Desperate Housewives: Hot Dogs and Guitars

Desperate Housewives: Hot Dogs and Guitars

Posted by Dustin on 10.13.2008 at 12:23 pm

In the latest episode, Danielle returned to Wisteria Lane with her new lawyer husband Leo and 6 year old Benjy. Danielle had become somewhat of a hippy in her style of dress, which Bree called “ethnic.” She also sprung on her mom that they had all become vegetarians, and she was homeschooling Benjy. Bree was just about to burst, wondering what happens when Benjy becomes smarter than her C average could handle? The biggest bomb was that they had converted to Judaism, so mark down his bar mitzvah now!

It was all just too much for Bree to handle. When she took Benjy to the park, she took along photos of Danielle as a kid, including ones of her scarfing down hot dogs. She got Benjy to eat one, which he loved. He said it was like tofu, only better. Oh would she be sorry!

Meanwhile, Susan’s son MJ was being beaten up on the playground, but he wouldn’t say by who. He would only talk to Mike, and wanted his daddy to teach him how to fight. Susan didn’t like this at all, until she found out the bully was Gabby’s daughter Juanita. Then she was all for fighting, but Mike wouldn’t teach him to hit a girl.

Susan confronted Gabby about Juanita. Gabby said she would talk to Juanita, and she wouldn’t tell anyone that MJ was being beaten up by a girl. Susan took offense, and made a comment about the size of Juanita. That upset Gabby, who called MJ a wimp and maybe he should grow a pair! Yup, the war between the friends over their kids was on.

When Susan saw Juanita picking on MJ again, she stepped in. She told Juanita it wasn’t nice to push, but Juanita didn’t get it. She pushed Juanita down to see how she liked it, but quickly apologized and said it was to teach her a lesson. Gabby however saw it as Susan body slamming her kid. She and Susan ended up getting into a huge fight as Edie drove by saying “And they call me white trash!”

Also in this episode Gabby and Carlos had to deal with selling their sports car and bought Andrew’s plain old boring car. Of course it turned out to be a lemon, which infuriated Gabby. She wanted him to pay for the repairs, but he wouldn’t. He finally did when she threatened to ram his new car, pointing out she didn’t have insurance.

Later Susan apologized to Gabby, and they got drunk together. Susan had been feeling self conscience about raising a boy, she felt she didn’t know much about boys. Gabby admitted she has felt like such a victim that she was relieved Juanita wasn’t one, ignoring her being a bully.

Elsewhere in the neighborhood, Karen and Katherine were searching for dirt on Dave, but not coming up with anything on the net. Dave Williams was a common name, they needed more info. Also Katherine was partial to him, she thought he was nice! Katherine and Karen met with Edie for lunch, basically to grill her about Dave’s past. She didn’t know much, which Karen pointed out was odd as he was her husband.

Over to Tom and Lynette. Dave befriended Tom this week, he was getting rid of old stuff in his garage. He didn’t want to part with his guitar. Dave happened to play drums, they talked about getting a band together with Mike and Orson. Lynette really started hating this, no surprise there!

Penny the missing daughter finally returned this week. She was playing in the garage and almost knocked over Tom’s bass guitar. This gave Lynette and idea, and she left the guitar in the driveway for Tom to run over. He of course blamed Penny for playing in the garage! Lynette thought the band was disbanded, until Dave dropped by with a new guitar for Tom. Lynette couldn’t accept it, but Dave insisted. He then put the idea in her mind how Tom wasn’t very happy seeing so much of his old life gone, he would need this to remain happy in his marriage. Creepy!

Everyone soon got together as Bree cooked dinner for Dave and Edie. As everyone was getting to know Leo, Karen turned the opportunity to Dave to find out where he went to college. He didn’t want to answer, but Edie pushed. He claimed he never went to college, it’s something he’s ashamed of.

Later at dinner Benjy got sick and barfed up the hot dogs. When you don’t eat meat and suddenly start, it comes out one way or the other and it’s never pretty! Daniel was furious and said they were leaving. Orson was furious with Bree and blamed her for ruining this, as well as losing Benjy when he was in prison. He thought Bree should have fought harder for Benjy. She said she begged, and there was nothing she could do. She didn’t want to hear it from Orson.

Back at their house, Dave was upset at Edie for pushing tonight. She said it was all Karen’s fault, over lunch she was grilling her about his past, she realized she really didn’t know much about him. Dave said he understood. He said Karen reminds him of his grandmother when the dementia began to hit, she was paranoid, thought people were breaking into her house, taking her things. He said it would be terrible if that is what was happening to Karen.

My Thoughts . . .
All in all a very good episode, setting things up to come.

The garage band seemed pointless now, but it sets up something big in November, which I posted some spoilers on in another post. I have to say I wasn’t surprised Lynette hated the idea of the band, she seems to hate everything poor Tom does. It was good to see Penny back, but man does Lynette love to use and punish her kids. Poor Penny getting blamed for Tom running over his guitar!

I’m pretty much over Gabby and Carlos’ money troubles. They keep trying to make it out to be some kind of comedy of errors with them, at this point it’s just becoming an error. They need a real storyline, not to just be the comic relief.

I loved Bree’s reaction to Danielle this week, and especially her giving Benjy the hot dogs. I knew what was going to happen with that one. Orson however clearly still has some serious pent up anger inside him, and it’s going to explode and it won’t be pretty. Dave isn’t the only psycho on the block.

Katherine seems to have taken a liking to neighbor Dave. As Karen pointed out, her taste in men sucks! Karen unfortunately has Dave realizing she’s a snoop and a problem to be taken care of. When he mentioned his grandma going crazy and thinking people were breaking into his house, I had a bad feeling. I see her house about to be burglarized, yet nobody believing her. He’s going to set her up somehow to look crazy, that’s for sure.




  1. At this point, DH is kind of boring. The 5 year jump, IMO, seems pointless. I just do not get it why they decided to do that. Lynette, Tom, Gabby, Carlos, and Katherine are just fillers now, while Susan and Mike are in a dumb post-divorce story, and Bree is the only character with hardly the most remotely interesting story, along with Karen/Dave/Edie.

    I’m very dissapointed with the direction of the show. I won’t stop watching, but I just think that DH has lost it’s zing and spice. They need to do something with it now. Another disaster is too repetitive.

    Give these characters some actual stories! Put Susan and Mike back together, get Carlos’ eyesight back! Let Gabby be her sassy and fashionable old self again! Get Lynette and Tom out of the funk of boring stories with her kids! Give Katherine a life! Come on, let’s go back to the earlier seasons (and last season in Katherine’s case) and give the show it’s much needed depth and spunk!

    Comment by Lou
    10.14.2008 at 10:39 pm
  2. Does anyone else think that Katherine and Orson will end up having an affair? Apparently one is brewing on the show. I think they might both do it to get back at Bree.

    I understand Gabi being poor but do they really have to make her look so bad? I don’t care if they want to make her look heavier but at least let her look a little prettier. She was such a fashionista before I’m not sure I believe that she would let herself go that much. Anyway just my opinion.

    Comment by Lisa
    10.16.2008 at 11:19 am
  3. Maybe they can show a shower scene( like Dallas did) and forget all this 5 year jumps crap…except add Gale Harold as a new neighbor.. 🙂 ( Sorry he’s too cute )

    Comment by Anonymous
    10.16.2008 at 11:20 pm

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