The Money Hasn’t Changed, It’s Just Gotten Dirtier and Sexier!

The Money Hasn’t Changed, It’s Just Gotten Dirtier and Sexier!

Posted by Dustin on 10.02.2008 at 3:39 pm

The premier of “Dirty Sexy Money” was last night and wow did they ever ramp up the sleaze on the show. Word was they were going to, as it just wasn’t dirty or sexy enough last season.

The show picked up several months where last season left of, long long ago. Fortunately there were some recaps, in a way, to remind us what had happened.

This show centered around a party the Darlings were throwing for Nick, but troubled abound of course. Jeremy Darling was still stalking Lisa, and she got drunk and kissed him. Nick saw and ran to Karen Darling, who unfortunately claims she’s finally thinking about another man . . . Simon Elder.

Simon told Karen he loved her, and she said “Thanks, I think your neat too!” OMG! Hilarious! Karen continued spying on Simon for her dad, but at the end of the show said to Simon how she didn’t want to be used by him or her dad in their little war . . . as she was feeling something for him and wanted to explore that. When Karen left, Simon made a call saying “We Got Her!” Seems like Simon has been playing Karen, but has Karen played Simon? She stole this little trinket from his house he claimed was one of the first things he bought in this country, it was only worth anything in value to him. She gave that to her dad. So is Karen playing him . . . or is there a bug in the trinket? I think the later, as I think Simon wanted her to take it.

Over to Patrick, whose wife had become a full fledged alchie. She was furious that Patrick wanted Carmelita over her. When he was in the shower, she came and started attacking him with a fire poker, shattering the shower door. She made the comment that she had taken care of Carmelita and he’d never see her again . . . right before she slipped and killed herself. OMG OMG OMG! I was stunned they killed his wife, and now Carmelita is being held lord knows where. This will allow Simon to come in and play hero to Patrick I bet.

Brian’s ex ran off with his kid back to Brazil in this show, even though Trip was supposed to have taken care of things. Brian’s storyline didn’t interest me too much, there wasn’t much to it really. I did love the comment he made to his dad about how he quit being a priest because he was sick of hearing people whine about their problems, yet working for him that’s all he’s getting. He also said so far the only fun this job has been was when he got to take over a factory and fire a lot of people. Good lord this man is messed up.

Jeremy went to drown his sorrows at a bar, meeting Lucy Lui’s character, who got him drunk and had sex with him in his limo.

All of this happened and led up to Nick’s birthday party. Patrick and Trip had reconciled because Trip helped take care of the mess with his dead wife, who was sent to the summer house which mysteriously burned down as Patrick was at the Patrick. Patrick also claimed to be sailing in the Hamptons with Brian the past two days. Nick and Lisa made up at the party just in time for the cops to storm it and arrest . . . Letitia for the murder of Dutch! Did she do it? No, but I think one of the Darlings did . . or thinks they did. I still maintain Dutch faked his death.

Strangely missing was Juliet Darling. She’s said to only have some bit parts, and the spoiler/rumors are she’s become involved with a Hoippy Cult. Also gone was Nick and Lisa’s little girl. I’m not sure what has happened to her. Finally Brian’s wife and two little girls were not mentioned. She was considering leaving Brian at the end of last year.

All in all, two thumbs up! I really love this show, loved it last season too. I hope it does well enough to stick around.




  1. It was a GREAT premiere! So Simon is working with Dutch, right? It seems that way. I have one complaint. I think the show is really making it difficult for us to want Nick and Lisa to remain together. I’m not feeling the chemistry between the two characters. They are married, and right now, I think Lisa has far more interesting interactions with Jeremy Darling. I shouldn’t be supporting adultery!! So hopefully, this season, they will show us why these characters need to remain together.

    I was also disturbed by the absence of Juliet Darling. They have a terrific actress in the role, but they haven’t given her a good story. Surely these Hollywood writers can come up with something for this actress and character. From my understand though, she’s been dropped to recurring status. So it’s probably not a priority for them.

    Comment by JS26
    10.02.2008 at 6:45 pm
  2. I thought the same thing, Nick and Lisa are boring! However Lisa said somethin about one day he’d have to choose, she hoped she chose them over the Darlings. I thought that was a little telling.

    Comment by Dustin
    10.02.2008 at 7:49 pm
  3. Loved the premiere! I still think Dutch is alive as well and maybe working with Simon, not sure yet. Perhaps he framed Letitia for his murder as revenge because she kept the truth about his son from her for all those years. I am not feeling Lucy Liu’s character yet and like most of you, I am not rooting for Nick and Lisa. I think she is incredibly irritating – if someone gave me a free yacht, I would be kissing their feet, haha!

    Comment by Cheryl
    10.06.2008 at 10:45 am

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