Ugly Betty: Gio’s Return

Ugly Betty: Gio’s Return

Posted by Dustin on 10.22.2008 at 5:59 pm

In last week’s episode of “Ugly Betty,” Alexis told Daniel she knew he wasn’t DJ’s father, but she was, and she apologized. She planned to give up her parental rights and wouldn’t say anything. Alexis got community service, thanks to a campaign contribution to the Assistant DA from Claire, until Willy stepped in and had a sexcapade with the Assistant DA and changed his mind.

Daniel meanwhile had his own legal troubles, DJ’s grandparents knew Daniel wasn’t DJ’s father and were coming to get him. He met them, and they were lovely people. Still he panicked and ran with DJ. I thought this was an interesting twist, that the grandparents weren’t horrible people at all, that they simply wanted a last connection to their daughter.

Gio returned for this episode, and he was a bit miffed with Betty for how things ended between them. She didn’t understand, they both had skewed versions of what happened. Betty thought they could be friends, and set out to win his friendship by getting him a supply of some fancy cheese he discovered in Rome, but was impossible to get. Gio however accused her of living in Betty Suarez Land where everything is happy and cheerful, he wasn’t about to just forgive her.

Gio and Betty did band together to help Daniel run with DJ, he said he was about to lose him to his grandparents. They went to Conney Island, and Betty didn’t understand how this could happen. Daniel blurted out that DJ wasn’t his son, which he heard and ran off. Daniel explained everything to Betty, who made him see the light. In lecturing Daniel she realized maybe Gio was right, sometimes she did live in her own little world, and they mended fences. However for fans of this couple, don’t get your hopes up. It seems Betty’s new love interest will be her new neighbor.

Daniel talked to DJ, saying he was sorry. He wanted him to be his son, but he’s not. He said his grandparents loved him and wanted him, and he knew he missed them and France. Daniel said he would like to be his really cool American Uncle. And just like that, all was resolved and it looked like DJ was off to France. I was mostly annoyed by this kid and this story, but now that he’s gone, I feel a little sad. I’m hoping the grandparents might see he needs Daniel as a father figure and send him back often for visits.

Back to Alexis, Willy offered to have the charges dropped, if she handed over her shares of Mead. Alexis said after screwing Daniel over once, she wouldn’t do it again, she’d go to jail. Claire however made Willy a deal, half of Alexis’ shares for her and half for Daniel, they’d be equals. Willy took it, and Alexis was freed. Alexis decided to leave to “find herself” (the actress is on maternity leave actually). I love Alexis, so I really hope they plan to keep her around. Claire was equally as awesome in this episode. I’m still waiting for someone to learn how Willy got ahold of Bradford’s, um, junk. That should knock her down a few pegs. Honestly I won’t be shocked if the baby ends up turning out to be Mark’s in some kind of weird failed cover-up!

The other story going on was the Hilda / Tony Diaz romance. Tony’s wife finally showed up, but mistook Betty for the woman Tony was sleeping with. She then went to Hilda, as Betty’s sister, begging her to ask her sister to stop seeing her husband. She talked about how she and Tony married young, went through hard times, but she still loved him and felt they could work it out. Hilda was guilt ridden and broke it off with Tony, telling him that she lost someone she loved once, she couldn’t do that to his wife. I really liked Hilda a lot for stepping up and taking the high road and doing the right thing, even if it hurt her. Is this the end for them? I’m not sure . . .

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Ugly Betty

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