Dirty Sexy Money: VP Nick

Dirty Sexy Money: VP Nick

Posted by Dustin on 10.09.2008 at 7:16 pm

In this episode, Letitia was to stand trial for Dutch’s murder. Nick recommended some big-wig lawyer to defend her, but Tripp plotted to get rid of the guy. He eventually fired him over various incidents, which Tripp himself I’m sure orchestrated in order to pressure Nick to take the case. Nick continued to say he wouldn’t, it would look too suspicious to the court.

Because Letitia was the VP of Darling Enterprises and the successor should anything happen to Tripp, the stocks tumbled and the board of directors needed Tripp to name a new VP. Tripp felt he couldn’t decide and asked Nick to do it.

At Letitia’s trial we found out, as did Jeremy, that Lucy Lui’s character is the assistant DA prosecuting Letitia! Oops! Jeremy felt used, but she swore she really likes him and this is real. However she couldn’t risk her job, so she decided to end things. Jeremy wouldn’t accept that, pushing her to still see him if this was something real.

Back to Nick’s decision, Karen decided she was qualified for the job and wanted it. She asked Simon to talk to Nick on her behalf, and boy did he ever. He told Nick they both knew Karen wasn’t ready to run this company. He simply wanted Nick, if asked by Karen, to say he did talk her up to him about the job. Simon then went back to Karen and told her that he talked to Nick for over an hour, but he doesn’t think Nick is considering her. He said Nick doesn’t take her as seriously as he does.

Nick made his recommendation to Tripp. Later at Ellen’s funeral, Lucy Lui showed up with tons of cops to arrest Letitia for violating her house arrest. Nick expected this, having a slew of reporters show up and cover it. Lucy Lui (her character is named Lola Lyons BTW) decided to drop the charges for now.

Unfortunately Brian’s temper got him in trouble with a cop, and when Nick stepped in to smooth things over, they were both arrested. In jail Brian lashed out at Nick, accusing him of most likely suggesting himself for VP of Darling Enterprises. Nick told Brian he gave his recommendation to Tripp and that he named Brian. He said Brian is the black sheep and owes the least allegiance to this family, yet he’s been the most dedicated and loyal. Brian then tried to convince Nick to take Letitia’s case, saying they know she’s innocent and they both know who really killed Dutch . . . Tripp!

Nick eventually took the case, telling Tripp it was because they were family. Lisa, who had been wanting another baby, wasn’t too thrilled. Nick felt given their current situation, another baby wasn’t a good idea anyways.

At the press conference to announce the new VP, predictably Tripp did what Tripp wanted and named Nick! Nick was stunned, but later told Lisa the more the thought about it, the more he liked the idea. He thought they were actually in a good place to have that second baby. Lisa then told him no, they weren’t!

My Thoughts . . . .
So we had a lot of interesting developments in this episode.

First up, I think Nick only took Letitia on as a client as he realized he could most likely free her by catching his father’s real killer. I think Tripp realized this too, which is why he appointed him VP of Darling Enterprises. Will we see Tripp do a turnabout and suggest it would now be a conflict of interest to have Nick defending Letitia?

I still can’t figure out what is going on with Simon and Karen. Are they using each other? Simon is definitely scheming, but I don’t know why. Is he trying to turn Karen against Nick and her family, or simply Nick out of jealousy? Perhaps he fears she’ll never get over Nick and this is what his game plan is to help her get over him?

I don’t know if Lola is serious about Jeremy or not. Regardless, I’m not really warming up to them yet. They have been the yawner story for me so far.

Juliet was finally mentioned in this episode as being on some island, so she’s still a family member. They didn’t simply just “forget” about her like they did that one kid on “Family Matters.” Also Nick and Lisa mentioned “another” baby, so they clearly still have their little girl . . . wherever she is.


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