Heroes Spoilers
Read on for official spoilers for upcoming episodes of “Heroes!”
Read on for official spoilers for upcoming episodes of “Heroes!”
Next week’s episode is the last one Shannan/Brenda is scheduled to be on, unless they bring her character back. Honestly, at this point if it wasn’t for Jenny/Kelly still being on the show, I don’t know if I’d continue to watch.
The one story that had me interested this week was the “who’s the daddy” drama with Kelly’s son Sam. Brenda finally revealed it was Dillon when she told Kelly she was still in love with him and hadn’t gotten over him, she needed to admit it to herself as everyone can see it.
Noami’s storyline, with her father’s affair, actually was the other storyline I felt was interesting enough to watch. We learned Silver’s father’s affair caused the rift between her and Naomi, as Naomi told everyone in school about it. Now the shoe was on the other foot, with Naomi afraid Silver would put this on her blog.
The two “main” kids of the show, Annie and Dixon, pretty much bore me to death. I didn’t really care about Dixon’s “car ding” drama and having to get a job to pay for it. If it weren’t for Brenda and Tabitha, I also really wouldn’t have paid attention at all to Annie’s storyline either. In fact the only parts I did watch was with them, I didn’t care one way or the other about the Annie-Ethan-Ty drama going on. Oh and while I’ve never seen “Spring Awakening,” I’m pretty sure there is more than just that one song they keep singing over and over!
Meanwhile their father’s lost child storyline seems to have vanished into thin air. Are they ever going to bring it up again? Then there is poor Lori Laughlin, whose only job on the show seems to be to sit at the family dinner table.
90210 needs to step it up at this point, otherwise I think it’s not going to last.
The final of “Big Brother 10” aired tonight, which involved the jury house asking their questions of the final 2 and then diliberating as to who to vote for and why.
We saw the first six jurors meet as Jerry showed up as the final juror. Jerry explained what happened in the final. Everyone soon realized Memphis and Dan had an alliance and played them all. Everyone soon began arguing, especially with Jerry for failing to put Dan and Memphis up together when he had the chance and sending Renny out. They all discussed who deserved the money. Renny and Keesha felt Memphis was cold and cutthroat. Keesha felt Dan’s best move was to get people to like him, and she does still like him. Michelle however didn’t like how she was sent out, and April felt he was bitter and heartless. Renny said Dan was a very immature young man. Libra pointed out this was a game, and Ollie admitted they played well. Ollie said they had to vote on who played the best game. Michelle knew Dan backdooring her was the best move he could have made. Michelle then talks about the trip and Dan picked her to go on, and how she knew Dan did it to schmooze her. Keesha felt Dan played a better game, Memphis laid back. Jerry said Memphis let Dan do the dirty work, but he was able to get others to do everything for him. April said Memphis played people not competitions, and she felt he played the stronger game. Renny thinks she can’t give Memphis her vote as he never won and HOH and played everyone in here.
The jury members got to ask their questions of the final two. Of the interesting questions, Michelle asked why Dan he picked her for the trip (he said he felt he played dirty with her and wanted to make it up to her) and if the plan to backdoor her was his idea or his alliances (he said partly his, but his alliance also came through). Michelle also wanted to know why she should give Memphis the money when he never won an HOH and purposely threw some, so he said. Ollie asked Dan about the deal and why he did what he did to him. Dan said he had to make whatever deal he could to get him to give up that night. Renny asked Memphis one thing he did for her in the game, but he couldn’t! He claimed he was up front with her and never hid anything from her. Keesha asked Memphis why he picked Jerry over her, and if he has any remorse. Memphis said it was the hardest move he had to make, but from a game standpoint he had to do it. Jerry wanted to know if Dan had any respect for them in the jury house. Dan said he did. Dan and Memphis then got their chance to make their final statements as why they should vote for each of them.
Julie then welcomed the jury out onto the stage to cast their votes. The votes were secretly put it without the audience knowing. The first four members evicted were then brought back to give the jury some comments which they saw watching the TV. Brian told Ollie his temper tantrum was a tad shocking, the same with Michelle attacking Libra being a mother. Steven also said Jerry’s actions calling Dan Judas was pretty terrible, considering he didn’t keep his words either.
