Ghost Whisperer: The Fire-starter

Ghost Whisperer: The Fire-starter

Posted by Dustin on 10.04.2008 at 5:47 pm

“Ghost Whisperer” returned this week for season 4, adding Jamie Kennedy into the mix and saying goodbye to Jay Mohr, who has a new show “Gary Unmarried.”

Four Months have passed since the whole “Spooky Shadow Incident” that ended last season. Jim and Melinda are still trying to get pregnant, but it hasn’t happened yet. Jim assures Melinda they’ll keep at it. CLearly though something is not right, hence the conversation.

Jim got a call that one of the buildings at the university had caught fire. He rushed down to help, Melinda rushed down worried about Rick Payne. Rick was fine, and she was upset he didn’t call her to let her know. Then she watched as Jim worked on a psych professor named Eli, who left his body but was saved. She also saw an odd woman hanging around, a ghost? She was African American, yet dressed in almost this flowing white Greco-Roman robe.

Eli, having a near death experience, found himself with the ability to hear ghosts. Melinda helped him out with his new found ability. She told him the only way to stop them from pestering them was to help them cross over. Eli had a specific spirit attached to him, a woman named Fiona. Fiona was a patient with a checkered past, having set fire to a foster home she lived in as a kid. However she did so to say herself and her other foster siblings, to get them out of the house where the parents were abusive.

As Melinda dug, Fiona grew angry. Long story short, it turned out that Fiona didn’t start the fire, she was covering for her foster brother who did. He was mentally unstable, and when Fiona started seeing Eli for help, he grew jealous. He set the fire at the office building to scare Eli like he did their foster father years ago, but he ended up killing Fiona who was also there.

Rick and Eli figured this out together, that it was Fiona’s brother Christopher who was the fire starter. They were having a chat and Eli mentioned how amazing Melinda was. Rick said the most amazing person he’s met in a long time, actually ever. Hmmm, once again they bring up his interest in Melinda. I was convinced last season Rick had fallen for her, it seems he has. Rick was packing up this episode as he’s off on sabbatical, which is how they’re righting him out for the time being. It leaves the door open should Jay’s new show “Gary Unmarried” flops.

As Rick and Eli figured out what was going on, so did Melinda who was at the town archives. Yes that place again! Fiona showed up and started a fire to try and protect her brother, but she didn’t realize he had followed Melinda there. They were trapped. Melinda remembered the underground tunnels, but she couldn’t get to them as shelves were bolted to the door. The woman ghostly figure showed back up and made the shelves fall down so Melinda could save her and the brother Christopher. The woman now had more people standing behind her. Melinda asked if they were ghosts, if they needed her help. The woman explained they were watchers, they watched her and others like her do what they do. She warned Melinda what she was doing was not without cost, that in touching death she might be transferring it to those she touched as well.

The brother Christopher ended up being arrested, but Eli promised Fiona he would do all he could to help him. He also admitted to Fiona that he was in love with her, which he couldn’t tell her because it would have cost him his job as her doctor. She loved him too and that is why she was at his office that night, as he had called claiming they couldn’t see each other anymore as he could no longer help her. She wanted him to admit his feelings. This allowed her to go into the light.

The show ended with Melinda saying goodbye to Payne as he left. She wanted him to be careful, and admitted that she cared about him a lot. Hmmmm, this had me completely baffled. It was almost as if Melinda was admitting she loved him too? I don’t know if that is what was going on or if she was just being a friend. She called him one of her best friends. She was also worried about not only the “Shadow Prophecy” but what the weird ghost lady warned her, worried that Payne could be in danger. Then she looked over at Jim, who she was out to dinner with . . . .

The next paragraph has big time spoiler talk and speculation . . . . continue reading on for it . . . .

I’m not sure what the whole “thing” between Payne and Melinda was. Clearly the whole “death rubbing off” warning and the “shadow thing” has to do with Jim? Spoilers claim Jim may die come November, but the producers are pretty tight lipped and saying wait till it plays out, suggesting maybe there is a huge twist to come? If Jim is killed off, have they also in this episode set up the pathway for Melinda and Payne as a possibility? That would be of course assuming “Gary Unmarried” fails and they get Jay Mohr back.

Also the whole pregnancy issue. I could see if they kill Jim then Melinda will find out she’s pregnant. Maybe that’s why they are delaying it?


1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. I think you’re right, but I love the relationship that Mel and Jim have – it’s nice to see a very healthy marriage like that on a dramatic show. I’m not thrilled about Jay leaving, he was hilarious, but his new show actually isn’t bad, so it may take off.

    I can’t see them killing Delia or Payne because that’d be a rerun of the whole Andrea story. I’m excited for the new season, but dreading some of the possible ways it may go…

    Comment by melissa
    10.05.2008 at 6:31 pm

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