Heroes: Dying of the Light Thoughts

Heroes: Dying of the Light Thoughts

Posted by Dustin on 10.21.2008 at 2:48 pm

Thanks for all the well wishes, I’m much better now 🙂 Still trying to catch up and hope to be up to date come Wednesday (no shows to do tonight). I’ll keep doing just my thoughts (with whatever mini-caps are in them) till I’m caught up.

So we learned that Hiro did use his time travel abilities to “kill Ando.” He went back in time to warn him he would fake stab him, and to pretend to be dead. Then he got a fake swords and blood to make it look real. While it was a good trick, he still went back in time, which he himself said he wouldn’t do. Then he did it again later on when they were trying to find the precog in Africa, the mission Daphne gave him. While it was funny that he kept getting hit on the head, at this point he might as well go back and keep the formula from being stolen!

I’m really loving Daphne and Parkman, what little we saw of them together. I think Parkman won’t fall for the crap the new company “Pinehearst” is spewing. You can see Daphne’s already having conflict, not only with Hiro “killing” Ando but when she met and found out about Surresh, saying he was as bad as all the others. I think Parkman will turn Daphne good in the end.

Traci and Nathan went to see Surresh, hoping he could help them learn how to de-power them. He was all too happy to have them as his lab rats, and then soon realized Surresh had gone mad. Maya was in his web, is she dead? It doesn’t look good for her. I however am a bit bored with this storyline and am not sure yet as to where it’s going.

Claire and her mom went after “The Puppet Master” to save birth-mom Meredith. He made them play Russian roulette with each other, which had the predictable ending of Claire’s mom having to shoot Claire, though she was fine. HRG was called in to take the guy back into custody, and seemed impressed with Claire.

Nathan Petrelli fed off of Adam’s power, sucking him to death basically and healing himself. I’m not sure what his power is, if it’s a mix of Sylar and Peter’s ability? He seems to be able to hijack others powers, like he did to talk to Parkman’s dad and to get into Angela’s dream. Peter tracked his father down, hoping to learn what this new company wanted. He was shocked to see his dad alive, and his dad stole all his abilities upon hugging him!

It seems clear that Pinehearst is bad, but are they? Are we being duped? Also did anyone notice that the Pinehearst logo is the same symbol “The Company” branded on people in season 1 as tattoos?

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  1. well actually the pinehurst logo looked like a complete version of the one the company used… i think the one the company used (which was tattooted on nikki) was one side of the pinehurst symbol… which is interesting… i wonder how the two companies were formed… i guess we’ll find out… thanks for all your input Dustin! i love reading what you think!

    Comment by Kris
    10.21.2008 at 4:23 pm
  2. http://koolbirks.com/2007/02/04/screencaps-heroes-season-1-episode-14-distractions/

    this is a link to a screencap about halfway down the page is one of Nikki’s tattoo, its not the greatest, but you can tell it’s half of the pinehurst one… i wonder what it means! (hope the link works – i’m not so good at that!)

    Comment by Kris
    10.21.2008 at 4:58 pm
  3. it is the fifth picture from the bottom

    Comment by Kris
    10.21.2008 at 5:00 pm
  4. I think the tattoo, and the symbol, are supposed to be an abstract version of a strand of DNA.

    Comment by Dustin
    10.21.2008 at 9:13 pm
  5. Im really sad about Adam being gone. I liked Anders from Alias and I enjoyed him in general on the show. This is totally a mega frowny face emote moment

    Comment by Malorie
    10.21.2008 at 10:50 pm
  6. Yes, the Pinhearst logo seems to be a double helix (DNA) while the tattoos are half of the double helix (single helix?)

    Comment by DNA
    10.22.2008 at 1:06 pm
  7. So maybe the people with the half tattoo are the ones who had their powers given to them vs the ones who were born with them. As a way to keep track or something.

    Comment by Moi
    10.22.2008 at 10:20 pm
  8. Now I missed the last season of Heroes for a lot of reasons, so I saw the first season and now am watching this season. I kinda feel it I am missing it a lot of late. I feel as though it is not the show I use to watch.. even if the characters are the same.

    I just wonder if I am missing something of late

    Comment by CGinCA
    10.23.2008 at 2:14 am
  9. Though last season was short and a snooze, yeah there were some important people introduced. Parkman’s dad (one of the villians), Adam Monroe (the first guy with powers that we know of), Nikki’s story came to an end too, the introduction of Maya.

    Comment by Dustin
    10.23.2008 at 12:56 pm

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