True Blood: Hello Uncle!

True Blood: Hello Uncle!

Posted by Dustin on 10.15.2008 at 11:13 pm

The latest “True Blood,” episode dealt with the aftermath of Adelle’s death. Everyone came over to Sookie’s place with the traditional foods. Lafayette had the best lines when he talked about “white people and their damn jello molds” and also saying the food was not cooked with love, so it had bad juju. Tara of course was great when she told everyone to basically get the Efff out, time to go, Sookie needed her rest!

Jason made a scene showing up and slapping Sookie, saying it should have been her that was killed, not Gram. Tara was disgusted, throwing him out saying she didn’t know him anymore. Bill however made a very similar statement to the police, that he didn’t think it was the grandmother who was the target.

At the funeral Sookie lost it as she was speaking. She kept hearing everyone’s voices, they were all saying it was her fault her grandmother was dead. She told them all to “Shut the Eff Up!” I loved it! I love when she throws back at people after hearing their thoughts.

Speaking of people’s thoughts, we were introduced to a new character, Uncle Bertram. He showed up in a wheel chair at the funeral, he was Adelle’s sister. Jason invited him thinking he had a right to be there, Sookie however said he hadn’t been part of their family in years. His thoughts were read and he said something along the lines of “I never meant to hurt you.” There is a back story there that I want to know what it is. Will there be a battle over the will in the future?

Another new supernatural twist was added with Tara’s mother. She showed up at the funeral and was fairly coherent and nice. She told Tara that the reason she drank is because she had a demon in her. She said the demon is the one who has controlled her for so long, said and done all the terrible things. She drank to quiet the demon, but it was time to get it out. She wanted money for an exorcism, but Tara thought she was full of it. However at the end of the show, Tara went to her mother’s side. Very interesting! Is it a lie, or real? Given what the show is dealing with, she could very well have a demon. Of course the bottle could just be the demon too. I am interested in this story, and that they are giving Tara more to do than just be Sookie’s friend.

Jason worked to get off the V, while Tara tried to move on with Sam. Sam, deciding he didn’t want to wait around for Sookie, attempted to do the same with Tara. However Tara got weireded out, stopping them from making love, and running of to help her mom.

The show ended with Sookie finally making love to Bill and allowing him to bite her! OMG! I can’t believe she let him do that. Wow, things are getting hot with this show.

Posted in:
True Blood

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. bill and sookie were awesome at the end of the show. it was hot. i wish they wouldn’t have written the bite into the show though. i liked the fact that she could restrain herself from all that even though she seemed interested in it.

    Comment by heather
    10.16.2008 at 5:57 pm

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