Brothers and Sisters: The Tell All

Brothers and Sisters: The Tell All

Posted by Dustin on 10.06.2008 at 2:25 pm

The latest episode of “Brothers and Sisters” centered around a book Kitty wrote about life in politics and the American family. When her mother and siblings found out about the book, they weren’t pleased with the pictures she painted of them.

This of course happened right before a big dinner Kitty was putting together to impress a social worker who was coming to evaluate Robert and Kitty as parents. The family was it’s normal dysfunctional self (how Kitty could think a family dinner would work is beyond me). Everyone was upset over what Kitty had said about them, and the social worker obviously felt the tension. She eventually left, leaving Kitty feeling like they made a bad impression. Everyone blew up at Kitty, but Robert defended her. Kitty pointed out they probably didn’t bother to read the book, only what was said about them. She used them all as examples of various voter profiles around the nation.

Feeling bad, Nora finally sat down and read the whole book, feeling it was in fact amazing. She and Kitty made up. Nora simply felt Kitty didn’t value her as anything but the mom who cooks and cleans. Nora began to realize she was trapped in her own kitchen and maybe it was time to get out more. Robert also read and loved the book, but told Kitty that should she publish it, she would have to resign from his team.

Also going on in this episode, Justin was stressed out at the thought of sleeping with Rebecca. He wanted to, but he also didn’t want to ruin this relationship. Rebecca had the same feelings about him, they decided to take it slow.

On the Rebecca front, her mother Holly decided to try and buy her back, offering her the 2 million dollar trust fund she was supposed to get when she was 25 right now. Rebecca didn’t want the money, feeling it wasn’t hers it was William’s, and if she took it she was no better than her mom. She gave it back to Nora, who offered to hold it for Rebecca just in case.

Nora made the decision not to look for Ryan. She didn’t want Ryan to go through what Rebecca had this past year, she didn’t think it was fair. Unfortunately Holly “Harpy” isn’t so nice. She has become obsessed with William’s other mistress and his child and got a friend to do some digging to find the boy.

All in all I thought the episode was good, but this season seems to be off to a slow start. The family drama is definitely there, but I feel like there needs to be more drama. We are building up to the introduction of Ryan, which should be good. Also next week it looks like both Saul and Sarah quit Ojai, which I can’t wait to see. Holly and Tommy really won’t know what hit them. I really want to see Holly crash and burn at this point.

I liked that Rebecca gave the money back to Nora, but feel like more should be done. With Nora talking about wanting to find something to do, I think Nora and Rebecca should use the money to form a business of sorts. Maybe a new Walker family company? Saul’s coming out of the closet at the end of last season also hasn’t had much going on. It would be nice to see them doing something with that storyline.




  1. Can’t Nora use the money to buy back her share that Holly has? I really can’t wait for Rebecca’s dad to come back & dump Holly once & for all. I also can’t wait for her “little perfect work world” fall to pieces when Sarah & her uncle quit. Also, I thought by him coming out, he was going to have a relationship with the “guy who he always loved”

    Comment by Anonymous
    10.06.2008 at 4:54 pm
  2. I totally thought Rebecca was going to take the money and buy into Ojai… I agree, Nora should do it!

    Comment by KelBelle
    10.07.2008 at 1:18 pm
  3. I really enjoyed this episode, I laughed, I cried and then was so angry at Holly!

    Comment by Stacy
    10.08.2008 at 11:16 am

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