Brothers and Sisters: Holly’s Little Bitch

Brothers and Sisters: Holly’s Little Bitch

Posted by Dustin on 10.20.2008 at 3:33 pm

Again, this is lacking in recap and mostly my thoughts because I was sick this weekend. Additionally I was not as focused during parts of the episode, so I missed a lot I’m afraid. I need to try and re-watch this one.

In this episode Nora was trying to start up her charity organization (the idea which she got last season), but needed space and money to buy what she needed. She decided to have a garage sale, as well as sell off a lot of William’s old stuff that was hanging around. Justin was worried about his mom doing this, thinking she’d regret it. In the end, sure enough, she was shocked after it was all gone. The one thing I was proud of was Nora venting to Justin about her hurt over William and what he did. That she would no longer sit around and wonder what she didn’t give William that Holly did, because in the end he cheated on Holly too. She told Justin that William was a cheat and that was his problem, she couldn’t do anything about it. Nora clearly still has a lot of hurt and anger, but she’s letting it go. Now she needs a man! I still miss the contractor from the first season.

Kitty officially resigned as Robert’s communications director, and Robert put up a fit when it came to hiring her replacement. No one she came up with was good enough. Robert’s resentment towards her was clearly coming out. He put up the public “I’m proud of you” face about her book and decision, but clearly privately he wasn’t pleased. In the end Kitty made the suggestion they hire Kevin. Oh boy, I don’t think that’s going to last very long at all!

Tommy and Sarah remained upset with each other. Tommy felt he had done everything he could to save this company, and Sarah needed to get over that. She in turn knew she messed up, but she felt Tommy still resented the fact that dad didn’t leave him in charge. She had the line of the show when she told Tommy to wake up and realize he was nothing but “Holly’s little bitch!” So very true, and so sad that Tommy has yet to see Holly’s played him for a fool. Is Tommy really running the company? It looks like Holly is if you ask me! Also I’m really getting tired of both Tommy and Sarah blaming Sarah for what happened to Ojai. Saul was the one who sunk the company, Sarah nixed the deal that cost them everything. Saul went behind her back and approved it. I wish Sarah would stop blaming herself for what happened.

Finally Holly manipulated Rebecca into coming in to see her. She hired Rebecca through her temp agency to do work at Ojai. Holly said she would not give up on fixing their relationship. I thought it was a pretty sneaky and underhanded thing Holly did. Unfortunately for her, it looks like it will bite her in the butt. While filing at Ojai, Rebecca came across the folder on Ryan Laugherty that Holly had a guy put together for her. Oh yes, Rebecca knows what he mom is up to and you know she’s going to go straight to Nora with it. I can’t wait for another Nora and Holly smackdown!




  1. oh Dustin.. I hate to correct you when you’ve been sick, but it was RObert’s idea to hire Kevin.

    Hope you are feeling better!!!

    Comment by Michelle
    10.21.2008 at 7:37 am
  2. LOL It’s okay, like I said, I wasn’t paying strict attention

    Comment by Dustin
    10.21.2008 at 12:08 pm

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