True Blood: RIP Gram!

True Blood: RIP Gram!

Posted by Dustin on 10.06.2008 at 1:15 am

Oh man, this latest episode of “True Blood.” I was afraid it was coming . . .

The episode mostly surrounded Bill appearing to talk to the grandma’s civil war group. He talked about fighting in the war and those he fought with. The mayor had found a photo of Bill and his family in the archives, which brought tears to his eyes . . . of blood! Yup, vampires cry blood it seems. He didn’t want to talk about it, only to say he was unable to return home as his mortal life was ended in the war.

Sam took Sookie to the meeting, as they were both going and she was headed to it alone. They then went for coffee afterwards, where Sam finally began to tell Sookie how he felt about her. She talked about how he was different, she can’t really read him like others. She said instead of images or sentences of thought, she mostly gets waves of emotion with him and funny sounds. Hmmmmm . . . He so is a dog, and not in the way men can be dogs. He is a real shape shifting dog, I’m convinced. Of course I’d equally be as happy if they pulled something else not as predictable.

When Sam moved a little too fast with some kisses, and Sookie brought up she had kissed Bill and just couldn’t move on to kissing him, well that didn’t fly with Sam. He got upset that she even kissed a vampire. It set her off and she stormed off on Sam.

Bill was questioned by the sheriff and that detective about the two murders. Bill let them know that it wasn’t a vampire killing these women, as a fresh corpse full of blood is too much for any vampire to resist. They would have drained all the blood from the women. A very interesting twist! So it’s a human doing the killings it would seem. One with a hatred of vampires and anyone who gets involved with them? Yeah, I’m thinking it’s looking bad for Sam at this point.

Bill remembered how he was turned as a vampire. It was after the south surrendered. He was running to try and avoid capture and get home. He was starving, he stopped at house for food as well as directions. A woman was there, who cooked him a meal and then turned him to be a companion for her. He was forced to say goodbye to his family after seeing them on the front porch, not even knowing he was there. This was heartbreaking. I hope we get to find out more about what happened to his family. We know the last of the Compton’s recently died, that’s why Bill moved back home and into the house again. But could a family member still be out there somewhere? Also what happened to this woman vampire? She’s got to be out there too I’m sure.

Also going on Lafeyette got Jason hooked on V. He showed him how to do it right, how it would open his eyes up to the world. Lafayette also told Jason that Tara loved him. Jason had “seen the light” and realized Tara was the one for him. She knew he was high though when he professed his love and wanted him to come see her when he was sober. However he screwed it up, by screwing some bimbo behind the bar and getting caught by Tara. He was so high he didn’t even care. I would have liked to have seen them try and be a couple too. I think this will ruin any chance of that. Then again, Tara has still loved him threw all his other “screw ups.”

The show ended with Sookie taking a cab home, after storming off on Sam. There, in the kitchen, she found her grandma dead! Noooooooo! I loved her so much, but that’s why I was afraid this would happen. She was the only one who wasn’t in some way screwed up on this show, so she had to die I guess.

Posted in:
True Blood

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. I wonder if Sam killed those two waitresses and the “vampire” bites were actually dog canine bites (i.e. Sam in some dog/wolf form). Far-fetched, but so is the show.

    Is it possible Gram is near death but can be saved by Bill’s blood, like he saved Sookie? Probably not because then she could probably ID her attacker. Too bad though, because I liked having at least one character defend Bill to Sookie.

    Comment by DNA
    10.06.2008 at 12:04 pm

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