Ghost Whisperer: I Know What You Did Last Summer

Ghost Whisperer: I Know What You Did Last Summer

Posted by Dustin on 10.11.2008 at 9:04 pm

The latest episode of “Ghost Whisperer” was an odd one, as it felt more like a version of J-Love’s “I Know What You Did Last Summer” movies. In the episode Melinda was reunited with old high school friends Grace, Lucas and Ryan. Oh the problem? Lucas is dead of course. Grace called Melinda and invited her to the funeral as she felt she was being haunted, and she remembered how everyone teased Melinda in school for seeing dead people.

Of course the three kids had a secret. Back in high school they took a road trip to Berkley to scout out colleges. They got drunk at a party and on the way back had an encounter with an upset motorcyclist. Apparently the kids were driving too slow, he tried to go around them, but the wet road from a storm and a bend in the road caused him to skid out and he was thrown down into a ditch. They tried to save him, but he died. Because they had been drinking, they feared it would look bad. Ryan made the decision for all of them to leave the guy and continue on, which they did.

Well Lucas was ridden with guilt for years, to the point he sent the dead man’s wife and child money when he could, under the claim he was a friend of the man and owed him money. Lucas was dating Grace, but the guilt cost him her too. She began to see Ryan as the years went on. Ryan became a doctor to appease his own guilt. Lucas couldn’t deal with it and wanted to come clean finally. Ryan tried to convince him not to and prescribed some tranquilizers. Lucas however was already on meds, mixed them and died.

Lucas became an angry ghost, convinced Ryan had killed him to get Grace and keep the secret. That wasn’t the case. Ryan told Lucas not to mix his meds, Lucas’ anger just made him forget that much. In the end Lucas saw the light, pun intended, and crossed over. Ryan and Grace came clean with the cops and went to the woman’s family to tell her what happened to her husband.

My Thoughts . . .
As “Ghost Whisperer” often does, this was a stand-alone episode. There was no mention to the story with “The Watchers” initiated in the season premier, nor their warnings of death, nor the shadow mystery.

What was continued was Eli (Jamie Kennedy) helping Melinda out. Maybe it’s just that I’m partial to Payne (Jay Mohr), but I’m not warming up at all to Eli. Where as Payne came across annoying funny, Eli is just plain annoying. The idea of having Melinda have a friend with the gift is a good one, I just think it should have been someone else. Like I said, Eli just seems to annoy me. Maybe that will change as the season goes on.

I think my biggest issue with this episode was as I said in the beginning of this post, it was TOO much like “I Know What You Did Last Summer.” I pegged that the three friends had killed someone very early on, though technically they really didn’t kill him, just lied about what happened.

This episode gets a “If you missed it, you didn’t miss much” rating.


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. I totally agree. From the very beginning I though that perhaps the writers were on vacation so they recycled her old movie. Was that Rachel Leigh Cook, though? Also, not really digging Eli. Probably because I loved Payne so very much and he’s hard to replace. Not sure if you’ve seen his new show, but it’s actually kind of funny, so who knows if he’ll be back in Grandview or not.

    Comment by melissa
    10.18.2008 at 11:25 am

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