True Blood: The Demon Within

True Blood: The Demon Within

Posted by Dustin on 10.20.2008 at 4:19 pm

In this latest episode of “True Blood,” Bill and Sookie’s love fest continued. We learned as they talked what went on with Uncle Bertram, why he was ostracized. Basically he’s a sick perv, who had thoughts of molesting Sookie as a kid. She told her grandma and she sent him packing

Afterward the love making, Sookie returned home to find Jason stealing their grandma’s things to sell, obviously for V. He was upset to see she had let Bill bite her, calling her a fangbanger. Meanwhile off Bill went to kill Uncle Bertram and dump his body in the swamp. I have to say I was rather shocked that this little back-story was wrapped up so quickly. I thought there would be much more to it. Also I’m kind of not liking that Bill ends up going out to kill everyone that hurts Sookie. I get it’s supposed to be romantic and he’s her undead hero, but it also makes him a killer as well.

Jason went to the Fangtasia Club to try and score some V, not exactly smart. I don’t think most vampires will willingly shed some blood for a mortal, rather they’d shed a mortals blood for themselves. But Jason isn’t exactly bright now is he. There he met some trippy hippie chick that took him home and they did V together and had sex while tripping on it.

The 3 mean nesting vampires were back this week, showing up at Merlots and causing trouble. They wanted to drain Sookie, and Sam started a fight with them. Of course who they were really after was Bill, who showed up sensing Sookie was in danger. They wanted him to join their nest and he agreed, most likely to get them out of Merlots. I also got the feeling he planned to finish the three of them off as well.

Unfortunately for Bill, the next day three guys from Merlot’s got the same idea and torched the house the nest was living in. Sookie showed up only to find four coffins with four bodies were pulled out. Is Bill dead? My guess is no, that someone else will be in the 4th coffin, probably someone shocking. Though from the previews it looks like all that’s left in the coffins is a mess of goop.

Also that following day the detective and a buddy, while out fishing, saw Sam running through the woods butt naked. Hmmmm, yet another clue that he’s a werewolf? There was another clue to that given as well, and if you blinked you missed it. The night before during the encounter at the bar, one of the people made the comment that “tonight was a full moon.”

The final story going on was Tara taking her mother to some voodoo priestess in the swamp to get her demon exorcised. The woman pulled the demon out, put it into an opossum, which she proceeded to drown. She said Tara’s mother’s demon was gone, but Tara had a demon of her own, but not like her mothers. Tara thought the woman was full of it, until she told her “Can you not keep a job? Don’t have many friends? Never had a real boyfriend?” She told Tara to come see her when she was ready for help. I don’t know where this is going. I don’t know if the mother even really had a demon, or if this was just some con-job. With the mother thinking the demon is out of her, maybe she’ll find peace? As for Tara’s demon, well I think hers is simple anger and hate.

Posted in:
True Blood



  1. Can’t help it- LOVE Bill! Maybe he “glamoured” me-LOL!!

    Comment by Pammer
    10.20.2008 at 11:36 pm
  2. Realize this is only on the first book of the whole series thus far…. though greatly expanding on some of the sub=plots. I am still loving this series…

    Comment by CGinCA
    10.23.2008 at 2:16 am

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