Lipstick Jungle Added

Lipstick Jungle Added

Posted by Dustin on 10.01.2008 at 11:45 am

With “Cashmere Mafia” canceled I plan to fill the void with “Jungle.” To be quiet honest I expected “Mafia” to be the one to survive. With “Jungle” up against ABC’s “Private Practice” and “Dirty Sexy Money,” well I am worried about how long it will survive this season to be honest.

Anyway, the premier centered around Nico and her affair with Kirby, which her husband Charles had known about all along. Charles had been cheating for years with a grad student, who he knocked up and planned to run away with . . . suing Nico for alimony and trying to build a case against her! That bas. . . . . Charles ended up dying on the operating table though, leaving Nico free to pursue what she wants in life.

Victory hired a new assistant Dahlia to help her get away from Joe. They spent time looking for a new store for Victory, but everything on the blocks she looked for was owned by . . . Joe! She had to suck it up and agree to be a tenant in one of his buildings.

Finally Wendy, well she was dealing with her teenage daughter sneaking into clubs with a fake ID, as well as a visit from her overbearing mother (played by Mary Tyler Moore). Her mom was facing the prospect of having to go back to work, which scared her to death.

The real story of this whole episode was the Nico and Charles bombshells. I loved how at first they made you think Charles in fact had been faithful to Nico and didn’t know about her and Kirby . . . only for her to find out he was plotting to leave her all along.

The Wendy storyline, even with Mary Tyler Moore guest starring, just didn’t grab me. Victory’s storyline has been my least favorite of all the girls to be honest. Here is hoping they spice that one up.

Some spoilers for upcoming episodes after the jump . . .

October 1 – Chapter Nine: Help!
Carlos Ponce (“7th Heaven”) guest-stars

Nico (Kim Raver) tries to adjust to her new life as a widow, but the appearance of Megan (guest star Shannon McGinnis) – her husband’s former student and secret lover — only makes the road rockier. Victory (Lindsay Price), on the other hand, begins renovations on her new store and meets a handsome contractor named Rodrigo (Ponce), who piques her interest. Wendy (Brooke Shields) is caught in a predicament when she learns her latest film is in jeopardy after its star, who is also her friend, trusts her with a secret. She wonders: should she protect her film and studio or stand by her friend who needs her support? Andrew McCarthy, Robert Buckley and Paul Blackthorne also star.

October 8 – Chapter Ten: Let It Be
Nico (Kim Raver) has a lot on her mind as she butts heads with the new CEO Griffin Bell (James Lesure, “Las Vegas) and Kirby (Robert Buckley) complicates matter when he insists on taking their relationship out in public. Meanwhile, things are heating up quickly for Victory (Lindsay Price) and her new contractor Rodrigo (Carlos Ponce), but problems arise when Joe (Andrew McCarthy) constantly interrupts her new relationship. Later, Victory gets a surprise when Rodrigo shares that he has another woman in his life. Elsewhere, Wendy is consumed by her new John Lennon project, which begins to affect her personal and professional life. Paul Blackthorne also stars.




  1. I have to say, this show isn’t bad, but I, too, liked Cashmere Mafia better. Too bad…

    I’m not sure I buy the jump that Wendy’s daughter is now bar hopping. Seemed like a stretch. But I loved the addition of MTM as the grandmother. (Except she looks like she’s taken beauty advice from Joan Rivers!) I think her issue was that she felt she gave up her career too soon and now she misses it, but can’t get back in the game b/c of her age.

    Anyway, agree – Victory became the boring character. Hope they breathe some life into her, quick.

    I’m not sure how I feel about Nico’s ordeal. As soon as they showed the little slut behind the counter in the gift shop, I knew what was coming. But for that self-righteous bas____ to act all put out when Nico confessed only to be lying to her for 3 years, I wish they hadn’t killed him off so easily. I would’ve liked to see what those 3 women would do to him. (Maybe we’ll get to see them devour little miss knocked up husband stealer instead.)

    Must say, I don’t mind having to watch Kirby again. (yay for more shirts and skins games!) 😉

    Comment by k8
    10.01.2008 at 12:33 pm
  2. Hi Dustin,

    You never mentioned anything about Nico’s trip to get a botox injection (you know where). It was halarious! Especially the scene in the cab!

    Comment by guest
    10.01.2008 at 4:56 pm
  3. Honestly at first i didn’t get it, then it sunk in. I guess she was, um tightening, um, to be more youthful?

    Comment by Dustin
    10.01.2008 at 5:12 pm
  4. Nico went for injection so that she can have with her husband what she had w/Kirby. Great sex, like it was when they met, before they get married. Now, I bet she’s going to have a better time w/Kirby now.if that’s possible..LOL.. I agree w/K8 about Wendy’s daughter..the jump was too much. As for the pregnant student bimbo, I hope we get to see the three girls take her on and stop paying for the apartment, etc.. and shock her when she realizes that the professor had no $$$, it was all Nico’s…so she can’t lay her claim on his estate for the sake of the “baby”….

    Comment by Anonymous
    10.01.2008 at 5:54 pm
  5. I had a feeling Charles was cheating on Nico most of last season…I can’t believe he had the nerve to be such a jerk to her…I’m glad he is gone but I kinda wish he hadn’t been killed off b/c then Nico could have made him seriously pay.

    Comment by Cheryl
    10.01.2008 at 7:06 pm
  6. from spoilers it looks like there might be some future issues with the baby mama.

    Comment by Dustin
    10.01.2008 at 7:09 pm
  7. Unless, Charles has been stashing $$ away & changed his will, the babys momma is s**t out of luck. I doubt that Nico will “offer” to give her any $$$. It will be fun to see what the girls do.

    Comment by Anonymous
    10.01.2008 at 8:51 pm
  8. Did anyone notice the ‘mistake’ in the cab scene. She went from having a double strand pearl necklace to having a single strand pearl necklace… I laughed at that

    Comment by CGinCA
    10.01.2008 at 11:46 pm
  9. maybe the bimbo slut student will try to dump the baby on Nico when she finds out she’s entitled to nothing… that would make an interesting twist

    Comment by k8
    10.02.2008 at 12:06 pm
  10. I laughed at the pearls too.

    Comment by smoore
    10.02.2008 at 1:54 pm

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