of “Ghost Whisperer,” Ned introduced Melinda to Alt.World.2 (an online virtual world, much like Second Life). As Ned showed her around, Melinda caught the eye of an online player named Phoenix. He seemed to be able to see her looking at him as well, and she pulled him out of the PC. He was in fact a ghost in the game.

The Phoenix was obsessed with a girl in the game, who was a local school girl. Ned scoped her out and befriended her, hoping to see if she knew who Phoenix was. She didn’t. She and Ned became friends. She was a bit angry, her dad left her and her mom and she was hurt by that. Her dad bought her a nifty PC out of guilt, so she began exploring the online alternate world.

Meanwhile Eli and Melinda found out there was an online predator in this game, one that lured girls to him in the real world and took photos of them, stole their panties, all that perverted stuff. They began to suspect it was Phoenix. However upon tracking his real identity, they learned he not only was very dead, but the girl’s father! He died playing the game not only trying to get close to her, but to protect her from the real predator.

In the end the real predator got the girl to go with him, but the father tracked them and told Eli and Melinda where they were headed. He took over the car they were in to stall it until the cops could arrive. The girl was safe, and new her dad did in fact love her.

Once again, this was a stand-alone episode, and one I wasn’t too thrilled with. I think I’m harboring some serious Payne withdrawal and experiencing an over exposure to Eli frankly. Next week Melinda and Jim go on a cruise that is haunted. I’m hoping that means NO Eli! Maybe not only can the story of the season move forward a little, but we’ll get an Eli break. I clearly miss Payne. He was a side-kick, but not so intrusive as Eli is frankly. I’m starting to wonder if CBS is getting plans to do a spin-off to give Eli his own show?

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Brothers and Sisters Guest Stars

Brothers and Sisters Guest Stars

Posted by Dustin on 10.18.2008 at 1:24 pm

Kristin at E! has multiple scoops on “Brothers and Sisters.”

Regis and Kelly will be appearing in the 12th episode this season as themselves. It’s an episode in which Kitty promotes her book on TV. It’s tentatively called “Sibling Rivalry” and will air in December.

She also scoops that Steven Weber will return for the 9th episode as Graham, and will share a kiss with Sarah Walker (Rachel Stevens).

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Brothers and Sisters

The Hunter Cast On Heroes

The Hunter Cast On Heroes

Posted by Dustin on 10.18.2008 at 1:22 pm

Kristin at E! has the scoop that Zeljko Ivanek will join “Heroes” in the 14th episode as “The Hunter.” He’ll be in multiple episodes and will kick off the next volume of the show, which is titled “Fugitives.”

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Dave Foley Guests on Brothers and Sisters

Dave Foley Guests on Brothers and Sisters

Posted by Dustin on 10.17.2008 at 8:33 pm

Dave Foley will guest star on the November 16th episode of “Brothers and Sisters” as Paul, a man that Justin sets Saul up with for a date!


Grey’s Anatomy: South of the Mason Dixon Line

Grey’s Anatomy: South of the Mason Dixon Line

Posted by Dustin on 10.17.2008 at 1:35 pm

This episode began with Derek looking for a place to put his stuff, because Meredith’s closets were full. So he decided to rummage around for space in Meredith’s mother’s study. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to know that was a bad idea, but this brain surgeon clearly didn’t have enough sense! While searching he found Mer’s mom’s diary, which upset her. She didn’t know if she wanted to read it or not. She started giving him the cold shoulder, which made him think she was going to want him to move out.

At the hospital, The Chief was upset because people didn’t take his speech last week seriously. He said residents weren’t supposed to be specializing, and he ordered Bailey to assign them to work stations. He also said no one was to heckle Bailey because of their assignment. Bailey gave out the orders, which no one really liked.

Alex and Izzie got stuck working in the pit together. Alex was bored and told Izzie to go to work while he read. She found a patient who she believed has a neurological disorder, so she sent him for a CT scan. Alex heard this and swooped in, stealing the patient and finding out he had a brain tumor. Izzie was furious that Alex stole her case. Sloan told her that surgery was like the wild west, she had to be a cowboy, every man for themselves. She won her surgery back by charming the patient and suggesting Alex had been a little nutty lately. The patient demanded Izzie back. By the end of the show Alex apologized for being an ass to her. He said his girlfriend went crazy, he can’t very well treat her like crap, so he’s been treating Izzie like crap.

