Desperate Housewives: Let’s Talk About Sex Baby
I’m as usual behind with write-ups (with two shows from last week still to do). I was hit with illness this weekend, so I’m double behind. Because of this I’m forgoing any kind of recaps and simply posting my thoughts on all the latest shows in an effort to get caught up. My thoughts should serve as a mini-cap as to the general stories that went on in the episodes.
Yet again, Gabby and Carlos provided the funny in this episode in dealing with Juanita. She caught them having sex and they had to explain the birds-n-bees to her, which she then went and told all her friends about. I feel like I keep making the same comments about these two week after week, let’s give them a real story! It looks like in November they are going to get some kind of story dealing with Carlos’ job at the club. Finally, as I’m tired of these two simply being the Lucy and Ricky of the show.
Dave and Tom continued with their band, and Dave became all out obsessed with getting Mike in their band. He lived too far away though, so he planned to buy Mary Alice’s old house and rent it to Mike cheap. This provided Mike closeness to MJ and would allow him to be in the band. Unfortunately it is looking more and more like Dave’s grudge is against Susan and Mike, and everyone who thought his wife and child were in that accident was right. I have to say if this is what it turns out to be, I’ll be disappointed. Once again no mystery, the show went with the obvious. The only plus I can see is that it might lead to Susan and Mike reconciling. Also I have to say, there is something a little creepy about Mike moving into the house of the people who killed his girlfriend and stole his kid.
Bree’s book was being published this week, and she was named “Business Woman Of The Year” by the city. This had many people jealous all around. One such person was Lynette, who envied Bree’s success. She tried to jump on board by revving up Bree’s advertising campaign, which she felt was stale and boring. Bree however liked the campaign and turned Lynette down. This got her upset, and of course she made a drunken fool of herself at Bree’s celebratory dinner. I love Lynette, but this was one of those times it’s just painful to watch her make an ass out of herself, which she tends to do often and very well. In the end Lynette apologized and admitted she was jealous to Bree.
Another person jealous was Orson, who had lost his job for lying about being a felon, and was lying to Bree about losing his job. He was trying to find a new one, but nobody would hire him. He asked Bree if he could come to work for her, which Katherine did not like at all. Bree turned him down, thinking it would be best if they not work together. Orson basically threw a fit and started sleeping in the guest bedroom. In the end Bree agreed to hire him, after a speech by Lynette that they all just wanted to taste a little bit of her success. I have to say while we were clearly supposed to feel bad for Orson, I really didn’t. I felt he threw a tantrum when Bree wouldn’t hire him. I think Katherine made a good point, they were partners and built this business together. Bree’s already shut Katherine out from her success, now she just wants to bring in the hubby? I don’t think so! I’m also hoping next week with the “what we missed in the five year jump” we’ll get some explanation as to the tension between Katherine and Bree.
I can’t wait to watch next week. I think Gabby and Carlos will be stars of the show again. I assume from the preview there will be a funny scene when Gabby finds out she is prego.
10.20.2008 at 3:52 pm
I loved watching Gabby and Carlos…and am somewhat enjoying the time jump but does this SL with Mike and Crazy Dave mean we need to have another storyline of Susan and Mike the neighbors who care about each other but can’t be together? I also thought Orson was being a big baby – way to call it Dustin! I am betting Katherine hits the roof when she finds out Bree hired him!
10.20.2008 at 4:06 pm
Do the writers for this show have amnesia?
What happened to Orson being a dentist? He was going on interviews for “business”. Was he banned from cleaning teeth???
10.21.2008 at 4:06 pm
Orson probably had his dentistry license revoked after being convicted of a felony. He probably could no longer be a dentist, so business is his best option to get a job. I honestly don’t blame Orson for acting the way that he is, I didn’t think he was being that big of a cry baby. I really haven’t liked Bree to much this season, and the way that she is acting, no wonder why Orson is going crazier. Also, I miss Mike and Susan. I don’t like as her son would put it “he has sleepovers with mommy and they drink lots of wine”. There is something about him that just irks me. I really hope we get some answers with the next episode, it looks to be funny.
10.22.2008 at 2:00 pm