Heroes: Between Good And Evil
This episode picked up where last week left off, with Peter attacking Sylar (breaking his neck) then almost splitting open his mother’s head. Sylar regenerated himself in time to stop Peter, who was then placed into a medical coma for the time being.
Later Nathan and Traci arrived to see Angela wanting answers. Angela finally explained who Zimmerman was, a doctor who developed synthetic powers for the company. She said they gave them to Traci and her sisters Nikki and Barbara (okay what happened to Jessica?), and she said they also gave Nathan his powers. Nathan was furious with his mother. She explained how the formula had been lost, she had to get it back.
Later Angela used her power to see the future. She saw Nathan, Traci, even Peter were dead. She then came face to face with a man and was stunned. He said she could see the future, he couldn’t have that. He said she would wake up unable to even move. When Angela woke up, she was literally frozen at her desk unable to move!
Suresh was continuing his transformation into the fly, I mean an insane spider creature. He was kidnapping people to experiment on them, and sticking them up into cocoons in his webs. Maya found out what was going on as the episode came to an end and began to use her power on him.
Claire’s birth mom Meredith headed out to look for Claire after she and Claire’s mom figured out she was planning to go after villians. Claire tracked down some guy who could make vortex’s appear and suck things, including people, into them. He however explained he only killed one person, it was a mistake, he didn’t understand his powers then. For that he was locked up and lost everything, including his family. Claire understood and was going to let him go, until her dad and Sylar showed up. HRG wanted the man to use his power to kill Sylar, saying he’d let him go. Claire told her dad not to do this, the man refused saying he wasn’t a killer. He sucked himself into a vortex!
Claire was furious at her dad not only for what he did, but for working with Sylar. He explained everything he was doing was to keep her safe. Sylar tried to play mind games, saying he was trying to change, but that her father would never see the human side of any of them. Claire stood by her dad and returned home, only to learn Meredith had gone looking for her.
Meredith was stuck with a villain called “The Puppet Master,” whose ability allows him to control people like puppets and make them do what he wants.
Linderman began appearing to Daphne in this episode. Apparently he’s been giving her orders. He now has her recruiting people for their team.
Meanwhile, Hiro and Ando released Adam. He was not happy, but agreed to help them so Hiro wouldn’t put him back. Hiro explained about the formula. Adam told them they should have destroyed it, and he suspected Angela was the thief. When he learned she is the one trying to get it back, he had no clue. He did have ideas how to find out. He took them to a bar where people with powers are recruited for jobs. However Adam slept with the bartenders wife, and when he went to slug Adam, Hiro was knocked out. Adam then escaped, of course.
Daphne and Knox soon showed up to recruit Hiro, but he had to prove himself. Knox asked Hiro to kill Ando, as he had no powers and was of no use. Daphne did not like this, but Hiro did it! He stabbed Ando in the gut with a sword.
Daphne reported back to Linderman that Hiro was on board. Her next assignment was to bring in Parkman. She knew something was up with Linderman, unlike others, she couldn’t sneak up on him. She found out he was a ghost or a hollagram or something. He said not to worry what he was, she had her orders. After she sped off we finally learned the truth . . .
Linderman is apparently dead. Matt Parkman’s dad has been using Linderman’s image, implanting it in Daphne and Nathan’s heads, to get them to do what he needs them to. But that’s not all, he’s working for someone . . . Aurthur Petreli! Yes it looks like Daddy Petreli is alive and calling the shots. He’s assembling an army of villians per say. He also appears to be in dire health. He’s in a bed, hooked to machines, he can’t even breath on his own. He talks through telepathy.
My Thoughts
So I wasn’t shocked the bad guy was Angela’s husband. I began to suspect it a few episodes ago, and last week’s “previews” confirmed it for me. What I was shocked about was the big Linderman reveal. OMG, that was great! I always wondered what happened to Parkman’s dad. Looks like there will be a showdown between these two eventually. I am a little dissapointed that Linderman isn’t really around. I guess he’s dead after all.
Suresh’s storyline is boring me to no end. I really hope it is going somewhere good. Otherwise . . . snooze city!