Julie told the house that there was no plant, there was no America’s Player all season long, but there was a player for one week. She revealed Dan was AP for one week.
Julie then revealed who the jurors voted for. Libra: Dan, April: Dan, Michelle: Dan, Ollie: Dan! With four votes, Dan won Big Brother 10. Julie did reveal the last 3 votes also went to Dan.
Julie then revealed America’s favorite juror, who won 25K. In second place was Jerry, but the favorite juror was Keesha.
If you aren’t watching “True Blood” then you are missing one great show, let me tell you! The second episode picked up with Bill the Vampire saving Sookie, who was left for dead after being beaten by the Ratrains (sp?). She had to drink Bill’s blood to live, which left her with some very keen senses. She was able to smell and taste better than ever. At first I thought “no they haven’t turned her into a vampire in the second episode!” However Bill later explained that the blood would give her heightened senses, create a link between them and increase her libido.
Bill got revenge on the couple who not only tried to drain him, but kill Sookie. He overturned their trailer and tried to make it look like a tornado hit, but nobody seems to be believing that as the tornado only hit their trailer. I have to admit I didn’t like that they did this, only because they’ve turned him into a killer and quickly. Sookie also seems to have no problem with what they did, though the Ratrains did try and kill her too. She would have died were it not for Bill.
Sookie’s brother Jason was cleared of murdering Monet, because she taped their “encounter.” She did let him think he choked her to death, he ran off in a panic. She laughed after he left and was just fine, then turning off the tape. Jason told the cops that Monet had bite marks on her. After going to sleep with another girl in town, he noticed she too had bite marks!
Bill came over to meet Sookie’s family. Jason had attitude, but Sookie’s grandma stood up to him saying this was her house and Bill was her guest. Loved it! I love Sookie’s grandma, who wants Bill to come speak to her Civil War ladies group. We learned that Bill was turned when he was 33 (I think) and in 1865 (or around there). He lost a wife and children because he became a vampire. He fought in the civil war and he revealed his father had slaves, which Tera asked. He seemed reluctant to name the slaves, at least one of them, claiming he didn’t remember their name. I have a feeling the slave might be the vamp that turned him, or he turned the slave. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them show up at some point. Honestly I wouldn’t be shocked if Bill’s wife showed up either. I’ve never read the books this show is based on mind you, just speculation.
The show will replay on HBO throughout the week, and is available on HBO on Demand. You can watch online, though the language and sex are for sure cut out.
As with the past few seasons, I’ve had my ups and downs with this season of “Weeds.” Some stories worked, others didn’t. Actually I felt like a lot of them didn’t.
I didn’t particularly find the whole Silas and his “milf” storyline entertaining. I also wasn’t a fan of Andy and Doug becoming coyotes, which seemed to go nowhere. Frankly I think Doug needs to be written out of the show at this point since I don’t even think he’s bringing anything funny to it. Sorry Kevin Nealon!
I did however love the whole Nancy romance with the Mexican Mafia leader, as well as Celia’s drug addiction story. In the season finale these were the two stories that wowed me. Celia being kidnapped and held for ransom by a daughter who hates her guts and we had never met was great. Nancy’s story, wow! As she was driving to Mexico I thought she’d end up in a car crash and that’s how it would end things. I never expected her to face off with the guy let alone say she was pregnant. Way to save one’s life.
What’s next? Andy, Silas and Shane are discussing moving to Mexico. How convenient. Celia’s being held for ransome there and something tells me Nancy is about to be locked up, at least long enough to give birth. I guess we won’t know till next summer and the next season of “Weeds.”
If your a fan of Kristen Bell, then you’ll be happy to know it looks like there is a lot more in store for her character Elle Bishop on “Heroes” this season.
Kristen tells The SciFi Wire that they are writing in more of a back story for her character and she may have shocking connections to others on the show.
This brings to mind a spoiler that Kristin at E! has been teasing all summer that there will be a revelation that someone else on the show aside from Claire was adopted. Could it be Elle?
Ausiello has reported that Grant Bowler (Lost) has joined “Ugly Betty” this season as the CFO of Meade Publications. He’s apparently the new sex-pot of the show and will give Daniel a run for his money!
Speaking of hot, Supermodel Adriana Lima is going to play herself in a guest spot on an upcoming show.
