Big Brother 10: The Final Two!
Tonight the final two on Big Brother were decided. We saw a recap of Keesha’s exit and Dan explaining he told Keesha about Michelle because he wanted no secrets between them. He also hoped she’d help swing the votes in the house his way.
Dan won the first HOH competition, which was an endurance competition. Dan and Memphis meanwhile played it that that were angry with one another, Dan over what Memphis did to Keesha. Jerry fell for it all. Dan also began worrying as the original plan was for Dan to win the first HOH, but Memphis kept hanging on. Memphis claimed he only did so to make sure Jerry knew he wasn’t throwing it.
Not shown on air: Memphis hung out with Jerry all day and night while Dan stayed in the HOH room. This was to keep up their charade they didn’t like each other.
Jerry and Memphis battled it out in round two playing a speed trivia round, which Memphis won.
We saw Keesha head to the jury hourse to meet her rivals. Renny was glad to see her, but April was just glad to see her lose. Keesha explained that Memphis evicted her, and she felt he was a coward because he was carried through the game by her and others. Everyone in the house watched her DVD and Keesha and Michelle realized Dan worked them both for a vote and to get the house to vote for him too. Keesha and Michelle both felt Dan was a smart player.
The final competition was played live between Dan and Memphis tonight and was a trivia game based on statements the former house guests made about the game. They had to guess an A or B answer for points. The winner and final HOH is Dan.
The live eviction took place and it was no shock that Dan sent Jerry packing. After he left, Dan and Memphis started jumping all around and celebrating.
Jerry talked with Julie, she asked who he’d vote for if he had to vote for now? Jerry felt Dan and Memphis were both good players, he didn’t know who he’d vote for. In his goodbye message, Dan congratulated him for as far as he got and there was no hard feelings between them as far as he was concerned. Memphis also said he thought of him of a friend and he respected how far he got.
Julie made a final important announcement, that America’s Vote is now open and who we chose will win 25K. You can vote now free at until Monday.
The finale airs next Tuesday.
TEAM DAN ALL THE WAY! Too bad America doesn’t get a vote for the winner this time 🙁 (America’s player last year)
09.12.2008 at 12:41 am
I also think between the two of them it should be Dan, but even 50, 000 is nothing to laugh at so they are both going to happy. After watching April’s bitter reaction I wish even more it were Dan and Keesha in the final too just to stick it to her and tell her to grow up a little, you’re giving girls a bad name holding a grudge that long come on now!
09.12.2008 at 9:05 am
I want Keesha to win America’s choice, fav player just to see April’s reaction….LOL…and hopefully the jury will play for the better player which was Dan….side note…Did anyone read Dan’s HOH blog? He says that he has one more trick up his sleeve… ( what could it be? Memphis asked Dan NOT to mention the car that he won…dan would be stupid not to, its worth 50,000…also there’s a note to Brian, he got Ollie out now one more to go…
09.12.2008 at 10:59 am
Dan doesn’thave to mention the car, I’m sure April hasn’t shut up about it since finding out Memphis is in the final two. I’m sure she’s telling everyone it alone is worth 1/2 million dollars 🙂
09.12.2008 at 11:20 am
I have the feeling Jerry will win the America’s Choice thing. A lot of people think he was wronged by not getting to go Final Two. At this point, I am not sure who is going to win. Some people could be mad at either Dan or Memphis for the whole Keesha thing. They plainly saw that that was a big set up. I huess we’ll just have to wait and see!!!!
09.12.2008 at 6:30 pm
I hope Renny wins. There is no telling what she will go home to Louisiana and find. A lot has happened since she has been gone.
09.12.2008 at 7:16 pm
I check the big brother updates blog alot and a LOT of people are voting for Keesha it seems because they feel she got screwed and that it would also piss April off. That’s who I voted for!
09.12.2008 at 11:08 pm