Heroes: Traveling To The Future And Back
Surresh continued to try to experiment to find a cure for Maya’s abilities, as well as his own. Unfortunately he couldn’t, and the abilities he had given himself were taking over. Not only is he shedding his skin, he’s secreting stick webs out of his hands. Yup, he’s turning into the fly basically.
At the Company, Hiro and Ando were stuck in a cell in level five, squabbling over Hiro’s poor treatment of Ando because of what happened in the future. They were eventually taken before Angela, who told them the formula Kaito trusted Hiro with was dangerous as it turned ordinary people into ones like them, ones with powers. Hiro swore he would find a way to get it back. Angela told him he already had the key, sending him to dig up Adam Monroe!
Elsewhere Traci met with the doctor, who clearly worked for the Company as he said as much, but he’d also forgotten a lot too, something they made happen. He said she was one of three babies, triplets, who were separated after their biological parents died. He had manipulated their DNA and gave them their abilities.
Now we are getting somewhere. Some are born with them, others were clearly experimented on and given abilities it seems.
Meanwhile Nathan moved into Washington, still seeing Linderman, but not knowing his purpose or what he was. Linderman still wanted Nathan to become president, for some unknown reason. Traci showed up to resign, then went off to kill herself. Linderman sent Nathan after her, he saved her when she jumped from a bridge. She later shared her powers with him, then they smooched.
Meanwhile Peter from the future took Peter from the present four years ahead to show him what happened. He also said it was up to Peter to save them all, he stepped on too many butterflies trying.
Many in the future have powers now, either they’ve bought them or stolen the ability. Evil Claire showed up and shot Future Peter, who told Present Peter to find Sylar and get his ability from him.
Peter went looking for Surresh to find out where Sylar might be. Surresh had become a human insect, hiding his face from Peter. He explained he was foolish and made a formula to give powers, but his didn’t work right. Peter read his mind to find where Sylar was, he was living in Claire’s old house in California.
Peter headed there as Claire searched for him. She had teamed up with the Haitian, Daphne and Knox from Level 5. They are trying to kill Peter, thinking he is to blame for everything that had happened. This part was confusing, but they seem to believe stopping Peter will set things right. Daphne is married to Parkman, and they used Molly and her powers to locate Peter.
Peter went to see Sylar, who now had a son. We don’t know who his wife is though. Sylar realized this Peter was from the past, he couldn’t help him. He told him too much saying they were brothers. Peter made him paint the future so he’d see the world was going to blow up. Peter explained he was sent to get his power, to understand things. Sylar gave him his power, but with it the hunger to know more which he fought every day to control.
When Claire and her teamed showed up, a fight ensued, and Sylar’s little boy was killed. This made him go Nuclear and blow everything up! Nathan, who was now President, gave a speech about the tragedy as First Lady Traci stood by him.
Claire somehow escaped with Peter. Nathan came to see Peter, it seems Nathan is involved too! Peter read his mind to find out that Nathan really believed what he was doing was right. However he felt someone was manipulating Nathan. The hunger came over him, he began to scalp his brother when he teleported back to his own time.
Peter ended up going to see Sylar in his cell, where Sylar called him brother and saying now they were really alike, they both had the hunger.
Over in Africa, Parkman went on a spirit walk to see his future, and he saw it playing out as Peter was there. Daphne tried to run from the nuclear blast and showed up back at home, only too late. She wasn’t fast enough, the back of her was burned away by the blast! Parkman then went on a journey to find Daphne and set off to find her.
A pretty good episode, we got some good answers. Powers for some come naturally, others like Traci got them. In next week’s previews Angela admits to Nathan they gave him his powers too, so he must have been an experiment as well? Someone must have felt the formula was too dangerous, hence it was hidden.
What does unearthing Adam have to do with all this? I think perhaps the powers originated from his blood.
I hope bringing back Adam will make Hiro and Ando more relavant. This bickering between them has gotten old and fast.
I really want to know who Sylar’s wife is! We better find that one out. Any guesses? I’m coming up clueless. Maya? That would be ironic given how they met.