Over to “Grey’s,” Ausiello once again has a scoop that Janina Gavankar (L Word) is joining the show as an intern. Hmmm, yeah it could be type casting given where she came from, but could she end up in a lesbian storyline with Hahn and Callie? I don’t know why but I’m expecting Hahn to embrace her woman-loving side while Callie remains iffy, especially if Callie is pregnant with a McSteamy baby.
Brandon Scott (Cold Case) is also joining the show as a new young hot doctor.
Kevin McKidd, who will play the new doctor and Iraq vet, is rumored to become a full cast member. He’s said to be a love interest for Yang this year. It will be good to see Christina with a real story again. Last season all she did was be pissy to everyone and it got old.
Lily Tomlin will join “Desperate Housewives” this season in the recurring role of Mrs. McCluskey’s sister. Tomlin is a Tony and Emmy award winning actress, but is probably best known to an entire generation for the character of Edith Ann, a little girl sitting in a giant chair. The character was often featured on “Sesame Street” and other PBS kid shows.
Source: Playbill / TVGuide.com
Tonight the final two on Big Brother were decided. We saw a recap of Keesha’s exit and Dan explaining he told Keesha about Michelle because he wanted no secrets between them. He also hoped she’d help swing the votes in the house his way.
Dan won the first HOH competition, which was an endurance competition. Dan and Memphis meanwhile played it that that were angry with one another, Dan over what Memphis did to Keesha. Jerry fell for it all. Dan also began worrying as the original plan was for Dan to win the first HOH, but Memphis kept hanging on. Memphis claimed he only did so to make sure Jerry knew he wasn’t throwing it.
Not shown on air: Memphis hung out with Jerry all day and night while Dan stayed in the HOH room. This was to keep up their charade they didn’t like each other.
Jerry and Memphis battled it out in round two playing a speed trivia round, which Memphis won.
We saw Keesha head to the jury hourse to meet her rivals. Renny was glad to see her, but April was just glad to see her lose. Keesha explained that Memphis evicted her, and she felt he was a coward because he was carried through the game by her and others. Everyone in the house watched her DVD and Keesha and Michelle realized Dan worked them both for a vote and to get the house to vote for him too. Keesha and Michelle both felt Dan was a smart player.
The final competition was played live between Dan and Memphis tonight and was a trivia game based on statements the former house guests made about the game. They had to guess an A or B answer for points. The winner and final HOH is Dan.
The live eviction took place and it was no shock that Dan sent Jerry packing. After he left, Dan and Memphis started jumping all around and celebrating.
Jerry talked with Julie, she asked who he’d vote for if he had to vote for now? Jerry felt Dan and Memphis were both good players, he didn’t know who he’d vote for. In his goodbye message, Dan congratulated him for as far as he got and there was no hard feelings between them as far as he was concerned. Memphis also said he thought of him of a friend and he respected how far he got.
Julie made a final important announcement, that America’s Vote is now open and who we chose will win 25K. You can vote now free at CBS.com until Monday.
The finale airs next Tuesday.
So I finally watched this week’s episode of 90210. I just wanted to post some brief thoughts on the episode. In summary, the episode was divided into three story lines. First the Wilson family went to the local bowling alley for family fun night. The son and daughter (Annie and Dixon) ended up inviting all their friends to hang out with them, bored by the idea of spending it with their parents. The second story involved the Jessie SBTB look-a-like Naomi learning her dad was cheating on her mom, which her mom already knew. The final storyline involved Kelly going on a date with the English teacher, while her sister Silver slept in shelters as opposed to her own home with her drunk mom. In the end Kelly confronted her mom and took her sister to live with her.
Maybe it’s that I’m partial to the original characters and show, but Kelly’s storyline was the only one I felt I could get invested in at all. Amanda’s storyline was predictable, and the whole family fun bowling night was a snooze to me.
Kelly did drop more hints about her kids’ father, saying it was someone who she was involved with in high school who came back into her life four years ago, and well things happened. Lately he’s finally taken an interest in being part of her son’s life. Speculation in the chatbox is that the father could be Steve based on Kelly’s comments about him and how serious they once were. Hmmm, interesting idea!
I also loved Kelly confronting her mom over Erin/Silver and taking Silver to live with her. With Brenda back next week, hopefully it will be a little more interesting than this episode was.