Army Wives: Bringing Sexy Back

Army Wives: Bringing Sexy Back

Posted by Dustin on 10.27.2008 at 7:05 pm

In the 2nd to last episode of the season, Marta stuck around, though she sent her boyfriend packing. She still had a few days and wanted to spend them with Roxy and the boys. Roxy was still having trust issues with her though.

Roxy got the call we all knew was coming, Betty had passed away. The only family that could be found were some cousins, who were simply going to have her cremated and stuffed in a wall somewhere. Roxy held a wake for Betty at the bar to honor her memory.

Marta had serious issues seeing Roxy go to the trouble she had for Betty and talk about her so lovingly. She wanted to drink, but it was Trevor who stopped her and took her to an AA meeting. At the end of the show Marta had to leave, but she and Roxy planned future visits. Roxy also finally called her mom, which brought Marta to tears. It was a really touching end to this drama. I like Marta and do hope they’ll bring her back next season.

The day Joan knew was coming arrived, she had to go back to work. She couldn’t stand being away from her daughter though. Once again it’s so great to see the transformation in Joan. Speaking of transformations, whoa mama! Joan dolled herself up and put on a sexy negligee for Roland at the end of the show, but sadly fell asleep while trying to put the baby down. I must say, I never thought Joan could look like that.

Denise and Mac got closer this week, going out to dinner, sharing a kiss, finally ending up in bed. There wasn’t much to their story, mainly because everything was previewed last week. What WAS shocking was what was going on in Iraq with Frank and the woman he was working with. As the show started, he started asking her questions about her divorce, and took offense when she told him she was not going to stay in a marriage when she didn’t love the guy just because she took vows. Frank however spoke of how much those vows meant to him. She told him that if his wife was ending their marriage, the sooner he accepted it the better. Oh you could see where this was going, especially when she invited him back to her quarters for some coffee later on. Yup, she told him how today his words were the most romantic thing she’d heard, and she kissed him. Frank was stunned, but soon kissed back. Never ever ever did I expect this from Frank. Whoa! Will he tell Denise? It definately looks like this marriage might really be over.

Pam dealt with her daughter getting into trouble at school. Basically the kids were becoming curious about body parts and Pam had to explain the birds and the bees to her daughter, who of course held court at recess and told everyone. It was a cute story and pretty funny as well because of Pam’s dealings with some of the other Army mom’s, especially one in particular who kept inferring Pam’s daughter was not raised right. Pam finally let her in on a secret in front of everyone, it was her son that started all of this by telling everyone where exactly babies come out of!

The final story going on was Michael learning he was being promoted to a NATO post, which means a transfer to Brussels. They knew Emmalynn would not like this news, and boy she didn’t. She thought they knew about this, this is why they let her date Logan. They knew she’d have to give him up. They said they didn’t know, and she said she wasn’t going.

Emmalynn ran to Logan to tell him the news, and he swore they’d find a way to be together. Why am I seeing a wedding about to happen? That’s all I can think, or she’s going to get pregnant on purpose. Oh I seriously hope Emmalynn does NOT do something she will regret.

Next week is the finale. Claudia Joy has to break the news to her friends she’s leaving, and something happens that yet again leaves someone’s life they all know hanging in the balance.

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Army Wives

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1 Comment

  1. I was so sad during last night’s episode! I was crying when Betty died, even though I knew it was coming! The wake was beautiful and definitely honored Betty’s memory. I was a little irked with Marta, even though I do like her and want to see her and Roxie make up – why would she expect Roxie to just trust her after all that happened? She needs to take it all one day at a time. I was surprised to hear about Michael’s promotion although I guess after securing that military base a few weeks ago, it isn’t a huge shock. I was a little suspicious with Logan seeming so vehement about it – and that it couldn’t happen. What happens when he ships off to Iraq again or something? Is he bringing Emmalyn with him? I hope Michael and CJ leaving does not mean that mean Evan and his annoying wife are hanging around. I am so ready for them to leave! The whole Mac/Denise/Frank/other army woman storyline irritated me…but I’m not sure why..

    Comment by Cheryl
    10.28.2008 at 9:34 am

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