Ugly Betty: Who’s The Daddy !?!?
This episode mostly centered on the investigation into who pushed Christina down the steps. She survived, as did the baby, and Willy used it as a media bonanza for herself. She figured the media would focus on this over her failure at Mode.
Thanks to Betty telling the cops Daniel asked her to lie about his whereabouts when he stepped out of the party, and the fact that a set of footprints matching his size and a pair of his shoes were found at the crime scene, he was arrested.
Betty then set out to solve the case basically. Mark was a suspect for his anger over being ousted by Willy last week in favor for Betty, but he didn’t do it. Claire ended up getting drunk and could have done it, she didn’t remember. However she didn’t do it. Betty had to go to security tapes to find out where Daniel was and why he wouldn’t say to defend himself.
In an awkward moment, Betty watched the tape with her dad, only to find Daniel boinking a woman on a photocopy machine! The woman was the social worker for the state who was helping Daniel fight to keep his son. He couldn’t risk that getting out, it would look bad for them both and he could lose his son. He had to have faith the real culprit would be found.
Daniel asked Betty to return a jacket to Alexis, she had borrowed it from him and he said it looked better on her. He had it cleaned as it was dirty on the bottom. That was the clue Betty needed, she realized Alexis did it. The dirt was from the stairwell, she was also a size 11 shoe just like Daniel. Alexis admitted to Betty she did it. Willy was blackmailing her, she knew things. She realized as long as the baby was around, so was Willy. Alexis didn’t mean for Daniel to go down, she never wanted that.
In the end, Alexis confessed. Before being hauled off by the cops she told a huge secret to Claire. She saw a paternity test in Daniel’s drawer . . . Daniel is not DJ’s father . . . SHE IS!
Also going on in the episode, Hilda’s affair with the married Coach was found out by her father, who was not pleased. Also Christina’s husband is on pain meds because he’s in pain because he’s dying. It seems the money Christina spent trying to get him treatment failed, he’s going to die anyways.
My Thoughts . . .
Okay what a great twist with DJ, which I NEVER saw coming! I want to know if Daniel knows the truth? He has to I guess. I mean how was Alexis able to look at the test and realize she was the father? I’m so confused!
I also wonder with Alexis going to jail if this is how they’ll write her out for awhile? I can see Willy jumping to fill her job unfortunately. Great, once again she’ll be Daniel’s boss basically. Just peachy.
The stuff with Christina’s husband was heartbreaking. As for the married Coach, I’m still waiting for the wife to rear her ugly head and get into a cat fight with Hilda.
At the beginning of the show, Betty said that she forwarded all of Daniel’s mail to Alexis. She said she accidentally opened the paternity test while she was clearing out her office. It probably said that the test was negative for Daniel to be the father, so Alexis must of put it together that she must have been the father if he wasn’t since she went to Europe with Daniel.
10.10.2008 at 12:00 am
Ahhh, I knew I missed something!
10.10.2008 at 12:10 am