Melrose . . . Coming Soon To The CW?

Melrose . . . Coming Soon To The CW?

Posted by Dustin on 10.29.2008 at 12:04 am

Variety is reporting that the CW and CBS are currently rumored to be in talks to . . . revive “Melrose Place.” By revive, I mean redo it much like they have “Beverly Hills 90210.” The original “Melrose Place” was a spin-off of the former.

I don’t know about this at all. I mean while I’m enjoying “90210,” it’s a take it or leave it. Basically nothing else is on at 8pm on Tuesdays, so I put it on. This however could turn me off both shows.




  1. Nooooo to Melrose remake! I think the bigwigs don’t know when to quit. Just because one show does ‘ok’, they want to saturate the airwaves, ok, tv waves, with like style shows, or remakes. Too much I say! If they want to pour millions into cast salaries and advertising, give us something different, unique, never been done before. 90210 comes on after House here, so I watch it more because of that, I don’t know if I would go looking for it otherwise. I am not complaining, the show is , as I said, ‘ok’, but I wouldn’t shed a tear if it is cancelled.

    Comment by Lori
    10.29.2008 at 12:53 am
  2. I’m hesitant to judge this decision. The CW is a struggling network with a possible total failure in the future. If remakes of shows such as 90210 and MP can help to save this network, I support it. However, those shows are different. 90210 has always been the stronger brand. MP almost didn’t make it. If it hadn’t been for Heather Locklear, the show wouldn’t have survived.

    So will Locklear return to anchor this new show? If so, the new version might make it. However, even though I was a fan of both original shows, I will not tune in for the new MP (with or without Locklear). The characters of MP didn’t capture my heart. They were sassy, fun, sexy, and exciting – but not lovable. Nothing like the iconic and unforgettable characters of the original BH 90210.

    So I don’t expect to watch the new show if it makes it to pilot. I do believe that the return of the ultimate bitch from hell – Amanda – will be absolutely necessary to anchor this new program. Jane, Billy, Michael, or Allison just won’t cut it in my opinion. So producers, start talking to (or begging) Locklear.

    Comment by JS26
    10.29.2008 at 11:07 pm

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