Weekly Doctor Round-up: Grey’s and Private Practice

Weekly Doctor Round-up: Grey’s and Private Practice

Posted by Dustin on 10.11.2008 at 10:14 pm

Let’s start with this week’s “Grey’s.” The Chief, determined to make Seattle Grace’s number 1 again, instituted new rules for all interns, residents and attending. Basically he told them all they had become lazy and self-absorbed, it wouldn’t be tolerated anymore.

The main story in this episode surrounded a pipe bursting on an upper floor, as various surgeries were being scheduled. Baily tried in vein to get The Chief to realize how serious this was, but he kept saying it was under control. He would not shut down the ER or send their patients elsewhere. His stubbornness cost him, as the leaking pipe lead to gathering water that burst into the OR’s during surgeries. I have to say, I am really not liking what they are doing to The Chief’s character at all! He’s becoming a jerk thanks to this whole hospital competition he has going on.

The usual Mer-Der drama was going on in this episode. With him moving in with Meredith, he naturally assumed the roommates would move out. They were upset, as was Meredith, who didn’t want her friends to move out. Derek made the case that they were supposed to be starting their life together, not their life together with her roommates. In the end, Derek agreed not to push her to get rid of them, they would leave things as they were for now. I’m going to have to side with Derek on this one. Sorry but when you start your life with someone, the roommates have to move out!

Other stories going on. George was finally, after all the drama, able to take his test to become a resident. Lexie remains hopelessly devoted to George and helping him, at the expense of her own career. She diagnosed a patient nobody else could and Mark Sloan wanted her to scrub in for the surgery, but she refused to help George. He told her she was pathetic! Finally Hahn was upset that Callie talked to Mark about them, that he knew what was going on with them. I can see Hahn’s paranoia over this ruining anything she and Callie could potentially have.

All in all, I wasn’t too thrilled with the episode honestly. As with the premier I found my attention span drifting. Has “Grey’s” just become boring? The never ending Mer-Der drama is enough as is. Once again we had her contemplating breaking up with Derek. Enough! Be happy together or end it, but stick with the decision for once. I hope something happens and soon to make me remember why I fell in love with this show and came back every week to it.

Over to the sister show “Private Practice.” Sam was struggling to keep the practice afloat, trying to bring in new patients, trying to reorganize how they saw their current ones. In the end, he began to realize how hard Naomi actually had it and how they had taken her for granted.

The main case in this show dealt with a couple who came in seeking help getting pregnant, only to have blood tests show they were siblings! Apparently they shared a dad and didn’t know. The couple however had been in love since Jr. High and wanted to stay together, asking for the girl to have her tubes tied. The practice had to weigh in over what was morally and ethically the right thing to do here. In the end, it turned out the guy knew all along and lied to the girl. She was crushed and thus ended the brother-sister love fest between them.

Also going on, Cooper finally told Violet that he was seeing Charlotte King. He was afraid of what she would think. He’s also afraid as he likes Charlotte and didn’t want to mess this up. My heart was breaking for Violet! Charlotte meanwhile wasn’t to thrilled that Cooper told, but he stood firm saying he wanted them to be a real couple and not this secret sex thing they had going on.

Addison called the SWAT team guy, as she liked him and wanted to try and get something started with him. Meanwhile Sam and Naomi ended the show having angry sex.

Perhaps it’s just the newness of the show and the characters, but from the drama between the docs to the storyline about the siblings in love, I was at least enthralled enough with the stories to watch. “Private Practice” is kicking “Grey’s” butt every way so far in my opinion.




  1. While I think it is good that the Chief is finally trying to take charge of the employees of his wing of the hospital, his competition to be higher on the hospital list is going to be the downfall for them. Honestly, why wouldn’t he just let maintenance turn off the water to get things back up to code? I’m pretty sure that that right there would dock them. Some of the surgeries they had could have waited a day or they could have sent them to another hospital if it couldn’t. Plus I think the guy that the ceiling fell on is going to come back with a lawsuit,maybe Seattle Grace will be getting a new chief???

    Comment by Marie
    10.12.2008 at 9:10 am
  2. I agree – Grey’s was a little blah. Enough with the Meredith-Derek drama! Same with Izzie&angry-slut-guy(Alex). I hope the army surgeon comes back. He was interesting. Mark is great. I love Cristina, but they didn’t do much with her this week. Need more great speeches from Miranda. I would have liked to see her vent some steam about the Chief’s stupidity. I’d like to see more of Meredith’s therapist. She could have sessions with all the main characters.

    Comment by DNA
    10.12.2008 at 1:26 pm
  3. What was the thing with Christina and the therapist? I misses it.

    Comment by smoore
    10.12.2008 at 1:37 pm
  4. Christina went to the pshrink, who was leaving the hospital, and basically begged her to stay because Meredith needed her. They had a mini session.

    Comment by Dustin
    10.12.2008 at 2:17 pm
  5. I missed the last half of Private Practice. Why did the guy knowingly marry his half-sister?

    Comment by DNA
    10.12.2008 at 4:32 pm
  6. Cause he was odd? I don’t know, they didn’t say. He just said he loved her so much and it didn’t matter to him. It mattered to her as he had lied to her for years.

    Comment by Dustin
    10.12.2008 at 7:06 pm
  7. Hey if anyone out there watch House…there was a storyline similar to the one with the siblings. Except for this one, the guy did not know there were siblings.

    Comment by sweet_silly
    10.13.2008 at 8:02 am
  8. Private Practice is out-performing Grey’s in story right now. Grey’s Anatomy is moving in the right direction. We are seeing a lot of character maturity and development. The writers seem to be moving towards fixing this group of dysfunctional characters. I love the shrink. She’s awesome. What’s causing the drag right now starts with the actual medical traumas and the on-going Mer-Der drama. We are tired of the back and forth with these two characters. Give them happiness and challenges as a solid couple.

    I am absolutely loving Private Practice. This season is better than season one. The characters are fresh and exciting. Love it, love it.

    Comment by JS 26
    10.13.2008 at 8:47 pm

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