Ghost Whisperer: Ghost In The Machine

Ghost Whisperer: Ghost In The Machine

Posted by Dustin on 10.18.2008 at 9:12 pm

In the latest episode of “Ghost Whisperer,” Ned introduced Melinda to Alt.World.2 (an online virtual world, much like Second Life). As Ned showed her around, Melinda caught the eye of an online player named Phoenix. He seemed to be able to see her looking at him as well, and she pulled him out of the PC. He was in fact a ghost in the game.

The Phoenix was obsessed with a girl in the game, who was a local school girl. Ned scoped her out and befriended her, hoping to see if she knew who Phoenix was. She didn’t. She and Ned became friends. She was a bit angry, her dad left her and her mom and she was hurt by that. Her dad bought her a nifty PC out of guilt, so she began exploring the online alternate world.

Meanwhile Eli and Melinda found out there was an online predator in this game, one that lured girls to him in the real world and took photos of them, stole their panties, all that perverted stuff. They began to suspect it was Phoenix. However upon tracking his real identity, they learned he not only was very dead, but the girl’s father! He died playing the game not only trying to get close to her, but to protect her from the real predator.

In the end the real predator got the girl to go with him, but the father tracked them and told Eli and Melinda where they were headed. He took over the car they were in to stall it until the cops could arrive. The girl was safe, and new her dad did in fact love her.

Once again, this was a stand-alone episode, and one I wasn’t too thrilled with. I think I’m harboring some serious Payne withdrawal and experiencing an over exposure to Eli frankly. Next week Melinda and Jim go on a cruise that is haunted. I’m hoping that means NO Eli! Maybe not only can the story of the season move forward a little, but we’ll get an Eli break. I clearly miss Payne. He was a side-kick, but not so intrusive as Eli is frankly. I’m starting to wonder if CBS is getting plans to do a spin-off to give Eli his own show?


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