Finally next week it looks like we learn who the new villain is that is after the formula, and from the previews with Angela it definitely looks to be Arthur Petreli, her not so dead husband.
Okay so I have a question, when Dr. Zimmerman was talking to Traci, he said she was a triplet, Traci, Nikki and then I swear he said Barbara, not Jessica. Is that what he said? Who is Barbara?
10.07.2008 at 1:45 am
okay I thought I heard the same thing. Then I thought maybe he said jessica and it was just his accent and I wasn’t paying close attention.
10.07.2008 at 3:18 am
I would love it if somehow Sylar ended up with Kristen Bell’s character because no one would see that one coming!
10.07.2008 at 8:46 am
I had closed captioning on during that scene, and he did say Barbara. So the show now has another excuse to kill Traci off and keep the actress around!
10.07.2008 at 9:05 am
Wasn’t Sylar’s son named Noah in the captions? And they were living in Noah Sr.’s home.
10.07.2008 at 9:31 am
Oooh I knew I was forgetting someone, yes Elle could be his wife.
Also yes, Sylar’s son was named Noah. I swear Parkman’s daughter was Noah too! Or Noel maybe?
10.07.2008 at 11:28 am
I’m pretty sure Parkman’s daughter was named Daniella… I heard Daphne call her that…
10.08.2008 at 9:07 am
Ok, so I’m a little bit confused, I had been thinking over the eppy and maybe someone can help me out, perhaps I missed something on monday night
Sylar and Peter, basically have the same power right? The difference being Peter only had to meet them and then he had it, where as Sylar needed to ‘study’ the brain.
Well, in the four year peek we see that Sylar doesn’t need to peek anymore which would basically make him have the same power as Peter unless now he can only see how they work and not take them
Either way, wouldn’t Peter be able to learn/use whatever he needed without Sylar’s ability which…is basically his own power?
Did I miss something? Or are you now all as confused as I am.
10.09.2008 at 1:06 am
Originally I think Peter had to have someone use their power on him or in his presence to learn it.
Sylar’s power is not only to copy, but to understand how the power works in each person. I don’t think Peter’s ability had that understanding.
10.09.2008 at 1:18 am
I think Peter also wanted to obtain from Sylar any other powers that he (Sylar) might have picked up over the 4 years, not just the brain study one. Sylar seemed to have the ability to block Peter from absorbing his powers, until he (Sylar) relented.
The show is interesting, but it’s annoying that some people, like Peter and Hiro) don’t use their powers effectively to fix problems. Like why didn’t Peter just freeze time when Claire had a gun pointed on Sylar’s son. He could have just moved both the boy and Sylar, and himself to safety.
And why doesn’t Hiro just go back in time and never remove the formula from the safe. I know he said he was scared to travel back in time because he might end up back in ancient Japan or something, but on that very same episode, at the beginning, he was testing his powers by making himself move back and forth in time by minutes/seconds. He didn’t seem too scared to travel back in time then.
I like the show, but the writers need to put a little more faith in the viewers.
10.09.2008 at 8:40 am
Ando did tell Hiro to go back and time and just get the formula back, but Hiro said he wouldn’t do that because of what happened last time. I guess he’s afraid he might mess things up in the future again somehow.
10.09.2008 at 11:16 am
Please remember when the Hatian is around know one can use their powers, it wasn’t like Peter didn’t want to before Sylar’s son was killed in the future.
10.09.2008 at 8:08 pm
I’m confused too why Peter needed Sylar’s power, but I’m sure that will be explained. I’m also confused why Peter has the hunger. I thought the hunger was related with wanting to have the power for yourself. Peter already has Nathan’s power.
Was the Hatian in the shooting scene? I don’t remember him there…. if he was how was Sylar able to blow up?
It would have been interesting to make the Irish girl Sylar’s wife, that would have really been confusing for Peter.
10.09.2008 at 9:17 pm
The hatian wasn’t there, but he was in the lab later when Peter couldn’t teleport out.
10.09.2008 at 9:20 pm