Grey’s Anatomy: South of the Mason Dixon Line

Grey’s Anatomy: South of the Mason Dixon Line

Posted by Dustin on 10.17.2008 at 1:35 pm

This episode began with Derek looking for a place to put his stuff, because Meredith’s closets were full. So he decided to rummage around for space in Meredith’s mother’s study. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to know that was a bad idea, but this brain surgeon clearly didn’t have enough sense! While searching he found Mer’s mom’s diary, which upset her. She didn’t know if she wanted to read it or not. She started giving him the cold shoulder, which made him think she was going to want him to move out.

At the hospital, The Chief was upset because people didn’t take his speech last week seriously. He said residents weren’t supposed to be specializing, and he ordered Bailey to assign them to work stations. He also said no one was to heckle Bailey because of their assignment. Bailey gave out the orders, which no one really liked.

Alex and Izzie got stuck working in the pit together. Alex was bored and told Izzie to go to work while he read. She found a patient who she believed has a neurological disorder, so she sent him for a CT scan. Alex heard this and swooped in, stealing the patient and finding out he had a brain tumor. Izzie was furious that Alex stole her case. Sloan told her that surgery was like the wild west, she had to be a cowboy, every man for themselves. She won her surgery back by charming the patient and suggesting Alex had been a little nutty lately. The patient demanded Izzie back. By the end of the show Alex apologized for being an ass to her. He said his girlfriend went crazy, he can’t very well treat her like crap, so he’s been treating Izzie like crap.

Christina was assigned to the clinic, which bored her. A patient of hers needed some cream for a rash from dermatology, so she had to go there. There she found the promise land, where everyone was happy, where people glowed, where residents didn’t fight and got enough sleep, where the hospital had massage therapists on staff for all the doctors to get rub downs. She was in awe that this magical place existed, and began calling Meredith and Izzie up throughout the episode to see it. They too were in awe. It was George who snapped them all out of it though. He said they were surgeons, they’d be miserable here rubbing lotion on everyone. They realized he was right and everyone left.

By the end of the show George learned he passed his exams. Lexie wanted to take him for a beer to celebrate, but he wanted to tell Izzie and Meredith first. She told him to tell them, she’d wait for him. Later though she found him in the bar drinking with them all. Ouch! He invited her to sit with them, but she opted not too.

Meredith also made up with Derek. She told him she wanted him here, but some things still weren’t easy for her, it would take time. She felt he needed a place of his own, he could use her mom’s study. He felt she needed a place for herself to escape too and had an idea. He sent gave her the trailer! At the end of the show we saw her and Christina sitting in the trailer reading the diary. On the door of the trailer was a dermatology sticker.

Of course the best story in this episode was the one dealing with Erica and Callie. Erica asked Callie on a date, a real one, where they went out to dinner then later she tried to rip her clothes off. Callie said yes, but was nervous. She finally told Bailey of all people that she was going on a date with Erica Hahn and she was nervous, she’d never been . . . down there before, and she didn’t know if she even would like it. Bailey stood there with the best expression ever on her face, then told her that she doesn’t talk about sex with anyone . . . ever! Later Bailey caught Erica looking at Callie when this romantic music was playing, again the expression!

Eventually Bailey went to Callie, who she could see was having issues with this. She told her that the vajayjay is unexplored territory, the motherland. She said if she was going to go on Safari to Africa, then she would do research. She’d get her shots, she’d know where the embassy was, etc. Callie wasn’t following. Bailey told her to just talk about it, set rules for what is and isn’t allowed.

Callie went on the date and was very nervous. She eventually broke down and said she had never been down there, south of the Mason Dixon line, and she didn’t even know if she’d like it. She said they had to have rules, and embassy, oh and a safe word. Erica told her to calm down, there were northern territories they could focus on first, they could take it slow. She said perhaps they can just enjoy dinner and make it to first base. Callie calmed down and said maybe second.

My Thoughts
Okay I have to say, yesterday I was dreading having to watch “Grey’s.” I actually found myself saying “OMG, it’s Thursday, “Grey’s” is on, I’d rather watch a movie or play a videogame.” Yes, that’s how disappointed I’ve been with the show so far. However this episode was amazing and made me realize why I loved this show to begin with. The humor was fantastic all around, from the dermatology department to the beginner lesbian date. Bailey truly made this episode with her vajayjay speech.

I’m glad that Izzie finally stood up for herself and told Alex off, that she wasn’t going to be his doormat any longer, or hold his hand and wipe his snot while he cried over Rebecca and didn’t do any work.

I’m also glad that Meredith and Derek had a somewhat adult conversation and actually worked some things out, even though Derek was a moron for deciding to just move into the mother’s study. Hello, we’ve known since day 1 Meredith has mommy issues.

Finally George, oh George. I’m happy he passed those exams, but what an ass to Lexie he was blowing her off after all she’s done for him!




  1. This episode was definitely one of the better Grey’s in a long time. I somehow am getting the feeling that Hahn is really not a first time lesbian. She seems to quick to react to Callie’s insecurities and saying she has them too. I just think she is trying to ease Callie’s mind. George, George, George. I don’t think he even noticed that Lexie didn’t join them. That is definitely going to come back and bite him on the ass. I loved Bailey this episode. She is about the only character that I have consistently liked throughout the seasons.