Hiro and Ando’s storyline finally got out of snooze city in this episode. First Adam is gone, that’s just great! I’m sure that of course means he’ll be back at some point in the future. As for Ando, I suspected that Hiro would kill Ando, but later go back and save him. Of course if he does that then there is no reason he can’t just go back and keep the formula from being stolen in the first place! Hiro had previously said he would never go back into the past again after the Japan stuff.
Daphne showed in this episode she had a heart, she didn’t like seeing Ando killed and she didn’t consider herself a killer. With her going off to find Parkman, this looks to be the beginning of their love story. I think Daphne might be the one in the end to save them all somehow.
Angela mentioned Traci’s sisters Nikki and Barbara, but not Jessica. I’m totally lost on this one. Did they just forget her name? Are we supposed to believe Jessica was just a split personality (ignoring the fact she had a grave?). Are we going to meet this Barbara person at some point?
For the whole Jessica thing, they brought the triplets to Dr. Zimmerman, but maybe not Jessica. Jessica could also be an adopted sister, or who knows? I think we’ll meet Barbara when Traci gets killed off.
As for Adam, don’t forget that Knox knocked Adam out and stuck him in a truck, and mentioned him during a phone call. So the new company seems to have him wrapped up.
10.14.2008 at 10:11 am
I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m loving Sylar this season. He’s always been my favorite but I get a giggle out of him and HRG together. I enjoyed last nights eppy.
10.14.2008 at 12:40 pm
They couldn’t have forgotten Jessica’s name… we all remember.
I am so confused why Hiro killed Ando. That isn’t like him. Do we know Knox’s powers? Maybe people have to do whatever he says?
Agree, the Suresh storyline is just gross.
10.16.2008 at 3:09 pm
I think Knox throws flames?
10.16.2008 at 3:12 pm
Him too, or are you thinking of the guy that had blue flames?
10.16.2008 at 5:21 pm
I can’t remember. I remember of the ones that broke out, Jesse screamed and made sonic waves, the german moved things with his mind, another guy shot flames.
10.16.2008 at 5:34 pm
Knox was the one who fed on fear or could read fear or something like that. And who’s to say that Jessica wasn’t a clone or something?
10.16.2008 at 5:43 pm
Thats right! He told Sylar he knew what he was afraid of. Thanks!
10.16.2008 at 6:33 pm
I just re-watched that scene, he feeds off of fear and gets stronger.
So why did Hiro kill Ando? Was that not shocking to anyone else? I totally don’t get it.
10.16.2008 at 10:54 pm
Would one of you be so kind as to tell me, why Sylar agreed to rehab? I must have missed it or they didn’t explain it.
10.17.2008 at 12:08 pm
Malorie – I don’t believe they’ve explained it yet. My best guess is that it’s the influence of a real mother (who offered to “feed” him). Either that, or it’s the typical Sylar-like “I’ll play along with you until I get the trust to escape” story.
10.17.2008 at 3:31 pm
Basically he had the choice to either reform or stay in the sedated state they forced him into. But his first outing he killed to obtain powers, so he isn’t very reformed yet.
10.17.2008 at 4:59 pm
Ahhh, Ok I’ll be curious to see where they take it. Because, he could have easily gotten away the other night. When he was all alone at the car and from the preview of next week he seems to actually care about his new mother =) So i look forward to new eps
10.18.2008 at 3:56 am
I was just explained why Sylar became good. When Angela told him the truth, she had brought in that woman she let Sylar kill and take her power. Her power was to feel what others felt, so that has given him the ability to know the pain he’s causing and stop it.
10.20.2008 at 9:54 pm
I thought she had the ability to read people’s pasts?
10.21.2008 at 9:32 am
Yes, I too thought that woman had the ability to know the history of any object/person. Maybe it proved to him that Angela was his mother. Plus I guess it showed that Angela accepted him as she said she was going to”feed” him (the woman).
10.21.2008 at 11:34 am
LOL I probably wasn’t paying attention, but I was told she was the reason he could suddenly control things, her power was the key, something about being able to know the person.
10.21.2008 at 12:07 pm
I guess either way it does help explain things, when he saved Claire he told her he was so sorry for all the pain he caused her. So, it’s best to assume the chick he killed does allow him to understand what he’d going to people and it does so in a way that
s big enough that it bothers him enough to want to stop.
10.21.2008 at 3:59 pm