Housewives To Be Hit By Fire In November
SPOILERS AHEAD For November Sweeps!
Last year it was a tornado, this years natural disaster will be a fire.
There has been a rumor going around for awhile that someone may not survive past November Sweeps. It looks to be true!
Kristen at E! has posted the scoop that a fire will rock Wisteria Lane this November, which will start in a nightclub where a neighborhood band that Dave puts together is playing.
Is it Dave’s plan to kill his nemesis on the block? One things for sure, someone will die, possibly two people!
Any guesses as to who might kick the bucket?
I can’t see them getting rid of McCluskey. She provides too much humor. If it is Dave’s plan, maybe it ewill backfore and he will be offed. Things seem to have a way of doing that on this particular show. Maybe it will be Susan’s new guy and it will lead to her and Mike getting back together. I know I am not happy that they are not together, and I know I’m not the only one. I hope they don’t kill off any of the kids. That is just too heartbreaking.
10.09.2008 at 10:43 pm
I also would like to have Mike & Susan back together. But I LOVE Gale Harold. And I haven’t seen him on TV since he was Brian on “Queer as Folk” & the short lived ” Vanished”. Maybe we can just keep him for the season so I can can my “fix” and then Susan & Mike will be back together ( you know they will)
10.10.2008 at 8:52 am
I too want Mike & Susan back together. My husband and I have a theory about Edie’s new husband, Dave. I think he is out to get Susan because it was her that killed his wife in that auto accident a few years back. Thus the anger management issue.
10.11.2008 at 8:11 pm