Christina was assigned to the clinic, which bored her. A patient of hers needed some cream for a rash from dermatology, so she had to go there. There she found the promise land, where everyone was happy, where people glowed, where residents didn’t fight and got enough sleep, where the hospital had massage therapists on staff for all the doctors to get rub downs. She was in awe that this magical place existed, and began calling Meredith and Izzie up throughout the episode to see it. They too were in awe. It was George who snapped them all out of it though. He said they were surgeons, they’d be miserable here rubbing lotion on everyone. They realized he was right and everyone left.

By the end of the show George learned he passed his exams. Lexie wanted to take him for a beer to celebrate, but he wanted to tell Izzie and Meredith first. She told him to tell them, she’d wait for him. Later though she found him in the bar drinking with them all. Ouch! He invited her to sit with them, but she opted not too.

Meredith also made up with Derek. She told him she wanted him here, but some things still weren’t easy for her, it would take time. She felt he needed a place of his own, he could use her mom’s study. He felt she needed a place for herself to escape too and had an idea. He sent gave her the trailer! At the end of the show we saw her and Christina sitting in the trailer reading the diary. On the door of the trailer was a dermatology sticker.

Of course the best story in this episode was the one dealing with Erica and Callie. Erica asked Callie on a date, a real one, where they went out to dinner then later she tried to rip her clothes off. Callie said yes, but was nervous. She finally told Bailey of all people that she was going on a date with Erica Hahn and she was nervous, she’d never been . . . down there before, and she didn’t know if she even would like it. Bailey stood there with the best expression ever on her face, then told her that she doesn’t talk about sex with anyone . . . ever! Later Bailey caught Erica looking at Callie when this romantic music was playing, again the expression!

Eventually Bailey went to Callie, who she could see was having issues with this. She told her that the vajayjay is unexplored territory, the motherland. She said if she was going to go on Safari to Africa, then she would do research. She’d get her shots, she’d know where the embassy was, etc. Callie wasn’t following. Bailey told her to just talk about it, set rules for what is and isn’t allowed.

Callie went on the date and was very nervous. She eventually broke down and said she had never been down there, south of the Mason Dixon line, and she didn’t even know if she’d like it. She said they had to have rules, and embassy, oh and a safe word. Erica told her to calm down, there were northern territories they could focus on first, they could take it slow. She said perhaps they can just enjoy dinner and make it to first base. Callie calmed down and said maybe second.

My Thoughts
Okay I have to say, yesterday I was dreading having to watch “Grey’s.” I actually found myself saying “OMG, it’s Thursday, “Grey’s” is on, I’d rather watch a movie or play a videogame.” Yes, that’s how disappointed I’ve been with the show so far. However this episode was amazing and made me realize why I loved this show to begin with. The humor was fantastic all around, from the dermatology department to the beginner lesbian date. Bailey truly made this episode with her vajayjay speech.

I’m glad that Izzie finally stood up for herself and told Alex off, that she wasn’t going to be his doormat any longer, or hold his hand and wipe his snot while he cried over Rebecca and didn’t do any work.

I’m also glad that Meredith and Derek had a somewhat adult conversation and actually worked some things out, even though Derek was a moron for deciding to just move into the mother’s study. Hello, we’ve known since day 1 Meredith has mommy issues.

Finally George, oh George. I’m happy he passed those exams, but what an ass to Lexie he was blowing her off after all she’s done for him!


Leanne Wins Project Runway!

Leanne Wins Project Runway!

Posted by Dustin on 10.16.2008 at 6:14 pm

Last night was the finale of “Project Runway,” idiotically put up against the presidential debates! The final three, Korto, Kennley and Leanne had their models walk the runway.

The judges loved Kennley’s outfits and her use of color, but again one of her painted garments was too much like a collection shown a year or so ago. Kennley finally admitted perhaps she needed to pay better attention to what was out there, though she didn’t set out to copy anyone.

They loved Korto’s use of color and her culture in her gowns, but felt once again she over embelished a lot of them. They wished she had held back a little.

They loved Leanne’s craftsmanship and the cohesiveness of her collection, but fear she’s going to be known too much for her “petal” looking skirts, and she might not expand from there.

In the end Kennley was the first to go. I was a little shocked, I thought she’d make it at least to final two. However it was Leanne who won the whole shebang.

I was not surprised Leanne won, her collection was the most cohesive of all of them. I just didn’t care for her lack of a variety of colors. It was too much like walking into Banana Republic for me, all the brown tones with one key color thrown in, which was the turquoise.

Overall, I think I was disappointed in this season. It didn’t have the drama or ooomph of past ones. Most of the contestants were just drab, though talented. Here is hoping next season, whatever network it’s on, is better.
