Beverly Hills: Yes, I’m Still Watching
I haven’t posted on 90210 in a few weeks, but I’m still watching. Of course the loss of Brenda/Shannan last week sucks, though I don’t think they used her to her fullest potential. Kelly/Jennie also left last week to go visit Dylan. Hopefully she’ll be back, but when? I was afraid the loss of them would have killed the show, but it hasn’t.
Ironically I still am not really into Annie’s character all that much. I did get into her a bit with the whole acting in the horror film opportunity, as well as her trying to be nice to that witch snorting the coke (whose name I can’t remember to save my life). Other than that, I really don’t have much interest in her boy drama at all.
Dixon and Silver are cute, but they just seem to be cute and not much else. They aren’t really going anywhere with them other than having them be cute.
Noami has fast become my favorite of the teen scene, from dealing with her parents divorce, to hiding her friends drugs this week and getting busted. Oh and what an OMG ending with her screaming at her friend on the phone for failing to get her out of trouble, not knowing her friend had OD’d!
Mr. Matthews has a new student after his bod, which he’s currently fighting. It was fairly obvious, at least to me, that she’s a narc working to bust up a drug ring at the school. I have a bad feeling when they find out who the big wig running it all it will be that rich guy Annie was interested in for a bit.
Tabitha still remains a hoot, I loved her little skinny dipping issue with the gardener! That and telling Harry to lighten up, she wants to let her freak flag fly.
Harry and his ex are finally going to go look for their son, but she’s obviously using the son in part to try and get back with Harry. That’s pretty predictable. Also Harry’s wife Debbie (Lori Laughlin) finally started getting a story last week with a job, only to have her son screw it up and be reduced back to a home body this week dispensing advice. She also had the best line of the night “No one buts the baby in the corner” in reference to Annie losing her test-baby for school.
All in all, I have enjoyed the last two episodes. While the show has been given a season the on The CW, I don’t know if it will make it to year 2 honestly.
Are you still watching? If so, what are you liking and not liking?
I am finding Annie puts me to sleep! I don’t if it is the actress, or the material she is given, but there is just nothing there when she is on the screen. Whether she is laughing, or upset, she comes off flat. Naomi did not start out as a favourite, I thought she would just come off as rich and annoying (not very original in other words) but after last night I really felt for her. Did I miss something, did Annie not tell her what she saw with the lipstick?
I am hoping they continue with past 90210 actors, as you pointed out the show can stand alone without them, or at least an episode can, but I doubt I would stick with for long as it runs the risk of just being another ‘teen drama’ like so many others. I like a good mix of adult/teen storylines. Oh,, and I loved the ‘herpes’ actress, cause you know, how unusual to be an actress!
10.08.2008 at 10:38 am
Things may be looking up for the show:
10.08.2008 at 12:42 pm
Thats good news, and maybe he will star in an episode. Before he said the only way he would is if he got to direct.
10.08.2008 at 2:14 pm
Yes, I am watching as well.
Loving Naomi. I couldn’t stand her in the beginning, but she’s been terrific the last two weeks. I agree, Dustin, that Dixon and Erin are cute, but they don’t seem to have a lot of energy and excitement. Great chemistry, but no excitement. Problems must be around the corner.
Navid needs to go. Waste of payroll. I still think they might be going towards a gay character with him. That might be okay, but if you are going to keep him, give him something!!
Debbie and Tabatha are both under-utilized.
I like Annie with Ethan. I might be able to be on-board with that.
As for Harry and his ‘son’ with Traci, I don’t believe this is going to be a new character. I think…perhaps…they might be leading towards Ryan as Harry’s biological son.
Apparently, according to the latest, Jennie Garth has signed on for six more episodes. Shannen has signed on for two more episodes for later in the season. And of course, Jason is returning to direct episode 18. Love all of this news.
I still believe Jennie Garth needs to be signed as a regular cast member and bring back McKay for some serious drama in the final episode of the season. What a cliffhanger.
10.08.2008 at 8:15 pm
“The Coke Storting B****” That is a good name for the character, that I also cannot remember the character name is a good description. Though I really didnt like her I kinda saw her has having hte greatest depth and possibility of going the furthest as a ‘real hollywood kid’.
There are many parents in Hollywood who use their kids to be the meal ticket. And many kids who know that they are only loved by their parents if they are working. It is a sad reality that I wish had been greater explored.
though I believe that it is going to turn out that for Namoai that she has to deal with her friends death. And how that rocks her with the fact her parents are divorcing.
I begged the “new new girl” as a Narc the moment she walked into the classroom and started making eyes at the teacher. And then later during the moovie when she and Rob met and they outed her. How long until the kids realize that it the case.
10.09.2008 at 12:48 pm