    Comment by Marie
    10.17.2008 at 1:58 pm
  2. I’m very surprised that you are all disappointed in George in this episode. I was pleased with his story line overall. The bond between him and the child (Duncan) was incredible. It was simple and it often showed how sometimes doctors/interns/residents get too caught up in the medical aspect that sometimes they forget all together about the patient. In this case it demonstrated that doctors can be more human and warm towards their cases and they are not all (ass**).

    While I may agree with the fact that Lexie was totally ignored, but honestly we all knew that this was bound to happen. As much as we want a happy ending for all couples in the show the writers know not to let this happen. If they did we wouldn’t have a show to watch.

    Moving on to Mer and Der. FYI I hate them being called Mer and Der. They have names let’s use them. Their relationship is becoming all most too complicated to even bear to watch. I find it boring and let’s move on already. While I would love to have these two be happily ever after the viewers will never see the relationship develop into this concept. Meredith will always have some complex issues about the whole relationship and moving forward aspect. Derrick will find himself the one who is lost, the one who is desperate to get out, and will develop into a sad depressed character. I would much rather see other couples hook-up then to keep going down the same track with a never-ending story line.

    As for Callie and Hahn….great humor. I actually was reminded too why I fell in love with the show. I loved the fact that it was sexual, not too graphic, but it was fun. I want more of this story line and more humor put back into the show. It too will draw me back into actually watching every minute of the show rather then listening to it. Anyway, I think they make a hot couple and its sexy to me! I can’t wait til they go at it with one another.

    Lastly, I really don’t have much to say about Izzy and Alex. This is the same drawn out story line. As for Christina I enjoy her character more and more each episode. She has many moments that seem far too great then Izzy or Meredith could ever have. Perhaps maybe I relate to her more then that of the other characters.

    One other pointer that I would love to make is that while I’m loving the drama and storyline I have been finding some of the surgery scenes a little too graphic. I mean no where near that of ER, but for this show it is. While it was funny for Duncan and George to walk in on the brain surgery I became too squimish and couldn’t even watch. YUCK!

    Overall, good episode! I’m actually looking forward to the coming weeks. Keep it up!

    Comment by Misty
    10.17.2008 at 2:35 pm
  3. WTH Misty this is Dustin’s site he can call be disappointed in whomever he wants and can call them whatever he wants.

    Comment by Anonymous
    10.17.2008 at 8:43 pm
  4. LOL I don’t have any problem with people posting contrary thoughts or opinions. As for MerDer, I didn’t make up the name, it’s what they are called everywhere 🙂

    Comment by Dustin
    10.17.2008 at 8:50 pm
  5. I’m sorry I wasn’t trying to stir up trouble I was just merely posting thoughts and that is my opinions. I’m sorry. I will keep my thoughts to my self from this point on.

    Comment by Misty
    10.18.2008 at 12:19 pm
  6. Misty it’s fine, like I said, I don’t have an issue if people disagree with me.

    Comment by Dustin
    10.18.2008 at 12:56 pm
  7. I think the person who wrote that comment must have missed understood what I was referring too. I was just simply stating that I thought the focus was too much on Lexie and George’s relationship. I rather was simply stating that I felt that his (George’s) storyline was great other then that of just the part of him and Lexie.

    I’m glad that you feel that way. I usually don’t leave comments until I have formed an honest opinion on the subject. It’s great to have opinions/discussions in a forum like this. It creates great conversations with others and as well as it is a learning tool to see the other person’s side of something.

    Thanks Dustin I was really bummed about the comment, but I feel better now knowing that your okay with differences of opinions. Thanks!

    Comment by Misty
    10.18.2008 at 2:48 pm
  8. Oops! I forgot to comment on the MerDer name. I know you didn’t come up with the name. I was just saying I hate how the media/shows/blogs/ use it. That was just an opinion. Feel free to use it! I was just venting about the name.

    Comment by Misty
    10.18.2008 at 2:50 pm
  9. I think some of my readers are just very protective of me 🙂 That’s all 😛

    As for George’s case, I did like his interactions with the boy. However I usually never comment on the medical cases on the shows unless it’s something totally out there worth commenting on. Mainly cause I usually see the cases as the side stories and the relationships the main focus. The whole thing with Duncan and the guy with his face peeled off was funny though.

    Comment by Dustin
    10.18.2008 at 2:54 pm
  10. the thing with george & duncan was cute, but he should not have dissed lexie like that. i think she’s been a better & supportive friend this season then mer, iz, christina put together. none of them pushed george about his exam as much as lexie, and maybe they didnt know he missed passing by one point, but lexie has proved to be a better friend then the three combined. i still think lexie & mcsteamy should get together! haha.

    and i have to agree, grey’s was a snooze for me the first couple episodes (even with the flood that was kind of boring). this weeks episode finally has life to it, lets hope shonda keeps it up!

    Comment by cammy
    10.19.2008 at 8:20 pm

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