Lipstick Jungle: Mini-Cap, Thoughts and Spoilers

Lipstick Jungle: Mini-Cap, Thoughts and Spoilers

Posted by Dustin on 10.06.2008 at 2:40 pm

In the latest episode strangely enough my least favorite character had the best story this week, Victory. Victory was dealing with Joe taking over remodeling her store, and ended up finding a contractor of her own (guest star Carlos Ponce) to take the job . . . as well as take her out. Yes she started dating him, which didn’t seem to sit too well with Joe. She also found out her assistant was homeless after the guy he was dating robbed him blind and ruined his credit. She set him up with an apartment above her store. I really liked Victory and her contractor, I thought they made a cute couple. Joe on the other hand is turning into a jealous and controlling jerk.

Nico started to really date Kirby in this episode. They ended up going to some funky clothes swapping party, and leaving to have hot sex outside, in public no less! All I could think of was, oh if she’s not on the pill she’s going to end up pregnant isn’t she? I can’t remember if it was ever addressed last season as to why she and Charles didn’t have any kids, if there was a medical issue there.

Nico also had to deal with Charles’ baby mama drama. She wanted money, a trust for the baby from Charles’ estate, she was accustom to living a certain way and didn’t want that to change. Oh no she didn’t! Yep, she did. Nico was outraged and told her to leave, also taking a restraining order out on her. I thought the woman was going to try and blackmail Nico over Kirby in order to get her money, but she didn’t (or didn’t have the time). Nico began to realize that she had given up her life for Charles when she married so young, this woman was doing the same and maybe they had more in common. Nico gave the woman a substantially larger amount of money that she was asking for, feeling she knew what it was like to be her. It looks like the baby mama drama is over?

Finally Wendy had a storyline dealing with a star of a movie she was producing about John Lennon having a brain tumor. This would be his last film. She forged some doctor’s papers to make sure he could do it, as the studio would never have let him do it because of a medical insurance issue. Will it come back to bite her in the butt? Probably! All I know is I want to see Wendy have more of a story than just dealing with the latest “Movie of the Week” drama.

Some spoilers for the October 22nd episode after the jump . . .

October 22 – “The F-Word”
BAD WORDS—Victory (Lindsay Price) and her contractor boyfriend Rodrigo (guest star Carlos Ponce) get more serious when he tells her that she should meet his daughter. Even though her publicist Dahlia (guest star Rosie Perez) does not approve of the relationship, Victory is determined to make it work and plans to meet Rodrigo’s daughter Celia. Unfortunately, things do not go the way Victory imagined they would. Nico (Kim Raver) is finally ready to go out with Kirby (Robert Buckley) publicly and asks him to be her date to a glitzy charity event. While her future with Kirby is on the rise, the past she has tried to forget reenters her life due to unfortunate circumstances. After being abruptly fired, Wendy (Brooke Shields) focuses her restless energy on life at home. Her problems with Maddie (Sarah Hyland) only get worse as she tries to embrace her role as a stay-at-home mom. James Lesure and Paul Blackthorne also star


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Paul Blackstone! I love it when he is on for more then 10-15 seconds… LOL

    Comment by CGinCA
    10.06.2008 at 4:07 pm

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