The Winner of Big Brother 10!
The final of “Big Brother 10” aired tonight, which involved the jury house asking their questions of the final 2 and then diliberating as to who to vote for and why.
We saw the first six jurors meet as Jerry showed up as the final juror. Jerry explained what happened in the final. Everyone soon realized Memphis and Dan had an alliance and played them all. Everyone soon began arguing, especially with Jerry for failing to put Dan and Memphis up together when he had the chance and sending Renny out. They all discussed who deserved the money. Renny and Keesha felt Memphis was cold and cutthroat. Keesha felt Dan’s best move was to get people to like him, and she does still like him. Michelle however didn’t like how she was sent out, and April felt he was bitter and heartless. Renny said Dan was a very immature young man. Libra pointed out this was a game, and Ollie admitted they played well. Ollie said they had to vote on who played the best game. Michelle knew Dan backdooring her was the best move he could have made. Michelle then talks about the trip and Dan picked her to go on, and how she knew Dan did it to schmooze her. Keesha felt Dan played a better game, Memphis laid back. Jerry said Memphis let Dan do the dirty work, but he was able to get others to do everything for him. April said Memphis played people not competitions, and she felt he played the stronger game. Renny thinks she can’t give Memphis her vote as he never won and HOH and played everyone in here.
The jury members got to ask their questions of the final two. Of the interesting questions, Michelle asked why Dan he picked her for the trip (he said he felt he played dirty with her and wanted to make it up to her) and if the plan to backdoor her was his idea or his alliances (he said partly his, but his alliance also came through). Michelle also wanted to know why she should give Memphis the money when he never won an HOH and purposely threw some, so he said. Ollie asked Dan about the deal and why he did what he did to him. Dan said he had to make whatever deal he could to get him to give up that night. Renny asked Memphis one thing he did for her in the game, but he couldn’t! He claimed he was up front with her and never hid anything from her. Keesha asked Memphis why he picked Jerry over her, and if he has any remorse. Memphis said it was the hardest move he had to make, but from a game standpoint he had to do it. Jerry wanted to know if Dan had any respect for them in the jury house. Dan said he did. Dan and Memphis then got their chance to make their final statements as why they should vote for each of them.
Julie then welcomed the jury out onto the stage to cast their votes. The votes were secretly put it without the audience knowing. The first four members evicted were then brought back to give the jury some comments which they saw watching the TV. Brian told Ollie his temper tantrum was a tad shocking, the same with Michelle attacking Libra being a mother. Steven also said Jerry’s actions calling Dan Judas was pretty terrible, considering he didn’t keep his words either.
Julie told the house that there was no plant, there was no America’s Player all season long, but there was a player for one week. She revealed Dan was AP for one week.
Julie then revealed who the jurors voted for. Libra: Dan, April: Dan, Michelle: Dan, Ollie: Dan! With four votes, Dan won Big Brother 10. Julie did reveal the last 3 votes also went to Dan.
Julie then revealed America’s favorite juror, who won 25K. In second place was Jerry, but the favorite juror was Keesha.
I finally got caught up on this tonight (a week later) and I am so happy that, for once, the person I wanted to see win the $$ did so.
Dan was THE player of all time. The last half-dozen shows I’ve watched in awe as he’s planned, plotted and executed even down to throwing a competition at the right time and convincing Memphis when he should bow to Dan’s victory.
Dan is THE MAN.
At first I didn’t think I’d like him — his voice is a little whiny and he’s not that formidable in appearance. Apparently that worked to his advantage. The tide turned when he gave the pep talks to the players hanging on the wall during the one competition. He is impressive and that’s when the game side of him came out — too bad no one was smart enough to see it.
I’m so glad it was a landslide victory and everyone could appreciate his gameplay vs. Memphis’s coat tail riding.
Congrats to Dan — the best Big Brother player I’ve seen in 10 seasons.
09.22.2008 at 8:10 pm