Private Practice Season 2 Premier

Private Practice Season 2 Premier

Posted by Dustin on 10.01.2008 at 10:30 pm

So I just finished the “Private Practice” season premier. Here are some initial thoughts . . .

Noami has gotten the practice into serious and deep debt, which she told Addison about, but wanted her to keep secret. The problem of course was Sam, who knew something was up. He was convinced Naomi’s problem was him, that she didn’t want him back.

Naomi’s other guy Dell had it with her and decided to quit. No worries here, he’s not leaving the show.

Cooper is still dating the Charlotte, the Chief of Staff at the hospital, but not telling Violet or anyone. She doesn’t want to be part of their “incestuous” practice, but he wants something more. In the end she finally came around after he ended things. Frankly I wished she hadn’t, as I so want Cooper with Violet! Clearly they are the Mer Der of this show and we will be tortured waiting for them to happen, or driven to loath them in the end . . .

Addison is still being wooed by the cop from last season, while avoiding the temptations of Pete. These two are the other Mer Der of the show, or maybe the Addison and McSteamy? Frankly in this case I’d rather see Addison with the cop!

The end of the show had a meeting of the doctors in which Sam announced because they were under billing, not seeing enough patients and allowed Naomi to do all the grunt work; they were broke! He said he was taking over immediately. Whoa! Noami was stunned, big time. I can see this sending her right into Dell’s loving arms honestly in order to spite Sam. This was the moment of the whole show.

All in all, better than “Grey’s” premier and this was 1 hour compared to 2!




  1. OMG! It was SO MUCH better then Grey’s Season Premier! So, So, So much better. I’m really excited to see what happens next week now that Sam has taken over and Naomi stormed out. It’s going to be a really good season.

    Comment by Tricia
    10.02.2008 at 11:07 am
  2. Meh, I found this premiere to be a bit of a snoozer. Then again, I never really have gotten into the characters. I guess I like Grey’s better because Cristina rocks!

    Comment by DNA
    10.02.2008 at 12:51 pm
  3. This premiere was FANTASTIC! This show keeps getting better with every episode. I’m completely 100% sold on this spin-off. The characters are compelling, and the actors are extremely talented.

    Comment by JS26
    10.02.2008 at 6:48 pm
  4. I really enjoyed the season premier. I agree with you Dustin. I think it was better then Grey’s premier. I like the dynamics between Addison and Naomi’s characters. They are really testing that friendship right now. I was stunned the way Sam said he was taking over. It sure made Noami see red! I’m excited about this show. I haven’t been too excited with anything lately.

    Dustin, are you planning on watching the Ex List with the actress who played Rebecca on Greys? I’m not sure if I am yet. I wasn’t that thrilled with her character on Greys, but it looks like it may be interesting. However, I am really excited to see her in the Twilight movie this December. I read all the books and they were wonderful!

    Comment by april
    10.02.2008 at 10:53 pm
  5. I need to set the tivo to Try Ex-List. It looks funny, I just don’t know if the actress will work in that role. Have to watch and see.

    Comment by Dustin
    10.03.2008 at 10:17 am

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