Heroes Spoilers – Dying Of The Light

Heroes Spoilers – Dying Of The Light

Posted by Dustin on 10.06.2008 at 4:55 pm

Episode spoilers for the October 20th episode “Dying of the Light” follow the jump, along with some thoughts . . .

AS HIRO (MASI OKA) AND OTHERS SEIZE UPON OFFERS TO JOIN RIVAL COMPANY PINEHEARST INDUSTRIES, PETER (MILO VENTIMIGLIA) IS FOREVER CHANGED BY A MEETING WITH ITS SHOCKING FOUNDER — CLAIRE (HAYDEN PANETTIERE) AND HER MOM SANDRA (GUEST STAR ASHLEY CROW) TEAM UP TO SAVE MEREDITH (JESSALYN GILSIG) FROM DOYLE’S (DAVID H. LAWRENCE XVII) TWISTED GRIP — Impressed by his sudden ruthlessness, Villains Knox (guest star Jamie Hector) and Daphne (guest star Brea Grant) bring Hiro (Masi Oka) — among others — into the Pinehearst fold, and give him an assignment. With Angela (Cristine Rose) and the Company paralyzed by recent events, Peter (Milo Ventimiglia) goes directly to Pinehearst for answers, and irrevocably changed by the shocking meeting. Meanwhile, Claire (Hayden Panettiere) and her mother Sandra (Ashley Crow) attempt to free Meredith (Jessalyn Gilsig) from the thrall of escaped Villain Doyle (David H. Lawrence XVII), who has the ability to take mental and physical control of others. Later, Nathan (Adrian Pasdar) brings Tracy (Ali Larter) to Suresh (Sendhil Ramamurthy), hoping he can shed light on the surprising origin of their abilities. Jack Coleman, Greg Grunberg, James Kyson Lee, Zachary Quinto and Dania Ramirez star. David Anders, Alan Blumenfeld, Robert Forster and Blake Shields guest star.

Based on this, I can’t help but think the head of the rival company, and Daphne’s boss, is Mr Petreli? They were said to be bringing him in this season (to be played by Robert Forster), but we didn’t know if it was as a flashback or if he was really alive.

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